orel any pronouns + fub free
STULTlFERANAVlS <- yume account


  • banyak cocot
  • kadang ngilang
  • main topics = jrpgs + mobage + games
  • harshwords kebanyakan
  • bub 2 break mutual
  • nsfw tweets
interests ayangs
ensemble stars koga oogami
granblue fantasy nezha, primal pals
arknights thorns, elysium, irene, fartooth, andreana, whisperain, weedy
genshin impact diluc, shenhe, varka
fate/grand order ぐだ♂️, katsushika hokusai, van gogh, nobunaga oda
falcom jusis albarea, kurt vander, fie claussell, adol christin, aaron wei, van arkride
final fantasy prompto argentum, noctis lucis caelum, zack fair, aerith gainsborough
misc. games ellie williams, chloe frazer, nathan drake, ventus, vanitas, james kidd (mary read), bayek
kins noctis (ffxv) + thorns (arknights) + diluc and shenhe (genshin impact)
music the weeknd, the neighbourhood, chase atlantic
others oscar isaac

dnf + dni

  • basic dnfi/dni criteria
  • homophobic (anti LGBTQIA)
  • ga bisa respect + opini orang lain
  • aneh
  • adik adik -15 dni/dnf
Edit Report
Pub: 29 Apr 2022 15:59 UTC
Edit: 08 Jul 2022 14:47 UTC
Views: 238