carbons fuckass easy to read rentry idk.

wife ouuhhh i love my wife ahhhhh


hiiii im carbon/charlie . i use he him pronouns. I AM 14 YEARS OLD BTW. more of my gender/identity/whatever stuff is on my prns dot cc. im seasian (Chinese-Malaysian to be specific) but i was borned + raised in australia if u gaf.

i have some mental disorders but the main guys are like. autism and bpd probably. if i act weird its probably bc of that. bc of my autism i might need tone indicators sometimes but that's not required unless i ask so yeah .

im the number one mcr fan btw. #autism #i love gatekeeping


NO DNI. I block freely (Which includes doubles of my f/os if i dont want to share)
I am really annoying ab my interests and am a massive hater. I mispell words a lot (purposefully sometimes). I get bored of convos easily, so dont be mad if i start replying a little dryly. i block freely. i act lik a grammar police (jokingly). I have nsfw humor, kys/kms humor + other dark jokes like that (i try to not do it on this acc much)!! i may forget to use tonetags. please dm me if i make you uncomfortable/follow someone sucky (theres no guarantee i will unfollow them if i believe u dont have a valid reason) i am autistic- as a result i am a little gatekeepy about some of my interests. gomen. i believe following doesn't equal endorsement!!
i will block you if i am on your dni/ i find you weird in general


i love my moots. esp if their names are
vievie, saven, seven, arella, NYXPISS, gedis, PEELENI, kit, dust, rhin, cheri, aspen, devin, allen, kono,baguette, esther, leste, moonie,sav (sebastian's wife),cheesecake,pine,zai,juney
if u want to be added to this list uhhh feel free to ask :3

as for my socials

peniiparkerz on twt (main)
invadercarbon on twt,insta,youtube,tiktok,pinterest,tumblr (art/main)
dm for twtpriv (I wont give unless we are BROS)

Pub: 22 May 2022 19:39 UTC
Edit: 07 Feb 2025 22:30 UTC
Views: 111