
image sleeping angel sys image image collective: vivi | osdd-1b | bodily: 2005, white, afab

image alters:
° brainmades:
— gaia: host-core, she/they, grows with body
— lulu: protector-gatekeeper-trauma holder, he/him, 25
— (little) gaia: persecutor-core, she/her, 6-12
° introjects:
— ash (oc): protector-companion, he/him, grows with body
— evi (1, 2): verbal protector, she/her, grows with body
— raven/rae (1, 2): protector, she/they, grows with body

image other things:
° our collective is vivi but "ruby" and "gaia" are still fine :)
° they/them collective
° not all alters listed (all 15 on simply plural)
° we're fine with kins of our sources but might trigger a bit at first
° don't simp heavily for our sources when we're around please
° gaia, little gaia, ash, edward and lulu are neurodivergent

image sleeping-angel on simply plural image


Pub: 05 Jun 2024 14:41 UTC
Edit: 05 Jul 2024 19:15 UTC
Views: 686