
DO NOT sexualize my art, EVER. I am made heavily uncomfortable by these kind of comments, go be freaky over my art and designs in private and don't get me involved in it for fucks sake.
⠀⠀ Saying things such as “Can I marry your version of XYZ character” is iffy to me, but as long as you keep it SFW then its fine...
I sometimes act irrationally and strangely, mainly due to stuff I'd rather not say. Also despite how formally written these pages are, I do NOT type formally like 90% of the time. I just write like this on here for easier read.
I don't participate in game nights often due to my fatigue and pain spikes.
⠀⠀Talking about that, I may not be very quick at replying due to said fatigue and pain. Please be understanding about this or I will scoop your eyes out with a spoon 💞
I am a system, which basically means “multiple identities in one body” to explain it simply: My personality, way of typing, opinions on something, and overall identity may change suddenly, especially when something stressful happens. If you're a close friend of mine (I.E. we talk often) then feel free to ask for my SimplyPlural account!
Please be patient with me, I die everytime I don't recieve attention for 30 minutes </3


They're not really frequently asked but whatever.

⠀Q001- “What drawing program do you use?”
⠀A001- Ibis Paint X, more specifically a pirated version of it with prime. I'm a pirate, ark.

⠀Q002- “What editing program do you typically use?”
⠀A002- It depends. If it's a joke edit then I use Capcut; If it's a "serious" edit (Think the ones I posted a while ago on YT) then I use Alight Motion.

⠀Q003- “Is it canon that XYZ entity does XYZ thing?”
⠀A003- I can't really answer these types of questions since I didn't create most if not any of the entities for games that I'm "moral support" for. I can TRY to give speculative answers about it, but I'd prefer you ask the actual devs of the game.

⠀Q004- “Can we speak in DMs?”
⠀A004- If you're a stranger, I'd prefer only to speak in DMs if its something very important or if you have any questions about characters I created. Other then that, then sure, I don't really mind.

⠀Q005- “Why does your personality // way of speaking // name change so much?”
⠀A005- As stated earlier, I am a system. I won't get too in-depth with it in public, but just know only 2 or so alters front relatively often. If you know who's fronting, refer to us via the current fronter's name; If you don't know who's fronting, then feel free to refer to us via either of our online names (177 or Cup).

⠀Q006- “What's up with the double slashes and ampersands and stuff?”
⠀A006- I dunno, it's just easier to read for me.

000 || 001 || 002

Pub: 19 Feb 2024 02:24 UTC
Edit: 25 May 2024 05:36 UTC
Views: 393