⠀⠀⠀Welcome to Nicole ' s Extended Rentry 。。♡⠀Here you will find all the information needed about me. I go by many names﹐but I do not mind if you default to NicoLua or Honey 〜 My pronouns are She⠀ノ⠀They⠀;⠀Although I am okay with others﹐those are my defaults !⠀I prefer the term unlabled due to confusion on gender / sexuality﹐but please note I am not cishet at all. I am Autistic ﹠ suffer from SchizoaffectiveBPD + Others ; these may affect how I interact with others. I hope we can get along !

⠀⠀⠀I am Native Latine﹐specifically Puerto Rican. I am fluent in both EnglishSpanish﹐ but I am learning JapaneseKorean. Learning languages is one of my interests so I ' m currently trying to learn as many as I can ^_^ . I heavily identify with the aesthetics ﹠ mannerisms of Cats﹐Vampires﹐Dolls﹐RabbitsSeraphs . I have a slight " typing quirk " ( However , if you have a heavy typing quirk , I kindly ask that you don ' t interact with me unless you ' re willing to provide translations . ) that consists of me spacing special character ' s out . . . I try to do it as much though ! Sometimes I ' m just based 〜

⠀⠀⠀I have many interests⠀。。。 Due to my autism﹐I heavily latch onto these ^_^ I am quite defensive of RWBY , Markiplier , ﹠ Felines⠀。。。 I would rather prefer you don ' t interact if you think you like these more than me ! Normal fans are welcomed ﹠ I will be more than delighted to talk about them with you 〜 I might get uncomfortable if you talk about these in front of me too much though﹐but exceptions will be made to close friends . ♡⠀More of my interests include Dead By DaylightResident EvilMonster Hunter ﹠ others. Interests that I indulge in for the characters only are Genshin ImpactIdentity V . I do not condone any of the problematic material in these ﹠ simply have interests on the characters 〜 .

Pub: 22 Jul 2021 19:01 UTC
Edit: 31 Jan 2025 15:35 UTC
Views: 3108