Charlie, My buddy.

-- Since day one, you've cared about me, been there for me . I've done the same. You've had rough times, I've been there for you. I've had rough times, you've been there for me. I don't understand how lucky I got to have you as my best buddy. Yes, we might have fights. (rarely though!) But you stick to me like slime. (get it?)

-- I wouldn't trade you for the world. You are just .. amazing. I couldn't ask for a better buddy like you , charlie. I love spending my time with you. You never waste it at all. You're silly, goofy and slimey. Charlie, you would never understand how much I love you. /p

two sillies and a worm

Pub: 27 Aug 2023 08:08 UTC
Edit: 27 Aug 2023 08:09 UTC
Views: 41