"»Oh, all my emotions Feel like explosions when you are around«

Bruno/Zeke, I know you will find or read this eventually, quit being a creep and stop stalking me and my friends.

☆°。 BYI 。˚ ☆

• I have a low social battery I will a͟l͟m͟o͟st͟ never interact first. • I make KMS/KYS jokes (sometimes detailed) so please tell me if they make you uncomfortable • I am a OSDD system with over 100 alters, many of my alters are introjects from media. Treat them as you would any other person. • I'm bad at conversation and may come off as dry unless a friend is there interacting with me as well. Please don't take this as me not liking you. • I'm neurodivergent and struggle with tone, please be patient • I IRL multiple characters from media, if this makes you uncomfortable or if you are going to be rude it's best you don't interact. • I use sarcastic humor a lot, if you would prefer tone tags please tell me. I am psychotic and delusional

⊹𓂃Ꮺ DNI ࿐* ·

Basic DNI Criteria • If you reality check or fakeclaim people • If you support or willingly interact with people who proship. • Anti-xenogender and neopronouns Funny Valentine and Stroheim fans or supporters.

«And I've found a way to kill the sounds, oh»

Pub: 30 Jul 2023 09:32 UTC
Edit: 01 Dec 2023 20:19 UTC
Views: 877