ummm hi :silly_excited: hi camdeeennnnn. you're at school and i'm at school. and you left for your class i think so now i'm bored. and i write whenever i'm bored. also ... its so cold in this classroom wtf dude :4tbh_cry: im literlally gonna die my hands are pretty much numb. anyways. today we are going to CALL!!!!! and your mom is going to talk to me. i know you said she's nice and i know you said she'll like me but i'm still so nervous ... i'm horrible around adults because well. Most Don't Really Like Me^tm. im really awkward around them sorry ... but after thats done we get to watch a silent voice!!!!! youll enjoy it i swear :3 its so so so good it made me cry. like full on sobbing. its so emotional??? its my favorite movie .. but thats off topic though sorry. i'm also really happy that they dont mind that we're sort of online. or if they do mind, they havent openly expressed that. which is cool too. they sound really reasonable and stuff ... i know i said i was nervous just a moment ago but i'm also super excited!!! like excited in the way you get kind of scared. if that even makes sense. but i know you'll probably get it anyways because you always understand me even when i make no sense. i just really really reallu want your mom to like me. but if today goes well, we can call anytime we want which also makes me super happy ... we could maybe call every single day ?!?! or maybe every other day. i just really really reaallly like hearing your voice ... and i know you like mine too!! which makes me feel so happy. i really hate mine uuughhhhh it cracks all the time and its so awkward and i sound like. MICKEY MOUSE!!!! on steroids. but if you like it then it's okay ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) i really like your laugh too. its so quiet and stuff and it just sounds so cute. your whole voice is cute. i love your voice. and pretty much everything about you. even the parts you detest i'll love them for you now and forever and ever and ever. and ITS SO COL D IN THIS CLASS WAHHHHHHH my fingers are so numbbbb at ghis point autocorrect is doing the typing not me. i dont really know the point of this letter tbh. i write because ... i know you like it!! and because it helps me get all ny thoughts out ^_^ and you dont have to write anything back!!! you being happy is like a gift in itself. because thats kind of all i wanna do for you yk. if i can make you as happy as you make me then we're even ૮꒰ ˊᗜˋ ꒱ა although .. maybe some nitro would be nice ... (/silly) IM JUST JOKING OKAY i already feel bad about the nitro you gave me for christmas. huhehhahehaahuh .. you didnt have to .. i really didnt need anything last christmas .. but you gave it to me anyways. im kind of tearing up at th e thought. i also feel kinda stupid about rhe mikurin graphics i made you .. THOSE WERE SI CHEAP I MADE THOSE IN IBIS PAINT BECAUSE I PANICKED WHEN IT WAS DEC 20 IM REALLY SORRY. but uou liked them anyways and im glad you did!! I LOVE YOU SOMUCH!!! i cantwait to calllllllll .. ookay bye (˶ ˘ ³˘)ˆᵕ ˆ˶)

Pub: 08 May 2024 16:32 UTC
Views: 118