Chapter 7 Do you know?

Kokona : But now, I think I’m glad that I moved here.

Kokona : Otherwise, I wouldn’t have met Shizuka and surely, I wouldn’t have joined Sirius either.

Panda : Koko-chan..

Kokona : Do you know? Everyone in Sirius is really amazing.

Kokona : Panda is always watching over everyone. And I’ve been helped many times by that friendliness.

Kokona : Sasuga-chan is very composed and more mature than me, As for Yae-chan I couldn’t help but rely on her.

Kokona : Katrina-chan never overlooks me when I’m feeling down. Shizuka-chan guides the actor me to stand on the dazzling stage.

Kokona : That’s why I will…

Kokona : Put my absolute best every day to catch up with everyone.

Chisa : Nee.. Kokona.

Kokona : What’s wrong ? Sasuga-chan?.

Chisa : Do you know ? Kokona is really amazing.

Kokona : …!

Chisa : Kokona is always sincere and honest, a hardworking and humble kid.

Chisa : I often find it hard to concentrate, there are times my mind gets distracted to other things.

Chisa : Kokona is different, Kokona is always, no matter what obstacle ahead she will overcome it.

Chisa : I feel like I’m learning something by watching your back.

Yae : If that’s the case, let me say it too. Kokona’s amazing point.

Kokona : Eh? Yae-chan also?

Yae : Kokona-san is friendly and easy to talk to. Maybe I should say she’s very genuine?

Yae : That’s why I unconsciously find myself spoiled and rely on her.

Yae : But, Kokona-san maybe doesn’t realize this.

Kokona : Yae-chan…

Panda : From the first time I see Koko-chan I think she has this captivating charm that attracts people?

Panda : Or something like that.

Panda : But when I talked to her she’s just an ordinary girl. She even laughs a lot at Panda’s antics.

Panda : Today she’s also very interesting.

Panda : Once again I think I’m very grateful that Koko-chan joined Sirius.

Panda : That’s what I thought.

Kokona : Waaaa….

Panda : Uwaah…! W-Wait, Koko-chan?

Yae : Kokona-san, please don’t cry at a place like this.

Chisa : Panda made her cry, I saw it.

Panda : N-No I didn’t! It’s not my fault!

Kokona : (My daily life wasn’t easy indeed, but..)

Kokona : (I’m glad that I overcame it all, that’s what I think)

(Flashback Middle School Kokona)
Kokona : Is it okay for me to stay like this..?

Shizuka : The night is long that never finds the day.

Kokona : That’s… From Macbeth?

Shizuka : No matter how hopeless the dark night is, the sunshine of hope will always shine at the end.

Shizuka : If you continue your endeavor, the good times will wait for you at the end.

Kokona : Is that true?

Shizuka : Yes, that’s true.

Shizuka : I will make it so.

Pub: 21 Nov 2023 09:08 UTC
Views: 40