ᵔᵔ Ludociel /r  。

Hi, my love. I know I can be a lot, so thank you for sticking with me although of how difficult I am. You mean so much to me, I love you so so much. I have my days where I don't want to exist online, and where I'm busy, but it doesn't mean I don't miss you during that time not does it mean I don't love you. I want to spend time with you and I enjoy our time together a lot, even if I'm more irritable than the word itself. I'm sorry I'm so difficult with you and tend to be too harsh. You're so smart and kind with me, I can't explain how much I appreciate it. You'll always have a spot in my heart that no one could even get a chance at taking. Sure, we're just teenagers so it's "pointless" and "weird" to say this, but I hope you're my last, I hope we last and everyone looks at us with not surprise that we're still together but at how we started this young. Thank you for sticking with me through everything - all the toxicity I've been around and just every high and low. I love you so much. Thank you for loving me even when I feel impossible to love and should be. Every moment with you means much more than you believe it does. If soulmates exist, I hope you're mine. If nothing comes after death and life is all pointless, it doesn't feel that way as long as I have you. Thank you for trying to reassure me even when I'm annoyingly stubborn and won't listen, thank you for being around even when I'm incapable of talking about anything other than a hyperfixation that you hate. I love you. Your birthday is still my phone password. I see us everywhere I look, everything I watch, everything. "Would he like this?" often. "That's so us lmao" even more often. I constantly look for characters that remind me of you and one I relate to, just to ship them and read about them, as if it was us.

ᵔᵔ Fenrir /a  。

Oh, the bound great wolf, son of Loki, avowed foe of Odin, I thank you for how you bring me comfort and assistance in my time of need. I long to learn how to defend myself effectively while also learning the ability to strike against those who would do me harm; I ask of your assistance and presence in this journey. I thank you for any lessons you bestow to me, whether challenging or gentle. Your guidance and presence mean much to me. Thank you, Lord Fenrir. Hail Loki's wolf‑son, mightiest of sorrows, who would devour all, light and dark, with gleaming razors and hot breath, a never‑ending feast of spilled blood, shining guts, torn and rent flesh there at the threshold of madness. Hail, child of the Witch Queen, wildest son of the Iron Wood, blood‑tinged, red‑eyed, pain‑driven beast bound fast and wyrd‑wrapped in rage, as tears roil around you in a great salt sea there on the underside of the subconscious. Hail to you who are chaos uncontrollable, without compromise, without shame, fear's ending and love's devourer, biding your time until time's end, silent in shadows, merciless in patience, there at the borders of the underworld. Hail to Fenrir, he who exists at the terminus of the senses, waiting, waiting for the worlds to crumble, for the rejoicing in destruction and the shattered spear and sword, there at the ending of all things.

ᵔᵔ Strawhat Pirates /p  。

..Yes I'm using fictional characters because I have no friends. Anyhow, they give me sm comfort. I love them.They've been one of my very few comforts recently, and I'm finding them to be important, grounding, and useful for some admittedly poor coping mechanisms. I love them.

Pub: 02 Oct 2022 10:19 UTC
Edit: 03 Dec 2024 05:13 UTC