A Real Slimeball(s)


Notes: A low-level adventurer engages with a slime, just like the start of any story, but this slime is a bit more 'anatomically correct' than most.
Inspired by this image from bearthing: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6283718

You are a newly-minted adventurer out in the woods, exploring near a cliffside. You've been out for most of an afternoon taking on small enemies finding things for people from the nearby village to make a name for yourelf, but you made a bad call on the weather, and some pretty heavy rain blows in. Without much in the way of water protection, you decide to dip into a cave for rain. After exploring a little ways in and finding little of note, you decide to go back and sit near entrance to leave. But, the path forward is blocked by slimes. Normally, these are the most non-threatening things you could find short of a plain rock, but with water from the rain and the sheer numbers, this matchup doesn't look great for you. You try to go further into cave, only to be met by more slimes from that direction. They converge on you and begin to capture you.

You are stuck in a large blob of slimes with your front facing out, arms & legs restrained and submerged. Then, a larger slime with a more defined humanoid shape walks towards you from deeper in the cave. Looks like a well defined, semisolid naked woman (vs more liquid approximations from weaker slimes) made of nearly-transparent dark blue gelatin, with one large exception. Between the slime's legs is a thick 12-inch cock, and two balls hanging below it, each as large as her breasts. Even stranger is that these balls don't seem to be just a simple construct of slime: inside of the translucent blue sack, you can see that the massive testicles are real. With epididymides on top and even complete with tubes going up to what must be a prostate, this slime somehow has a fully functional package.

As she approaches, you see that the slime futa has a distressed, hazy look on her face, like her mind isn't all there right now. You hear her start to speak: "Breed..., need...warm..., fuck...breed...hole". Her thick blue cock twitches and leaks as she approaches you, her eyes fixed on your dick and balls, freed after the smaller slimes removed all your gear and tossed it at a wall. You fear that this slime must have developed some kind of heat or breeding rut from having the actual organs to do so, but your fear is combined with confusion when the shimmering blue futa walks up to you and doesn't start motioning towards your ass, instead frotting and rubbing her glistening prick all over and around yours. As her cool slime glides around your cock, the heat of your skin seems to entice her even more. She then moves back and starts lathering your cockhead with the tip of her larger member. You are confused as pleasure slowly builds from the sensation on your tip, as the slime seems to be pressuring more and more just at the end of your dick.

Suddenly, she slips forward, the tip of her thick cock entering your urethra. Despite how much you would expect it to hurt, you don't feel any pain. You look down, and see that, while your cock has been stretched and bulged slightly from the insertion, its more that her cock has compacted itself to be able to slide into your urethra. The cool, compacted slime leaves your cock feeling very full where it extends to. She groans in pleasure and stays put, leaving herself time to get used to the heated hole she was craving. After several seconds, she begins to push forward, slowly feeding more of her cock into you. As the slime is being compacted, it goes further into your urethra than a solid object would, with one inch of her length being spread forward into multiple within your cock. By the time you feel her cockhead push inside of your groin, it looks like she's only inserted about a third of her length. The slime-cock inside of you has been warming very quickly, so it's much more pleasant when her cockhead slides its way into your prostate, her tip expanding slightly from the extra space inside. She continues to slowly push forward, her expression softening as the warmth she speaks begins to surround her length.

The slime futa's cocktip feels odd as it begins to prod and stretch inside your prostate. The similar stimulation of orgasmic contractions without the heat or muscle movement is alien, but still pleasurable to have you start spasming and hitching your breath.The semisolid slime eventually expands to where you feel it poke the bottom of your bladder, but she suddenly stops after prodding there. She mutters "No... can't breed... wrong...", and appears to try to concentrate. You feel her cockhead begin to twist and morph inside of you, ending up with the feeling of two slightly smaller ends instead of the larger one she started with, poking into either side of your prostate. She begins to slowly push herself into you again, and the pace at which she is doing it is starting to feel very good. After several moments she begins to slow down, and begins to withdraw from you, the sheath of slime sliding out of your cock as she does so.

You feel the fluid futa's cock continue to split off into each direction, confused, until you feel them begin to gain purchase into something. As she jerks forward in small thrusts, the sensations get even closer to the clenching of an orgasm. From looking through her translucent membrane at the prostate suspended behind her dick, you gulp as it seems she might be entering the tubes to your balls. You hear a muffled "hmm" from her, and feel the wetter, more solid pressure as she starts to push her hips forward.The concern only holds for a few seconds as her thrusts finally gain purchase, and begin further compressing her cock (cocks, now) to start sliding down your vas deferens. Despite getting even warmer, the slime futa is starting to lose her composure, no doubt beginning to get lost in the pleasure of fucking one of the deepest, tightest holes possible. You groan as the slim tubes of slime stretch your ducts, eventually becoming visibly blue in your groin as they make their way down towards your waiting sack.

Even despite how much she has fed into you, the compression means that a quarter of her length is still left until she hilts you, but she's certainly not done. Though the sensation of most of your cock being fucked wracks you with pleasure, there is a building concern as to what happens once her tips will get to your balls to keep your mind thinking. Unfortunately, this resistance is short lived, as her tips enter your epididymides. The fresh sperm begin to get pushed back down towards your balls along the way as they do, and once the cool blue heads of the slime girls cocks tap against the entrance of your testicles, your vision blurs and you can't help but go limp.

The futa is barely coherent at this point as well, just moaning and groaning instead of broken words and phrased about fucking and breeding. She leans forward for a slow, powerful thrust, which gives the last bit of purchase for her cockheads to enter your balls. The slight, growing blue bulge would be visible were you not in a complete haze. Due to the pressure and flow involved, the tips seem to split further, worming their way into your septa as your nuts swell with the intrusion. At this point, she finally forces the last of her length into yours, for a full penetration of all of your most intimate parts. Your mind shuts down for awhile under the stimulation, as she begins to thrust. All this fluid, slipping and sliding inside your urethra, your prostate, vas deferens, and even in your balls, the reproductive system visible in the slime girl's hips are completely overtaking your own in a mindbreaking mirror match.

However, this is short-lived, as the already pent-up goo girl resorts to the frantic, dogged thrusts of someone nearing climax. The testicles in her dark blue sack can be seen to twitch and slosh, with her own internal tubing filling with precum that quickly permeates your system to make things somehow even more slick than they were. With each push, her cock suffuses your balls deeper and deeper, eventually wearing down the resistance of the last tubes of your testes, fucking open the last bit of space left: the place where your sperm is made. As she truly bottoms out in you, she plunges a hand into her own pelvis and squeezes her prostate completely, in desperation for release.

And the release certainly came. Your already hazy mind barely even processes the violent pulsing of her slime inside you, too submerged in pleasure to notice her balls contracting in their translucent sack like a bellows pump, beginning her orgasm. A deluge of dense, pent-up spunk begins to jet at high speed thru the goo girl's tubes, with enough force to inflate her own prostate even while she grips it. There is an immediate burst of heat and fullness, as the cum rushes down her cock into yours, distending and further filling out her cock as it goes. As it splits into your vas deferens, the stream becomes even more forceful due to the smaller space. The her pressurized load eventually makes its way to your balls with a visible impact, swelling the tops as the further pressure forces it down to the 'tip' of her cock that's embedded in the deepest parts.

Your mind is too hazy from the climax and the sudden transition into a warm, soft, slippery, daze to really register any of this, but it doesn't really matter. As the flood of spunk finally reaches the end of the branching path thru your tubes, your balls begin to balloon outwards as they are filled from the inside to out near-instantly. Regardless of how much of your sperm was in your balls before, they're instantly outnumbered 100 to 1 by the slime girl's blue-tinged swimmers. After the first several spurts, the pressure in your testes is so great that all the sperm is beginning to fuse together into larger and larger cells, still struggling for space.

Up until this point, you had been moaning and convulsing along with the goo girl, both caught in the rapture of her orgasm, but then you feel something 'change' and you go fully limp and drooling at the sensation of it. All of the pressure and thorough fucking of your deepest parts had worn down and finally gotten to your spermatogonia, with her swimmers now piercing and entering your sperm-producing cells faster than they could regenerate. Every last one is gradually entered, right around the time that your existing sperm is finally all absorbed by her growing and fusing seed. But oddly enough, even though your overtaken sperm factories have been penetrated, they don't become larger sperm. As her genetic material continues to pour directly into your nuts, the purpose changes: what were once potential sperm cells are now slime cores, and your testes are now wombs for them to grow.

But despite meeting her goal of breeding, the slime girl's orgasm is not nearly over. As her balls continue to clench and pulse more seed into you, they shrink as yours grow, with your sac beginning to pick up a slight blue-purple tint. By the time she finally slumps forward onto you and the slime pile you're stuck in, your balls are each the size of your head, heavy as lead from being filled with dense, compressed spunk, still occasionally churning from the wriggling of the sperm.

Once your mind recovers enough, you find yourself naked and exhausted near the edge of the cave. From what you can tell, its been a few days since you were filled by the slimes. Your balls have shrunk somewhat, with a slow stream of bluish cum leaking out of your slightly-gaped cock to relieve some of the pressure, but they're still very large & heavy. It seems like they left your clothes & belongings nearby, as well as a small pile of fruit. You wonder why, and guess that they just needed to breed you and be done with it. You dress yourself and start to find your way back towards a town, taking frequent breaks to attempt to lighten the load in your groin.

You might find yourself able to produce your own cum again sometime in the future, but only after birthing a great deal of daughters for the the strange futa slime. You vow never to go to that cave again, (unless...)


Pub: 02 Oct 2022 03:24 UTC
Views: 1105