XP System (S2) [draft version]

Collect XP points

  • Separate XP counters
    • Offensive military XP (OXP) (double points in WAR, 1/4th points against food)
    • Defensive military XP (DXP) (double points in WAR, PEACE-WAR, WAR-PEACE)
    • Probes XP (will be postponed for future rounds)
  • XP gains
    • Should depend on points used to offend or defend target kingdom
    • Early game XP points gradually lose their weight, because late game numbers are bigger
    • XP points will be accumulated on KD level, but also same amount of points will be added to sector XP counter(s)
    • XP bonuses will be updated only at the tick turn

XP gains formula

OXP_GAIN = Offensive_points / 200
DXP_GAIN = MIN(Offensive_points, Defensive_points) / 200


  • attacker makes 200K points worth failed attack, defender DXP gain is +1000, attacker OXP gain is +1000
  • attacker sends 140k offense against food kd with 120K points defence, OXP gain is +175 (140K / 200 / 4)

Benefit from the XP system

  • This is open topic for discussions...

Individual kingdom economy bonus

Income bonus = 10% * (KD_OXP / TOP1_KD_OXP)^2, range [0%, +10%] or [0%, +20%]

  • top1 ranked by OXP kingdom will gain 10% or 20% bonus. I am open for discussions, I don't want to risk too much for very first round balance wise.

Sector Defence bonus, when DXP > OXP

R = ((DXP / OXP) - 1), range [0, 2]
Defence bonus = 20% * R, range [0%, +40%]
Defensive loses = -1% * R, range [0%, -2%]
Offender XP gains reduction = XP_GAIN * (1 / (1 + R))

  • It should help beaten down sectors, e.g. when sector's Defensive XP (DXP) is much bigger than Offensive XP (OXP)
  • Initiative for random kingdoms to join certain (beaten down) sector for XP bonuses
  • Initiative not to focus on a single sector in 2+ vs 2+ wars
  • Newly joined kingdoms don't transfer XP from previous sector, nor add XP to the new sector
  • Given significant OXP gains from the food, DXP bonus will not kick-in immediately, even at 3v1 wars
  • Should enable defensive loses below 5% (3% would be a minimum).

...and what about probes
Let's leave it for future improvements.


  • Late starters don't have a chance to gain some economy bonus (might be improved for round after next)
  • It might be possible to track top offensive points, by tracking XP gains (DXP and OXP values might be rounded before showing it up)

Final words
XP system is not easy to balance from very beginning, so we start small and make it better based on players feedback.
I also have to note, I may adjust Sector Defence bonuses, when round is in progress and something doesn't work as intended. Please, understand, this will be test round for the XP system.

Pub: 20 Nov 2021 19:47 UTC
Edit: 20 Nov 2021 22:48 UTC
Views: 203