Narcissus , Manamel , or Miswa . I go by she and vir pronouns. I am a alter in a system; 19 years old alterwise. I am a splitroject of Manamel (GBF), Tomoko (P5X), Li Yaoling (P5X), && C.C. (Code Geass). I am very, very fixated on persona 5 x and on Granblue Fantasy:
P5X: KR: 71 LVL with A5 ANN, A1 RIN, and A3 PHOEBE
CN: 65 LVL with A1 S.Moko.
GBF - LVL 107 .
A yumer of Li Yaoling, Lich, Manamel, Raziel, and Ilsa.
I am a erune/kemonomimi ! I love being a part animal and part human ; fox especially.
anime | episodes |
Code Geass | 1/52 (rewatching) |
Yu-Gi-Oh | 13/224 |
Likes Persona 5 x, Granblue Fantasy, Reverse1999 Mutual interests, Rentrymaker, Graphic Dsign Socializing / Yapping, Art lovers, Anime Lovers
I have no byi or dni, go wild. If you're too weird or too wild to me, then it'll result in a block.