>you are having a coffee at your favourite bar
>a brunette girl with curly hairs sits at your table
>she smiles at you and casually starts chatting with you
>she puts up with your stuttering and passiveness
>after she finishes her cappuccino you take a walk
>she brings you over to a secluded neighborhood
>she fumbles some keys into a door until she manages to open it
>with an embarassed laughter she lets you in
>it's a spartan room with just a bed, a small stove and the bathroom
>she wraps her hands around you from behind you
>she begins to feel your body
>awkwardly you turn around and kiss her
>you both hastly undress and get on the bed
>you caress her body in an attempt at foreplay
>she stops you immediately and gets on top of you
>she takes your cock and inserts it in her pussy, no condom
>she takes the lead and mounts your dick like a wild beast
>her movements are uncoordinated and her grunts of pleasure are animalistic
>you are about to cum
>as you get close she stops and her head droops down
>her hairs change color to a shade of light blue
>she raises her head again and gives you a shocked look
>you cannot hold on anymore and you cum inside her
>you watch as her face transforms into a mask of complete despair as your baby batter fills her womb
>she starts trembling and every muscle in her body tenses up
>as you bask in the afterglow she begins to cry
>her body curls in a fetal position as you hold her

Pub: 01 Nov 2023 00:05 UTC
Views: 723