Sweaty Kelsey Threesome

How did they get in this situation? How did the three of them agree to this?
Sunny was in his room with Basil and Kelsey, her lying on his bed, shirt completely removed.
Nobody knew what to say.
"S-so...feel free to touch wherever!" Kelsey started, her body shivering in anticipation.
Sunny and Basil's faces where molten. Neither of them dared to look at each other, but they also couldn't look away from her.
Kelsey couldn't stop shivering. She knows that she says and does outrages things sometimes, but this was...
Sunny reached his hand forward and wrapped it around her right boob.
"Ngh-yah!" She suddenly gasped out, causing Sunny to recoil like his hand was burned.
He froze while looking at her in terror.
"Oh, it's fine, Sunny! Just...got a bit surprised. You can keep touching. You too, Basil!"
The two boys finally looked at each other, and saw how red the others face was.
Both of them felt like they were on the verge of running away, but neither did.
Eventually they both reached out, and started touching Kelsey's chest.
They experimented, with how much they could feel and manipulate the shape of her chest.
Kelsey was doing everything she could to not let out anymore noises, but a few escaped her.
This only seemed to encourage the boys, who started getting more touchy in other places, even feeling up her belly and legs.
Until Sunny discovered that when brushing past her nipples, she let out a noise.
He looked up at Basil, Basil had noticed.
The two boys nodded at each other, before they both started playing with her boobs while pinching her nipples.
"Wha-hey-whoa-ah-!" Kelsey tried to protest, before letting out all sorts of moans instead.
The look on her face was amazing. The boys were almost as absorbed in it as they were playing with her chest.
Finally, she let out a really loud one, before her body started lightly spasming.
The two didn't know what this meant and continued playing with her, causing her to let out even louder moans.
This could go on for a while...
Kelsey was left taking heavy breaths, stretched out on the bed.
Sunny and Basil were enamored by the irregular rising and falling of her chest.
"H-hey..." Kelsey panted out, and they looked at her.
"Could you...hah...down there?" She asked.
Both boys looked at each other, before coming to a silent agreement of sorts.
Sunny moved to where her legs were, and slowly started pulling down her shorts and panties.
She was soaked. Wow...
He had an idea of what he was supposed to do, but...would it be okay?
He looked up at Kelsey's face. She met his gaze, and realized he was asking permission.
"G-go ahead...Sunny..."
With that, Sunny pushed his face up to her entrance and reached his tongue in.
The sound she let out shook them, but he kept going.
It tasted odd, but not bad...? Sunny kept going.
Basil watched in amazement, looking between Kelsey's chest, face, and Sunny.
Basil had an idea. Maybe he could try something similar. He bent forward, and wrapped his mouth around her left tit as he fondled the other.
"Wh-oh-oh-ah~!" Kelsey feebly covered her mouth with her hands, and wrapped her legs around Sunny's head.
She kept climaxing, letting more odd tasting liquid onto Sunny's tongue as he kept going. Basil kept playing with her breasts while tasting them for himself.
Kelsey couldn't stop convulsing, her stomach rising and falling rapidly, her chest bouncing under Basil's hands and mouth, legs shaking around Sunny's head, she was in ecstasy.
Her face looked like it was melting.
"E-enough!" She finally let out, releasing her legs from around Sunny, as both boys stopped.
She looked at Sunny. A pleading, desperate look in her eyes.
"Please..." She begged.
Sunny backed up, and took off his shorts, and underwear. He was...ready.
Kelsey kept shivering, watching as Sunny lined up with her. She kept her hands over her mouth, hoping it could stop whatever noise she made.
Basil watched, knowing he needed to let this play out.
Finally...Sunny plunged in.
The moan she let out would be seared into their ears.
It was so wet, there was barely any friction, he could easily move in and out, hearing her let out heavenly noises with each thrust.
He held on to her legs as he pulled her in and out, while thrusting in and out, his head being overwhelmed by heat and warmth and pleasure.
They were all so sweaty. The room was hot, the window was closed to not let too much noise out, they didn't have a fan, they're faces were red, it was hot and sweaty.
Kelsey's face, her tanned skin, her ample breasts, her belly, her legs, she was covered in sweat, some of which was getting shaken off her.
It didn't take too long before Sunny let out his first load into her, another climax reverberating throughout her body.
It took all of Sunny's strength to not fall over, wanting to continue on. His head started to clear a little.
Oh crap, he made a mistake, didn't he? He shouldn't have done that, shouldn't he?
What if she gets...that might be...well...he'd promise to take responsibility for his actions, he wouldn't run away.
But they should probably stop?
After about a minute of catching their breath, Kelsey looked up at him with watery eyes, practically begging for more.
There was no way he could stop.
Sunny noticed Basil, who was left off to the side. He couldn't leave his best friend out of this...
Sunny had an idea. He started to scooch himself and Kelsey back a little.
Basil noticed what he was doing, realizing he was being asked to join in. Basil placed himself on the bed, between Kelsey and the headboard.
Kelsey's unfocused eyes widened, but she didn't even think of protesting.
She opened her mouth, ready to-
Basil practically thrust it in, into her throat as Sunny thrusted in again.
Kelsey's mind blanked, unable to keep up with all these sensations. Her body was practically on auto pilot.
She felt overstimulated down there, she could barely focus on licking and tasting, her eyes wouldn't focus, and her body felt like it was on fire.
She could barely breath, she sometimes felt something around her boobs, and she could of sworn one of them must have licked her belly.
This was...beyond anything...she could have known existed...
At some point, she felt more warmth going inside her, and down her throat. It tasted nice, and felt good...
After what might as well have been no time at all, it started again.
The only conscious thought she had during the whole thing was "What a sucky way to die this would be, hahahaha~"
Completely naked, the three of them lay in one big, sweaty pile, Kelsey's arms weakly wrapped around the two boys.
Kelsey had drool running down her mouth, and her face looked like it had permanently melted, even if that wasn't the case.
Sunny had expended too much energy, and couldn't move. He felt like he was going to perish in the heat, and couldn't open the window if he tried.
Basil was happy, and deeply regretted not having gone back to get his camera before this all happened.
Somehow...the three of them fell asleep like that, in a bed that barely fit them, probably going to suffer from some form of heat stroke.

Pub: 04 Apr 2022 06:20 UTC
Views: 786