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🪐Gemini Home Entertainment🪐 A video distribution company from sleep aid to home safety, somethings wrong.

Local 58 alt text Unsettling news channel, just don't look at the moon.

The Walten Files alt text FNAF esc, but very much its own thing. Old cartoons and training videos.

Generation Loss alt text 4th wall breaking horror, was streamed for audience interaction. Please give it a watch I beg.

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    A cardboard box that opens to release a black smoke, after 20 seconds oragami dragons of Eastern and Western origin made from kami paper will come out, they fly together and playfully interact with nearby personnel and each other posing zero threat. These live and thrive off imagination, this was once a grand and glorious fantasy land, however now they are just a few oragami dragons looking more like oaoer cranes if anything. As said on a note on the box "We will not Forget you. We are scared. Will You Forget Us?" :( this SCP is a VERY psychical metaphor on the death of imagination, as such I will KEEP imagining.
  2. SCP-767 "Crime Scene Photos"
    A collection of crime scene photos with numbers ranging form 1-12, however the numbers are in reverse order to the apparant chronology, photo 7 is a top down view of a table either having "ON THE CEILING" or "ITS ABOVE YOU" written in fresh blood, 4 and 5 is someone facing downwards as they are dragged into the airby dark wisps or smoke or gas, 3 to 1 is a corpse intact, but with heavy lacerations until (data was redacted). Subjects viewing the photos in numbered order will gain increasing paranoia going from 1-3 to 4-6. Upon 7-9 they will have persistent chills and the feeling of being watched, at viewing 10-12 five minutes after the tendrils grab the subject and (data removed) until it appears how the corpse does in photo one
  3. SCP-7025 "You Will Be Killed By a Bus"
    Literally Foundation employees in the North American Great Lakes area are being killed by being in a 100 meters range of busses in motion what do you want from me its funny.
  4. SCP-7337 "Yata no Karasu"
    An American crow that is as smart as a human adult, sheds gold hued feathers and places them on other crows giving them a gold feeather, only takes in crows that have been rejected by other groups and there can be seen a third leg of the crow at the base of the tail feathers. Its literally the yatagaratsu god.
  5. SCP-2123 "I Accidentally the Whole Universe"
    A wholeass partical accelerator. I'm so serious about this.

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𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚢 𝙵𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚜

As the name suggests immortal!! Its one of the only living creatures we know of that is genuinely immortal.
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About 80% of life is found in the ocean, and less of 5% of it is explored!
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Sharks only attack humans out of confusion! Typically biting once then leaving, however like any animal they can be dangerous so be careful :3
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alt tag alt tag !! MORE COMING SOON !!

Pub: 14 Jun 2024 03:25 UTC
Edit: 15 Jun 2024 01:52 UTC
Views: 56