for the time being, until i can think of a good use for this page, i will just paste my silent hill infodumps here.
if you would like to know more about the owner of this page, you can find me on /silenthillthree /nixie /angelina or /silenthilltwo !

SILENT HILL 3 STORY DUMP (originally written 9/17/24)

in the end of silent hill 1, the incubator gives harry mason an infant child to take with him away from silent hill, this child ends up becoming the protagonist of silent hill three (silent hill two is unrelated to the plotline of 1 and 3) known to the player as heather mason. originally, heather was named cheryl, although harry had thought this was a mistake and that at the time of naming her he was thinking of his previous child cheryl that ended up being alessas second half.
the incubator handing harry mason an infant

heather mason is a reincarnation of alessa and cheryl, she is the same but also different from her, because of this she is still a target of the order, the religious doomsday(?) cult from the first installment of the franchise as, like alessa, heather is pregnant with the fetus of god however she is unaware. harry likely has no idea she still has god inside her, however regardless if he had an inkling or not, on one of her birthdays he gives her a pendant with crystallized aglaophotis. aglaophotis can be used to expel demons to keep one safe. (this will be important wayyyyyyyy down the line)
heather mason

17 years after her birth, heather finds herself waking up from a nightmare that takes place in the lakeside amusement park of silent hill where she presumably dies in a roller coaster accident. upon waking up, she leave the fast food join she was in and goes to call her dad in the mall and let him know shes on her way home. after calling, she gets bothered by a man named douglas, a private investigator, who unintentionally started the events of the entire game by asking heather to come with him as someone wants to meet and talk to her. (from heathers perspective at least, really its claudia/the orders fault)

heather manages to leave his line of sight and navigate the nightmarish hellscape that is the otherworld mall among other areas and finally returns home, only to see that someone had murdered her father. she follows a blood trail up to the roof where she meets claudia again.

claudia is a member of the order who was sent to look for heather/alessa in hopes of bringing her back to the church to usher in paradise with the birth of god.
claudia wolf girl where are your eyebrows?

when she meets with claudia, heather threatens to kill her. claudia denies her doing that as she isnt the one who killed heathers father, points to the entity that did kill him, and says to follow her to silent hill. upon finishing her business on the roof of her apartment buildings, she sees douglas in her apartment where after an argument, they give an impromptu funeral service of her father and talk about what heather is going to do now.

heather says she is going to go to silent hill so she can get revenge and kill claudia, while douglas disagrees with this course of action because he doesnt think itll do any good, he agrees to drive her there and help her look for claudia. before she gets in his car, she grabs some stun gun batteries and her stun gun to take with her to silent hill for self defense. (i havent mentioned it yet but silent hill games are survival horror lolz)
"When I find her, I'll kill her myself."

upon coming out of the building, douglas says he ran into a guy named vincent who said to look for a guy named leonard. vincent is another member of the order, however he seems to be motivated in ways different to claudia, despite still being a whackass weirdo.

upon arriving to silent hill and sleeping in the inn, douglas and heather part ways to search around. heather goes to the brookhaven hospital where she navigates through the normal world and otherworld hospital to meet leonard, only to end up killing him.

upon killing him, he leaves the symbol of metatron, which later described in the churches library, is a symbol that basically does the order harm. (lol)

after leaving, she returns to the inn they stayed at, only to not find douglas but vincent again. he tells her that douglas is still out and that he is at the church across toluca lake, and the fastest way to the church is through the amusement park from her dream.

she goes to the amusement park, navigating through one of my personal least favorite sections of the game, she meets with douglas whom she finds injured and speaks with him. douglas contemplates killing her there in hopes of ending this entire mess however decides against it, allowing heather to do what she must.
Douglas pointing and aiming a gun to Heather as she walks off

heather leaves douglas per his request to go finish what claudia started, upon entering a merry-go-round, it dives into the ground and starts the boss battle "memory of alessa". (my personal favorite, the symbolism is awesome)
memory of alessa challenging heather

upon finishing this fight, the ride stops with a hole in the earth that leads to a tunnel into the church where heather and claudia meet again. they speak, heather using the fact she is a reincarnation of alessa as leverage attempts over claudia which only seem to fail. claudia leaves to go deeper into the church, leaving heather (who by this point is aware she is carrying god within her) as she writhes in pain on the ground, presumably in pain from her "pregnancy."

upon getting over the pain, heather follows her into the church, stopping in the church library where she meets with vincent again where heather asks if hes just been using her for his own gain. they have a bit of an argument (when have they not, hes weird) and vincent leaves.
"You're the worst person in this room."

she continues her journey into the church and finally reaches the end, upon opening the doors she sees vincent and claudia arguing before witnessing claudia stab (and eventually kill) vincent. claudia and heather speak for a short period, before heather takes out her pendant and consumes the aglaophotis which in this case seems to act like supernatural abortion and expels god from her body.

claudia is shocked by this action and pushes heather away from the fetus before she gets the chance to smash it dead so that she can go forth with the birth of god herself, being joyful she "gets to witness judgement day." she consumes the fetus and falls through the floor, dying and birthing god in the process.
The veiling of God

heather has to fight god, which she does and wins. after killing god, she takes a moment to process everything thats happened in the past day or two (yeah, this takes place over the course of like 24 hours) before going back to check on douglas and say that everything is over.

i will only mention the normal ending as the possessed ending is the bad ending and that i havent done a possessed run.

upon returning and letting him know, she tells him he can start using her original name, cheryl. he agrees and asks what shes going to do, and she states she isnt sure, he follows by asking if shes going to continue keeping up her blonde hair where she retorts by asking if he thinks blondes have more fun. the game ends here.
"I don't know. Don't you think blondes have more fun?"

Pub: 29 Aug 2024 15:00 UTC
Edit: 06 Dec 2024 19:01 UTC
Views: 86
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