Snoble Story Summary

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Date Detail
31/05/2024 Added story summaries as of Snowbreak version
27/04/2024 Added story summaries as of Snowbreak version, updated text in on 29 April in green

Main Stories & Event Stories

Note Episode Summary
Chapter 1 CH01EP01 Having returned to Yggdrasil, (You) found that he had been in a coma for 3 years on the space station and had memories that didn't belong to him. Tau, the boss of the company, promised him that the memory issue would be solved. In exchange, (You) must become an Adjutant.
Chapter 1 CH01EP02 Together with the Valkyrie Games stars Lyfe and Fenny, who had already become well-trained Heimdall Force fighters after the The Descent, the Adjutant formed a team and entered the Containment Zone.
Chapter 1 CH01EP03 The team's mission was to recover the transport rocket within the Containment Zone. While they were on the way to their destination, the Containment Zone suddenly started having The Snow, then a giant Titan Ymir appeared in the Snow. Influenced by it, Lyfe displayed severe symptoms of being Flooded...
Chapter 1 CH01EP04 The team found the transport rocket after dealing with Lyfe being Flooded, yet Fenny discovered the Coyotes had stolen some weapons in the rocket. To prevent the Coyotes from returning, the team decided to stay where they were and wait for the backup that the Adjutant had called for.
Chapter 1 CH01EP05 The Coyotes leader who took the weapons sold them to the Coyote Alpha, Ye. Ye then mentioned he wanted to see the Coyotes' Ni-Type Mech. Within 5 minutes, Ye seemed to already have understood everything.
Chapter 1 CH01EP06 The team defeated the Coyotes' mech and learned where the weapons were being hidden from the driver. The team discovered a cryo pod there by surprise, containing a girl sleeping with Juvenile Crystalosis. The Adjutant suddenly recalled a memory when Juvenile Crystalosis was mentioned...
Chapter 2 CH02EP01 Having fainted, the Adjutant woke up at the company and learned that the conflicting memories caused him to pass out. After leaving the hospital room, the Adjutant ran into Acacia, the girl in the cryo pod, and the two of them started to talk about Manifestations.
Chapter 2 CH02EP02 A Heimdall Force member Nita went missing in the Containment Zone. The Adjutant, Lyfe, and Fenny brought back Nita together, and found the forbidden object the Adventists were hiding.
Chapter 2 CH02EP03 The team triggered the explosive trap set by the Adventists when looking for the forbidden object at the subway station, but thankfully there were no major injuries. The Adjutant discovered that the true origin of the contamination was not present, despite the traps being filled with Titagen.
Chapter 2 CH02EP04 The Adjutant suddenly received communication from Nita, who was supposedly missing. She reminded the Adjutant that they can take the lift to go down further, where more difficult enemies await.
Chapter 2 CH02EP05 Nita was tied down in a tough fight. The team moved faster towards the lower depths, but there were dead ends everywhere. The Adjutant commanded the team to catch an Adventist to lead the way, while the enemy kept declaring they would be judged by the Emissary of the gods.
Chapter 2 CH02EP06 With some investigation, the Adjutant discovered that the root of the contamination spread was none other than Brisingamen. The Adventists were using this device to perform inhuman experiments. However, Tau's command was to...
Chapter 2 CH02ST02 The Adjutant dreamed of memories that didn't belong to him again. Did the treatment not function as expected?
Chapter 3 CH03EP01 The Adjutant's team received a new mission to head to the Camps and retrieve the Brisingamen, which was lost during the transport. For this mission, they were geared with the new non-lethal ammunition "Sleepers."
Chapter 3 CH03EP02 Based on the clues Fritia found at the spot the transport team was attacked, the ones who stole Brisingamen might be the Light Chasers or the Coyotes.
Chapter 3 CH03EP03 As the Adjutant's team was discussing the order of investigation, Beatrice sent a message saying the Light Chasers led by Dietrich has started a hunting operation again. Taking this into account, the Adjutant decided to prioritize investigating the Light Chasers.
Chapter 3 CH03EP04 Dietrich was very arrogant and aggressive due to his background and the protection of holographic projections. With Fritia's assistance, the Adjutant found where Dietrich was hiding and delivered punishment.
Chapter 3 CH03EP05 At the Coyote Alpha's territory, Joseph believed Ye must not show weakness no matter the reason behind the Heimdall Forces' arrival, and that he will protect Ye. However, the two parties did not have a smooth negotiation, and a conflict finally broke out.
Chapter 3 CH03EP06 Ye, the "Coyote Alpha," faced the Adjutant and negotiated personally. Finally, both decided to stop the conflict. This investigation into the loss of Brisingamen turned out to be fruitless, and Tau decided to take over the matter themselves. Thanks to Caroline's reminder, the Adjutant realized his own actions have already been influenced by the Empathic Ganglia, and resolved to get rid of it via surgery as soon as possible.
Chapter 4 CH04EP01 After Brisingamen was stolen, Tau personally commanded a large-scale containment and investigation in the Containment Zone. The Adjutant talked about his symptoms to Tau and tried to get more out of the latter, and Tau seemed very concerned with this matter. That was when the sound of an alarm interrupted them.
Chapter 4 CH04EP02 The company's investigation triggered a riot by the Coyotes. The Coyote Alpha declared war on Yggdrasil Enterprises and the Heimdell team was dispatched to deal with it. Their attitude turned out to be -
Chapter 4 CH04EP03 Should they let the Coyotes go or ignore Tau's command? The Adjutant was caught between two hard decisions. Marian's team was also in a crisis, and the Adjutant needed to go save them too.
Chapter 4 CH04EP04 The Adjutant learned of the connection between the Shrines and Brisingamen after meeting up with Marian, and Marian managed to find out where the Shrine was hidden through her outstanding "conversational skills."
Chapter 4 CH04EP05 The Heimdell team successfully retrieved the Shrine. As they were going back, they encountered more and more Changed and Titans...
Chapter 4 CH04EP06 They were feet away from Gate Seven when Ymir suddenly appeared. The decisive battle that Lyfe had longed for is about to begin.
Chapter 4 CH04EP07 Ymir was finally defeated after multiple attempts. The Adjutant was later investigated by the company due to how Lyfe hid the fact that Ymir's target was the Adjutant. With Caroline's help, the Adjutant finally learned the identities of the siblings in the extra memories within his brain...
Chapter 4 CH04EP08 Tau pointed out that "Edda" released the Adjutant from Mistilteinn Station for a reason. To reduce any possible dangers in the future, Tau decided to perform the Empathic Ganglia removal surgery to the Adjutant, and the Adjutant agreed.
Chapter 5 CH05EP01 The Adjutant headed to his new mission after bidding farewell to Acacia, and yet his new intelligence officer is still Caroline? She then introduced the Adjutant to meet an old friend - Marian - and a new face - Cherno - and start a new stage in his career.
Chapter 5 CH05EP02 The team arrived at the meeting place appointed by the military representatives and met Li Qiuxue, a decisive and dashing commander. Titans suddenly appeared halfway through the meeting and Cherno, usually so timid and shy, suddenly erupted with overwhelming strength in a surprising way.
Chapter 5 CH05EP03 The group entered an underground area controlled by Adventists, and the Adjutant learned from the negotiator Enya the secret of the Prototype Inhibitor. As the group proceeded to open up the warehouse and remove the Inhibitors, the Adventists finally showed themselves after having laid in wait for a long time.
Chapter 5 CH05EP04 The military became separated from the Adjutant's team in the chaos. Gavin, a Purificant of the Adventists, appeared at this moment to demand a negotiation with the squad led by the Adjutant. It turned out that his goal was...
Chapter 5 CH05EP05 Gavin who thought he had took the Prototype Inhibitor, was forced into a corner at the edge of the altar. The justice that each party upheld was conflicting, with no chance of reconciliation, as a fierce battle inevitably loomed.
Chapter 5 CH05EP06 Cherno appeared once again in a berserk state and damaged Gavin heavily. As silence fell, the Emissary of the Adventists slowly stepped onto the podium amid the Adventist members, and the "divine miracle" that the Adjutant finally beheld was...
Chapter 5 CH05ST01 The brother of one of the Adventists desperately needed the Baldr Inhibitor and had no choice but to ask Purificant Gavin for help, since he knew that the good Purificant would never turn him down.
Chapter 6 CH06EP01 The Snow followed the arrival of the Emissary of the Adventists. Having already obtained the Prototype Inhibitor, the Heimdell team decided to retreat, only to be informed by sniper Yao from the military that they were already surrounded by the Coyotes.
Chapter 6 CH06EP02 Sartre, Exarch of the Adventists, stepped into the territory of the Coyote Alpha to convince Ye to collaborate with the Adventists. While Ye indicated their disinterest, Esther The Vulture secretly got into touch with Sartre instead.
Chapter 6 CH06EP03 Yao was tasked with breaking out of the blockage to seek help and ran into Acacia who was coming to rescue the team. Yao decided to stick to Acacia after witnessing how the latter defeated the Titans.
Chapter 6 CH06EP04 Yao and Acacia were influenced by The Snow on their way and became Flooded. The past that they saw in the illusion was...
Chapter 6 CH06EP05 Acacia successfully found the Adjutant and proposed a plan involving bait, yet the military team did not believe having only one person as the bait would work. Should the Adjutant trust Acacia?
Chapter 6 CH06EP06 Hela, the giant Titan, possessed unimaginably strong powers and gradually drove the team into a corner. Right at that moment, the sound of singing could be heard... Was someone controlling the Titan?
Chapter 6 CH06ST01 Edda hacked Konungsbok and discovered the reason it was born. It decided to respond to the wishes of "the maker" and become a god.
Chapter 7 CH07EP01 Tau decided to give the Adjutant more authorization after learning that the Adventists can control Titans, and devised a plan to capture Sartre, the Exarch of the Adventists. Ultimately, the Adjutant decided to directly drop onto The Towers.
Chapter 7 CH07EP02 With the help of the informant, "Dianthus," the team used a disguise to avoid detection from Sartre's people and successfully met with Haru. The Adjutant split the team into 3 squads as per Haru's recommendation and sent them to conduct separate tasks.
Chapter 7 CH07EP03 Fritia uncovered the truth of the miracle drug being handed out by the Adventists. Enya reported to the Adjutant that Sartre was at the altar and forcing a member of the public to ingest the miracle drug. With the Heimdall Force gathered together again, the Adjutant gave the order to capture Sartre.
Chapter 7 CH07EP04 Sartre blackmailed Dianthus with the latter's adopted daughter Simona, and ordered Dianthus to lead the Heimdall Force to the Path of Discipline. Despite Dianthus doing what he asked, Sartre did not let Simona go. Instead, he gave her two choices...
Chapter 7 CH07EP05 The "Sartre" at the Path of Discipline was just a puppet. Haru was apologetic for having trusted Dianthus. At that moment, the real Sartre willingly showed himself. He believed himself to be special and that the Heimdall Force won't do anything to him. Unfortunately, he was wrong.
Chapter 7 CH07EP06 Sartre was defeated and captured alive. While he gave up a lot of information, both the Adjutant and Caroline realized he was withholding key information and still covering up the whole truth. There was yet someone else pulling the strings...
Chapter 7 CH07EP07 The Adjutant went to visit Enya in the detention room. She was furious with what Sartre did to Simona at The Towers and shot him without receiving a command to do so. The Adjutant promised Enya that she should be able to return to the team soon.
Chapter 8 CH08EP01 The board of trustees engaged in furious arguments over the Coyotes and the Adventists, and finally decided to use the military to get rid of the Coyotes. However, when it came to research on the Adjutant, Tau took a firm stance and forbid anyone else from meddling.
Chapter 8 CH08EP02 The Heimdall Force squad members Mauxir and Haru were dealing with Titans at The Towers. Their teamwork was impeccable, but their relationship with each other seemed a bit odd.
Chapter 8 CH08EP03 When Dietrich the Light Chaser finished her Hunt, she received a message containing an unusual mission from Pi, a member of the board of trustees.
Chapter 8 CH08EP04 The atmosphere between the Coyotes and the residents in The Towers was tense as they fought over living space. Fritia had also received a recording from Beatrice the Light Chaser, which outlined Dietrich's plan.
Chapter 8 CH08EP05 The Adjutant decided to go against the company's commands and help Fritia defeat the Light Chasers. However, communication all over The Towers was suddenly cut off and Dietrich managed to control Esther, who was commanding the Coyotes from afar. The crisis was at a boiling point.
Chapter 8 CH08EP06 Esther was about to be killed by Dietrich, only to have Mauxir arrive in the nick of time to save her. However, having lost their commander, the Coyotes already started fighting The Towers' residents. Fritia tried to fix the communication, but she must defeat Dietrich's secret weapon first...
Chapter 8 CH08EP07 The Heimdell squad defeated Dietrich's mecha, restored communications, and stopped the conflict. The Adjutant was prepared to face Tau's anger, but instead Tau ordered to release the recording of Dietrich communicating with the board of trustees. On the other hand, Dietrich was no longer considered a useful pawn and was "dealt with" by Pi.
Chapter 8 CH08ST01 The news that "Dietrich committed suicide from online bullying" took over headlines for all news sites, while the scandal related to Yggdrasil was deliberately suppressed. No one cared for the truth and Dietrich became a target that was destroyed over and over. The Adjutant felt terrified.
Chapter 9 CH09EP01 Tau suddenly disappeared from the company, but the new supervisor Ji Chenxing told the Adjutant that Tau is just having a holiday. The military reached an agreement with Yggdrasil, with the company giving up "Saga" in exchange for Gate Seven to remain closed.
Chapter 9 CH09EP02 Esther and Ye had another quarrel regarding the Coyotes' future. Esther no longer trusted Ye and decided to take some Coyotes with her to break through Gate Seven.
Chapter 9 CH09EP03 The Heimdall Force received info that the Coyotes were bombarding Gate Seven and arrived at the scene with Ji Chenxing's guidance. The board of trustees was terrified by the Coyotes' insane actions, while the Coyotes were troubled by the rail guns' recharge issue...
Chapter 9 CH09EP04 The Coyotes started fighting the Heimdall Force to take control of the electrical substation that could recharge the rail guns. Meanwhile, the Adjutant saw Edda on the battlefield, then immediately lost control of his body. Seeing that the Adjutant was in danger, Lyfe once again used the power of Odin.
Chapter 9 CH09EP05 Ye came to stop Esther, but Esther had already made up her mind. When she heard that the rail guns could no longer be used, Esther took the explosives and flew towards the Containment Wall herself.
Chapter 9 CH09EP06 Edda fixed (You)'s body and erased his memories made while he was in Control Mode. When the Adjutant woke up, Fritia told him that Lyfe was currently going berserk, as she thought the Adjutant was fatally wounded. Fritia hoped the Adjutant can quickly stop Lyfe's rampage.
Chapter 9 CH09EP07 Heimdall Force successfully stopped Esther and the Adjutant woke up Lyfe from being Flooded. Severely wounded, Esther disappeared between The Towers, possibly planning for her next revenge...
Chapter 9 CH09EP08 Chenxing reported to the board of trustees the damage to the Containment Wall. Pleased, the board of trustees decided to keep Chenxing stationed in the Heimdall Force. At the same time, Edda also found a way to bypass the Wall.
Chapter 9 CH09ST01 Outside the Yggdrasil confinement room, the just-released Sartre tried to shake Enya's faith.
Chapter 10 CH10EP01 A series of incredible events happened: Tau's longevity treatment malfunctioned, Yggdrasil's stocks plummeted, The World Tree demonstrated abnormal energy fluctuations... Was all this due to Edda's influence?
Chapter 10 CH10EP02 The Adjutant once again fell into Control Mode the night before the operation. He learned from Edda that his Empathic Ganglia were not removed. Edda will use them to bypass the safety protocol and be reborn as a "human" outside the Mistilteinn Station. This important memory was erased as the Adjutant left Control Mode.
Chapter 10 CH10EP03 The Heimdall Force discovered the Adventists blew open the underground passage and were moving towards the center of the Containment Zone. They claimed to have heard the call of the god named Edda, and believed they must conduct a pilgrimage to The World Tree.
Chapter 10 CH10EP04 Heimdall Force entered the Drowned Sections and witnessed how some Adventists turned into the Changed and some plainly disappeared after they touched the tree-shaped crystals. The Adjutant decided to touch the crystals himself, and his consciousness instantly entered Valhalla and became connected to the Containment Zone...
Chapter 10 CH10EP05 Defeated by the Heimdall Force, Hela disappeared. Connected to Valhalla, the Adjutant sensed where Hela was running to and decided to keep pursuing it. Moreover, the Adjutant also "saw" how Ymir was waiting for him at The World Tree...
Chapter 10 CH10EP06 Hela disappeared while being chased by the Heimdall Force and Ymir suddenly appears. The Adjutant planned to get everyone to retreat, but the board of trustees passed the command of contacting Ymir through Chenxing. Hela disappeared while being chased by the Heimdall Force and Ymir suddenly appeared. The Adjutant planned to get everyone to retreat, but the Board passed on orders via Chenxing to approach Ymir. The Heimdall Force could only keep pressing forward.
Chapter 10 CH10EP07 Contaminated by the Titan, the Heimdall Force members all suffered from being Flooded to various degrees. Only Lyfe, Acacia, and the Adjutant maintained their consciousness. As the Adjutant was preparing to heal the others, Ymir suddenly appeared and once again brought him into Valhalla. What faced him was - With the Titagen contamination, the Heimdall Force members all suffered from being Flooded to various degrees. Only Lyfe, Acacia, and the Adjutant maintained their consciousness. As the Adjutant was preparing to treat the others, Ymir suddenly appeared and once again brought the Adjutant into Valhalla. What faced him was...
Chapter 10 CH10EP08 Edda explained why she took on the form of Tau's daughter and gave the Adjutant a choice. However, the Adjutant didn't pick either of the outcomes. He left Valhalla through reverse influencing Edda. Back in reality, the squad saw a girl being born out of Ymir's body...
Chapter 10 CH10ST01 The Adjutant received another surgical operation. Not only were the Empathic Ganglia removed, but his Theotropic Nerves also disappeared. The Adjutant learned from Tau that the board of trustees wanted to investigate the Mori Fragments Edda left, and planned to announce that the Heimdall Force defeated Ymir... The Adjutant learned from Tau that the Board wanted to investigate the Mori Fragment left behind by Edda and planned to announce that the Heimdall Force defeated Ymir...
1.1 Mingdeng Ritual MEP0101 The festival celebration known as the Mingdeng Ritual was being held at the Taigu-Connect Containment Zone branch, and Chenxing arrived here for a special mission -
1.1 Mingdeng Ritual MEP0102 The Adjutant and the other operatives didn't take a break either. They were sent here to help with security, and Lyfe even bore the responsibility of being the Mingdeng Ritual ambassador. After meeting the folks with the Taigu-Connect branch, the two teams headed by Chenxing and the Adjutant went about their separate ways with their different missions.
1.1 Mingdeng Ritual MEP02 Chenxing and Zhehao captured someone pretending to be a Taigu-Connect staff and found a strange box on him. This unknown device had already been scattered all over the venue. Was this all -
1.1 Mingdeng Ritual MEP03 Supervisor Cangyao informed Chenxing that disturbances appeared all over the venue. Chenxing had to change her plans. She entrusted the goods to the orbital transport system and sent it to the Lantern Podium, with her going there separately herself. At the same time, Siris seemed to have remembered something important at the other side of the venue...
1.1 Mingdeng Ritual MEP04 Chenxing realized that the areas with disturbances were overlapping exactly with where the unknown devices were installed. She surmised that these devices aggravated human emotion and caused the chaos... At that moment, something even worse happened...
1.1 Mingdeng Ritual MEP05 Chenxing and the others arrive at the Lantern Podium, and Xuankai indicates the Lantern ritual must go on as per normal. Chenxing became swept up in the sentiment as well and hoped the lanterns will be lit peacefully. However, as Titan contaminants suddenly spiked in the surroundings, the Blessed Lantern started to shake uncontrollably...
1.1 Mingdeng Ritual MEP06 Chenxing donned Ethereal Cloud on the Lantern Podium and prepared to fight the Unknown Titan again. On the other side of the venue, the Adjutant was leading Operatives to fight back the Titans and save the wounded. The people regained hope and started to overcome their fear and helped each other. The fires of courage and hope lit up lantern after lantern, which flew to the podium...
1.1 Mingdeng Ritual MEP07 Chenxing defeated the Unknown Titan, yet the goods were already destroyed when she examined them. The fragments left behind were no different from the shells of the unknown devices. Siris comes to help Chenxing, and as the interruption passed, the Heimdall Force operatives were finally able to watch the ceremony together -
1.1 Mingdeng Ritual MEP08 Later, Fritia reported to the Adjutant the outcome of her analysis of the unknown device. That device has purified Titagen as its core and can aggravate human emotions. The Unknown Titan is also unrelated to it. Fritia had named it Fiend after the beast of evil omens in legends.
1.1 Mingdeng Ritual MST01 At the same time, the mastermind was sitting in a lab and planning for everyone to be amazed at the special surprise they planted when the Blessed Lantern lit up.
1.1 Mingdeng Ritual MST02 Residents of The Towers, Adventists, Coyotes, Light Chaser... All walks of life came together for Mingdeng Jie.
1.1 Mingdeng Ritual MST03 The mastermind treated the disturbances as the opening dance, and wanted "side characters" to get the stage ready before the "protagonist" could show themselves.
1.1 Mingdeng Ritual MST04 The people at the venue panicked and fell into chaos, and that was exactly what the mastermind had hoped.
1.1 Mingdeng Ritual MST05 Zhehao discovered Titagen from the goods donation box, and Cangyao seemed to have understood something based on the box's serial number... Meanwhile, while Chenxing finished off Fiend, the mastermind considered the "hatching" experiment to have gone well and that the next phase can begin.
1.2 Fogbound Dream CH11EP01 The Adjutant learned vital knowledge pertaining to Mori Fragments and the Apotheosis System from Tau, in addition to learning of the Board's true intentions. The two made an agreement, deciding to unite various external forces to restrict the Board's influence. Meanwhile, Haru began testing her new tactical gear, "Absconditus".
1.2 Fogbound Dream CH11EP02 The Adjutant led his squad into the Drowned Sections enveloped in yellow fog, a bizarre area housing another type of radiation. Haru discovered a dog tag that once belonged to her father, subsequently expressing her doubts about his cause of death to the Adjutant. Just as everyone was astonished by the various phenomena, a mysterious female "phantom" materialized before the Adjutant's eyes...
1.2 Fogbound Dream CH11EP03 The Adjutant ordered his colleagues be injected with prototype inhibitors as a last resort, but one person didn't make it. Just as hopelessness began to set in, Tau arrived at the camp with Chenxing. Following this, everyone learned the true identities of the phantoms — they were once external security experts hired by the Security Department, including Will Anderson, Katya, and others.
1.2 Fogbound Dream CH11EP04 According to intel gathered by the group, Haru inferred the Fifth Research Institute's approximate location and theorized that the yellow fog was most likely related to the explosion that took place there. Haru finally spotted her father, Naruse Masashi, in the mist, but his consciousness seemed to be trapped at a certain moment in the past. He gave the Adjutant a chip containing the truth behind the Institute, but when the Adjutant later checked it, he realized it had vanished...
1.2 Fogbound Dream CH11EP05 Ye entrusted the Coyotes to Joseph before entering Valhalla alone. The story shifts back to the Adjutant and the squad, with mysterious markers leading the group to the Fifth Research Institute. There, Will appeared once again to warn the Adjutant that history will repeat itself. From Will, the group also learned the truth about the Fifth Research Institute and the real cause of Haru's father's death.
1.2 Fogbound Dream CH11EP06 The Adjutant led the squad into the warehouse in an effort to evade the Cleanup Team sent by the Board. Will appeared again before mentioning how he and the Adjutant are similar, expressing his willingness to help the Adjutant escape. As the crisis came to a head, the Adjutant decided to follow the markers left by Will...
1.2 Fogbound Dream CH11EP07 Dr. Kent's experimental logs revealed the truth to the Adjutant — the Board established the Fifth Research Institute in their pursuit of immortality, indirectly creating Titans in the process. The Board attempted to negotiate with the Adjutant. But when he rejected their proposal, they decided to bury him along with the Fifth Research Institute. Will appeared again, revealing that he intended to trigger a new resonance as an act of revenge. Faced with this predicament, the Adjutant was forced to make a choice...
1.2 Fogbound Dream CH11EP08 Before the Checker Squad was able to detonate the original nuclear bomb and trigger the resonator, Tau ordered Chenxing to disarm it. Tau also cooperated with General Adrian of the military to successfully take control of Yggdrasil. In the meantime, the Adjutant had to stop Will as he fell into madness.
1.2 Fogbound Dream CH11EP09 The Adjutant and Haru successfully thwarted Will's plans, preventing the resonance. Several members of the Heimdall Force suffered serious injuries in the battle, but Tau was more concerned with producing enough evidence to overthrow the Board. Faced with this, the Adjutant was furious. Although the resonance was prevented and many lives were saved, it couldn't bring back Naruse Masashi, and Haru was overcome with grief. In the wake of the chaos, it seemed that Katya survived...
1.2 Fogbound Dream CH11EP10 Yggdrasil Enterprises announced to the media that the five former members of the Board were indirectly responsible for creating the Titans and causing the Descent, while the Heimdall Force emerged as the champion of mankind. Edda's Mori Fragment disappeared, and "trees" simultaneously sprouted all over the globe, meaning that the Heimdall Force's missions will no longer be solely limited to the Containment Zone... Note: There's an important cutscene with some juicy story development — don't miss it!
1.2 Fogbound Dream CH11ST01 Time flashes back to before the first Resonance. The Checker Squad learned that the Resonance can't be stopped. All hope was lost, and they could do nothing to save themselves...
1.2 Fogbound Dream CH11ST02 After the Resonance took place, Will felt himself and his squadmates fragment into particles, mixing and entangling with one another, their memories a chaotic mess. His daughter, his squadmates... all of his family and friends asked him when he might avenge them.
1.3 Verdurous Holiday DLC3-MEP01 The Heimdall Force finally got to enjoy a hard-earned vacation on Yallu Island. Besides taking part in the Heimdall Island Games, they also encountered a mysterious group... who in fact seemed to be the organizer behind the teambuilding contest.
1.3 Verdurous Holiday DLC3-MEP02 The Adjutant and his team accepted the robot attendants' mission to "catch a king bream" and ran into Yao's team near the fishing location. While they were talking, Acacia suddenly collapsed from heat exhaustion... The Adjutant and Enya put down their fishing poles and took her to the first aid station for help.
1.3 Verdurous Holiday DLC3-MEP03 The king bream that the Adjutant's team worked so hard to catch was snatched away by a drone controlled by the contest organizers, but Yao was able to shoot down the drone before it got too far. The squad had to move again to get back the king bream.
1.3 Verdurous Holiday DLC3-MEP04 After the Adjutant and his team successfully retrieved the king bream, they received their final mission of the challenge — use a food cart to create sea-salt watermelon ice. The end of the contest was now in sight, but a mysterious group hidden on the island decided to give up their search for the "missing" Mauxir and send all of their drones to the Adjutant's location.
1.3 Verdurous Holiday DLC3-MEP05 After Chenxing agreed to lend the ice cream cart to their cause, the Adjutant and his team hurried to the only beach on the island where watermelons could be found. There, they ran into Lyfe's team, who were in the midst of their mission to "eliminate all watermelons on the island"... Just as they were about to butt heads over the fruit, a loud sound from far off echoed through the air.
1.3 Verdurous Holiday DLC3-MEP06 A few hours earlier, Mauxir had been hunting down the drones when she arrived at a path that was sealed off. After draining the power of the robot shielding device, she changed into her new exosuit Shadow Ka to better deal with the drones blocking her path.
1.3 Verdurous Holiday DLC3-MEP07 After making her way through a dark tunnel, Mauxir emerged on the other side to find some extensive ruins. The curious sight before her left her in awe... As the shielding device went down on the other side, the mysterious group was finally able to pinpoint Mauxir's location. In order to prevent Mauxir from getting any closer to the altar that hid their secrets, they sent a large husk sentinel bot to stop her...
1.3 Verdurous Holiday DLC3-MEP08 Seeking to uncover the truth behind the events on the island, the Adjutant's team took a boat to a remote altar, atop which they discovered an entrance leading to a secret chamber at the bottom of the sea... Within the chamber, they encountered Beatrice, who revealed to them that the Heimdall Island Games were actually a reality show orchestrated by her as a means of atoning for her past mistakes.
1.3 Verdurous Holiday DLC3-MEP09 After clearing the danger, the Adjutant, Enya, and Fenny were able to seize victory in the contest. After the ceremony, however, the Adjutant pondered solemnly on the stark contrast between the holiday and his daily routine. While he was in this slightly despondent state, Mauxir suddenly appeared — a new adventure was about to begin...
1.3 Verdurous Holiday DLC3-MST01 Mauxir dug up a mysterious black drone on a beach on the other side of the island. Intrigued by the shadow lotus it carried, Mauxir decided to follow it to the northern part of the island.
1.3 Verdurous Holiday DLC3-MST02 In the end, the mysterious group behind the scenes decided to send their leader to deal with Mauxir personally. However, at a critical moment, the staff mixed up the button that controlled the elevator with the button that unleashed a certain robot...
1.3 Verdurous Holiday DLC3-OWOP1 One day after the events of the main story, the island was split into three areas by giant electromagnetic barriers and the robots went out of control. While the Adjutant and operatives were at a loss as to the cause of the situation, a mysterious, robot-controlling hacker suddenly appeared. With an innocent worker as a hostage, the hacker invited everyone to participate in a scavenger hunt.
1.3 Verdurous Holiday DLC3-OWOP2 When the agreed upon day arrived, the mysterious person removed the electromagnetic barriers. The Adjutant and operatives finally made contact with the hostage and found out that her name was "Anti"... But Mauxir remained skeptical, privately reminding the Adjutant to keep an eye on Anti.
1.3 Verdurous Holiday DLC3-OWOP3 Trying to help the Adjutant and operatives get out of trouble, Anti attacked the barrier created by the hacker, but unfortunately failed... The hacker, at this point rather enraged by the Heimdall Force, stated that the girl's life would be at stake in this final round of the scavenger hunt...
1.4 Perilous Snowpath CH12EP01 While on a mission at the Yehrus Border, Chenxing and Tess were ambushed and their comms were completely blocked. Various signs indicated that this was no ordinary escort mission... Prior to this, the Adjutant was shot during an internal Yggdrasil purge operation codenamed "Breakpoint," while Lyfe was seriously injured and fell into a coma. The operatives were subsequently placed under house arrest, not permitted to leave until Tau ordered the Adjutant to lead the squad on an escort mission to Yehrus.
1.4 Perilous Snowpath CH12EP02 Before departure, Tess explained the mission plan to the Adjutant, who couldn't help but tease his old acquaintance for her childlike, hand-drawn map and dramatic flair. However, it seemed that someone was eavesdropping on them... On the train to Yehrus, the Adjutant and Haru pretended to be a quarrelsome couple in order to shake the prying eyes of a lieutenant colonel from the Military.
1.4 Perilous Snowpath CH12EP03 Tau held a secret meeting with a woman and told her that the consignment escorted by the Heimdall Force was a gift for her. This woman was part of the Yehrus resistance groups... On the ice fields, Chenxing and Tess prepared to move the armored vehicle holding the consignment to a steel mill. Due to this being their first time working together and the prior ambush of the Adjutant in Operation Breakpoint, the two operatives held distrust and suspicion of each other.
1.4 Perilous Snowpath CH12EP04 On the train, the Adjutant accused Siris of eavesdropping before. Siris confessed to the Adjutant, saying that someone had messed with her memory. Siris was spying on Tess because she suspected her to be working with whoever had messed with her memory. It was likely to be the new department established by Director Tau — Internal Affairs... Haru sent a message saying that she had taken care of the lieutenant colonel and discovered the enemy's identity. However, at that moment, that person was standing in front of the Adjutant...
1.4 Perilous Snowpath CH12EP05 The Coyotes intercepted the armored vehicle supposedly carrying Eatchel Gustav, a key figure with the ability to shift the balance of power in Yehrus who was the granddaughter of the famous Leader Gustav and the goddaughter of Joseph, his faithful commander. In actuality, the girl inside the vehicle was Tess in disguise. Joseph focused on her capture and took her to the steel mill, where she witnessed the Coyotes in a terrible plight and even stopped one from taking their own life due to the unbearable pain.
1.4 Perilous Snowpath CH12EP06 On the train, Millwood tried using both persuasion and threats to convince the Adjutant to reveal the way to alleviate Flooding, even threatening to harm the real escort target on the train. Fortunately, the Adjutant had already planned for such a situation and worked together with Siris to personally put an end to this Military scum.
1.4 Perilous Snowpath CH12EP07 In the steel mill, Tess and Joseph put aside their grudges for the time being to share intel with each other. As they pieced together the information, they came to realize who was the real mastermind behind the scenes — former major general of the Yehrus Federation, Sergei Dobrynin, now known as Omega. The Internal Affairs ordered Tess to kill Joseph since she had just leaked valuable intel to the enemy. After Tess refused, the supervisor shot Tess and told the Heimdall Force that Joseph had killed her.
1.4 Perilous Snowpath CH12EP08 The two Heimdall teams participating in the escort mission rendezvoused. Tess was able to fake her death and disguise herself as a Coyote to escape and make it back to the Adjutant's side — this time she was finally able to show off her magic for the Adjutant.
1.4 Perilous Snowpath CH12ST01 The struggling Coyotes and scavengers were moved by the Military to a city deep in their territory within Yehrus. The Military also took Joseph in, but they said that he had been killed in battle.
1.5 Ballad of Chaos CH12EP21 The Adjutant took the train to Northwind Aerospace Center. As he checked on Eatchel, he saw a hallucination... They finally arrived at Duchess Orlova's mansion, where an extravagant masquerade ball was underway. During the ball, the Adjutant spotted a familiar woman. Inside the parlor, the Duchess said that the mansion had been infiltrated. To protect Eatchel, the Adjutant had to resolve the crisis.
1.5 Ballad of Chaos CH12EP22 The Duchess revealed to the Adjutant her reason for needing Eatchel: Omega and the Khwarenah Faction had teamed up to occupy Suzdal Launch Base, where the Tree was growing and endangering all of Zone 91. The Duchess wanted to use Eatchel, revered by the people as a descendant of Leader Gustav, to consolidate power in Yehrus and bring an end to the chaos. Elsewhere, Eatchel dreamed of her experience as one of Omega's test subjects. Katya Klein, who was supposed to be dead, stopped the Adjutant at the mansion.
1.5 Ballad of Chaos CH12EP23 Katya's disturbance triggered panic among the mansion guests. A guest named Pavlina revealed to the Adjutant that Omega had concocted a medication supposedly enabling people to evolve beyond the crippling effects of Juvosis and Titagen contamination. In fact, however, this so-called remedy would only transform individuals into monsters. Subsequently, she was shot by a "reporter" from the Khwarenah Faction and transformed into a human-Titan hybrid right before the Adjutant's eyes. The unfolding scene eerily reminded the Adjutant of the assassin from Operation Breakpoint...
1.5 Ballad of Chaos CH12EP24 The Adjutant pointed out that the Duchess intentionally used the ball to allow her enemies into the mansion, a chance to weed out her opposition. However, Katya surprised the Duchess by taking Eatchel away. Everyone went to the Bunker, where the Resistance soldiers displayed symptoms of Titagen contamination due to Khwarenah's weapon, a byproduct of Omega's exploration of the Tree. In a bid to stop Omega, the Adjutant reluctantly forged a temporary alliance with the Duchess.
1.5 Ballad of Chaos CH12EP25 The Resistance Army apprehended a spy within the main bunker, and the Adjutant sought a private audience with her. The Duchess suddenly collapsed as the Adjutant went to escort her away, and when he helped her up, he had another hallucination... The spy, who was revealed to be a Laevatain operative, disclosed that Omega had been using Titan technology to manipulate the Khwarenah soldiers. Just as the Adjutant was contemplating the recurring hallucinations, he encountered the severely injured Katya.
1.5 Ballad of Chaos CH12EP26 The Adjutant learned from Katya where Eatchel was located, but when he touched her he saw an illusion again. Since Katya used to be a fragmented phantom herself, she was able to see the fragmented Titagen. The Adjutant realized that he had a special ability to fuse and see fragmented Titagen. Katya told the Adjutant to go to Black-Ice Alley to find the answer, as well as the true reason she kidnapped Eatchel.
1.5 Ballad of Chaos CH12EP27 With the information from the intel broker at Black-Ice Alley, the Adjutant was able to piece together the answer — the strange symptoms he was experiencing were due to the bullet that entered his body during Operation Breakpoint, leaving him in a symbiotic relationship with Titagen. At Yggdrasil, Tau reached an identical conclusion upon reviewing Lyfe's medical log. The Adjutant returned to the Bunker, only to find it under attack by the Khwarenah Faction...
1.5 Ballad of Chaos CH12EP28 While Njáll's explosion caused the Bunker to collapse, it also conveniently paved the way for the Adjutant and the others to infiltrate the Suzdal Launch Base. Meanwhile, Omega discovered "true evolution" in Eatchel, signifying that the "eternal power" he has always sought can be obtained. Inside the Launch Base, Katya pointed out that the severe Titagen contamination had greatly affected the other operatives, but the Adjutant felt just fine. How could that be...?
1.5 Ballad of Chaos CH12ST21 At Yggdrasil Enterprises, Director Tau was grappling with numerous challenges. Caroline reported to Tau that they had lost contact with all of the Laevatain members who had infiltrated Northwind Aerospace Center. At this time, the Adjutant called Tau to convey his resolve and tell her not to treat the Heimdall operatives as mere tools.
1.5 Ballad of Chaos CH12ST22 At the meeting between the Military and Yggdrasil, each side blamed the other for the situation at Northwind Aerospace Center. Lyfe, who had just awoken from a coma, stood up with determination and stated that the Tree would soon engulf all of Yehrus — only the Adjutant could resolve this crisis.
1.6 Skyward Blaze CH12EP31 The Adjutant and the other operatives took cover in an office within Suzdal Launch Base. With the help of Katya, the Adjutant learned to control his intake of Titagen to obtain information. Hence, Katya's memory about Eatchel was no longer a secret to him...
1.6 Skyward Blaze CH12EP32 Under Tau's instruction, Lyfe took the sample of the special Mori Fragments and went with Fenny and Acacia to provide support for the Adjutant. Eatchel was in great peril. To stop Omega from using Eatchel, Adjutant and the operatives were forced into action earlier than planned.
1.6 Skyward Blaze CH12EP33 The Adjutant finally managed to rescue Eatchel from the lab, but he lost consciousness due to the Titagen within his body. Meanwhile, Orlova triggered an explosion within the Bunker to hold the intruders at bay. Tess made contact with Tau and was instructed to press on with the attack, while the unexpected betrayal of Dr. Kent further cornered Omega.
1.6 Skyward Blaze CH12EP34 Taking instructions from Tau, Chenxing and the other operatives were on the move. Orlova, Tau, and Li Qiuxue attended the meeting as representatives of their respective groups, with Li presenting the Military's plan: If the Adjutant could not deal with Omega and the Tree by sunset, the Military would destroy Northwind Aerospace Center with a tactical nuke. Meanwhile, as the Adjutant was lost in Valhalla, Lyfe was finally able to awaken him by sharing her vision.
1.6 Skyward Blaze CH12EP35 The Adjutant and company found the hideout of Omega and finally put an end to him. As Katya looked at Omega, asked how power changes people and what they should do with it. Director Tau, General Adrian, and the Duchess had already given their answers. What would the Adjutant's answer be...?
1.6 Skyward Blaze CH12EP36 Lyfe, Fenny, and Acacia met up with the Adjutant and the others. Duchess Orlova planned to destroy the Tree by detonating the rocket on the launch tower. However, by saving Haru, the Adjutant proved to the Duchess that they didn't need to blow up the rocket: He could take care of the Tree by using his body as a vehicle for Titagen.
1.6 Skyward Blaze CH12EP37 As Tau prepared for the upcoming press conference, former Board member Pi was a step ahead of her, claiming that whatever Tau was about to say was sheer lies. Meanwhile, Li Qiuxue tried to convince General Adrian to back down on his nuclear threat, but the plan was cemented because of the full mobilization order from Rozan, leader of the Khwarenah Faction. As the Duchess felt mixed feelings while looking at Omega's dead body, she received a threat of assassination from Rozan...
1.6 Skyward Blaze CH12EP38 Surrounded by strange figures and things, the Adjutant realized that he was still stuck in Valhalla. At last, he managed to overcome the hallucination and woke up. The other operatives told him that he'd been unconscious for two days since the Tree. Tau later explained to the Adjutant how the Duchess was turned into a Titan and the subsequent events.
1.6 Skyward Blaze CH12ST31 Tatiana Orlova was a true daughter of Yehrus. She lived up to her name and title, while also staying true to her responsibility as a leader. Her internal struggles were a mystery, but she would continue to live on as long as the Adjutant didn't forget her.
1.7 Gradient of Souls DLC7EP01 In the middle of an operation, Cherno ran into a Changed that uttered a weird sound somewhat resembling human language, an encounter that made Cherno remember her miserable past. After returning to Yggdrasil, Caroline mentioned an organization by the name of the Blessed Ones. This group was supposed to be running things among the bottom levels of society in Containment Zone Aleph. It was also believed that this group was connected with the strange Changed specimen. To find out more, the Adjutant decided to investigate with Enya and Cherno.
1.7 Gradient of Souls DLC7EP02 The Adjutant, Enya, and Cherno donned disguises as they went to the Blessed Bazaar to gather intel. They found that not all of those there were true believers of the lily-white deity, and the supplies were far from abundant — people came for whatever they could get their hands on. The Adjutant and company ran into Jinlang, a Logistics officer who had snuck over to do a bit of business. The Adjutant bought some cotton candy from her, picking a chocolate-covered one for Meursault.
1.7 Gradient of Souls DLC7EP03 It turned out that the leader of the Blessed Ones was Gavin, who had been thought to be dead. He demonstrated the power of the deity with a white branch before handing out a large batch of Baldr Inhibitors. His followers became even more fanatical about the Eternal Promised Land upon seeing this "miracle." However, the Adjutant had his suspicions and decided to talk with Gavin...
1.7 Gradient of Souls DLC7EP04 After Sartre appeared, Cherno stepped forward to protect the Adjutant but was overwhelmed by memories evoked by Sartre's harsh words. The Adjutant fired at Sartre, but Sartre was somehow not injured by the bullet. At this critical moment, Enya showed up and helped the Adjutant take Cherno, who was Flooded, back to Yggdrasil. With Cherno unconscious, Meursault told the Adjutant about what happened to her and Cherno when they were young...
1.7 Gradient of Souls DLC7EP05 As the Adjutant was discussing Sartre and the Eternal Promised Land with Caroline, the psychiatric treatment room housing Cherno was struck by a blast, and Cherno disappeared. Meanwhile, Sartre was forced to lay bare the truth about the Eternal Promised Land to Gavin. By intaking the Titagen left in the medical bay, the Adjutant was able to "read" its information and locate Cherno. He then decided to prepare a rescue party, with Enya providing support.
1.7 Gradient of Souls DLC7EP06 The Adjutant was attacked by white Titagen branches. Letting go of Enya, he was pulled into an elevator shaft. Within, Sartre was expecting him...
1.7 Gradient of Souls DLC7EP07 Sartre stated that Cherno had been engrossed in a cocoon and that her Deiwos would be reshaped into the lily-white deity. With the help of a visual module scrambling device, the Adjutant discovered that the Sartre before him was a mere puppet, which he then destroyed. In the realm of consciousness within the cocoon, Cherno decided to face Edda instead of running away. However, as Cherno was too weak to fight, Meursault took control of her body...
1.7 Gradient of Souls DLC7EP08 Cherno said that if Meursault had deprived herself of all humanity, then she was no longer the Meursault that she knew. Cherno believed that the Adjutant was still alive and wanted to save him. Meursault, on the other hand, wanted to use the might of a Titan to grant the Adjutant absolute salvation.
1.7 Gradient of Souls DLC7EP09 To prevent a greater disaster from happening, Meursault decided to shoulder all the misery herself so that Cherno would be free to seek her own salvation. According to Meursault's plan, it should be Cherno who ended her. However, Cherno rejected this plan, as she was tired of running away from challenges. The Adjutant survived the crisis and met with Cherno and Meursault. He wanted Meursault to enjoy her own life and leave the rest to him. In the end, she chose to...
1.7 Gradient of Souls DLC7ST05 The Adjutant woke up to find that Meursault had disappeared from Cherno. But this did not mean a permanent farewell. One day, the Adjutant would find her and bring her back to the Heimdall Force, then they could all live happily together.
1.8 Realm of Illusion SP2EP01 The Adjutant and his operatives arrived via skyskiff at New Hentiro, the City of Miracles in the sky. Agave, the contact assigned by Director τ, led Lyfe to the medical facility where she could receive treatment. The Adjutant and his team learned that the help of the supercomputer called GANGES was required if Lyfe was to be cured. Hence, the Adjutant and Siris decided to head for the Tower of Hanoi. But within the tower, the situation was far from peaceful...
1.8 Realm of Illusion SP2EP02 The Adjutant recognized the attackers as members of the former Board's Cleanup Team, who had also come for GANGES. Apart from the Adjutant and his operatives, a local transcendent and bionic were also trapped within the Tower of Hanoi. To find and save GANGES, they entered the illusory virtual space called the realms.
1.8 Realm of Illusion SP2EP03 The realm had obviously been tampered with, since the Adjutant and his team found themselves immersed in the scenery of Containment Zone Aleph, although their bodies were physically in the Tower of Hanoi. The Adjutant quickly determined that the only way to survive the relentless onslaught of enemies was to see past the illusions and find the way out of the realm. But how...? It was Siris who figured it out — anyone within the realm could make a path appear by imagining it. Having learned this, they used their imagination to create the route leading to the next realm.
1.8 Realm of Illusion SP2EP04 Siris told the Adjutant that, she had sensed the gaze of GANGES in the previous realm. But was the supercomputer a friend or foe...? That was when Pi appeared in front of them, claiming that she was also trapped within the realm and that they shared a common goal... The squad was cornered by a swarm of enemies generated from data by the virtual realm, but in this moment of peril, Katya showed up...
1.8 Realm of Illusion SP2EP05 Amidst the chaos, Pi disappeared, and so did the injured Modak. Nozomi believed that he was ejected from the realm by GANGES. After some difficulty, just when they finally had found the portal to the next realm in the canyon ahead, the realm began to collapse...
1.8 Realm of Illusion SP2EP06 It turned out that all of the preceding realms were generated based on Siris' memories. Pi created these realms to lure Siris further in and make her lower her guard. Pi planned to peer into Siris' memories and find the last layer of the system access key for GANGES. However, Siris did not remember what the key was...
1.8 Realm of Illusion SP2EP07 The Adjutant and Siris saved GANGES from Pi, who left the realm to deal with trouble in the real world. From GANGES, the Adjutant and company learned that Pi's real name was Erza and that she was the daughter of Dr. Kalpana Dawi, the creator of GANGES. Siris had once come to New Hentiro previously and won the approval of Kalpana, who gave her the system access key of GANGES. In fact, GANGES had arranged and guided those events so that it may safeguard itself...
1.8 Realm of Illusion SP2ST01 On their way to the medical facility, Lyfe noticed that Agave seemed to be particularly interested in the Adjutant... They ran into Katya, who was enjoying her vacation, but she disappeared instantly after learning the whereabouts of the Adjutant. Meanwhile, robots across the city were experiencing a large-scale outage, so Agave proposed to take Lyfe to her safe house. However, Lyfe's decision was to...
1.8 Realm of Illusion SP2ST02 Wielding her power, Agave showed Lyfe that, if she pressed on with her plan, what was about to happen to her might be terrible. However, Lyfe was determined to go to where the Adjutant was. At the same time, the whole of New Hentiro had been plunged into turmoil, as the airborne city was moving rapidly to the northwest and about to plunge headlong into a storm...
1.8 Realm of Illusion SP2ST03 After escaping the virtual realm, the Adjutant and company met up with Agave and Lyfe. Confirming that the Adjutant was safe and sound, Lyfe stopped worrying and decided to finally head to Heartflow Garden for medical attention. Back at Yggdrasil Enterprises, Director τ had just finished a meeting with Cathode Technologies. She told Tess that she had sent Marian to New Hentiro and that it was quite unusual how quickly Cathode Technologies had gathered such detailed intel about Kuru...

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Personal Files & Bond Stories

Note Episode Summary
Acacia - [Redacted] Girl001PF1 The Adjutant started chatting with Acacia about gaming. Acacia said she was not used to the controls of this era and wants a hand controller. Maybe there was some way for the Adjutant to help her...
Acacia - [Redacted] Girl001PF2 The two headed to the Commercial Streets. As the Adjutant prepared to print the hand controller, he discovered he was missing key chips. Even so, Acacia still thanked the Adjutant.
Acacia - [Redacted] Girl001PF3 The Adjutant found some friends to deal with the hand controller chip issue and Acacia was delighted. A few days later, she was inviting the Adjutant to play the Valkyrie Games together.
Acacia - [Redacted] Girl001PF4 Acacia defeated the strongest player of the present day using a controller from decades ago, illustrating that the human element was key to victory. After receiving a huge amount of attention, her response was...
Acacia - Kaguya Girl001aPF1 The R&D department created the new gear "Kaguya" for Acacia, yet she refused to use it. Caroline charged the Adjutant with this tough problem, and the Adjutant's tactics involved...
Acacia - Kaguya Girl001aPF2 Knowing what she liked, the Adjutant took Acacia to the second-hand goods stores. Acacia reached an agreement with the Adjutant in order to buy the items she wanted while not overspending on her meager budget, only to have the Changed interrupting the scene...
Acacia - Kaguya Girl001aPF3 Wearing Kaguya, Acacia successfully defeated the Changed and the Adjutant ensured the safety of the models. Now that Acacia had given him her trust, the Adjutant finally understood why she was unwilling to wear Kaguya...
Acacia Girl001RM1 Caroline wanted Acacia to join a club, but Acacia found she didn't fit the requirements for any of the clubs. Therefore, she decided to start a new one herself.
Acacia Girl001RM2 Acacia wanted the Adjutant to join her club, but she didn't even prepare any applications for people to sign. After the Adjutant helped her to arrange these forms, he found that he had somehow become the deputy club president...
Acacia Girl001RM3 The new club "Requiem of the End" has been around for a while, but it has yet to run any events. Faced with having to disband the club, Acacia took up the Adjutant's suggestion and decided to run a film-viewing event—
Acacia Girl001RM4 The company's culture festival asked every club to host an event. Acacia decided to hold a retro exhibit of anime, manga, and games, with the exhibition items being her personal collection. Now, the Adjutant just had to worry about finding a venue for it.
Acacia Girl001RM5 The Adjutant and Acacia worked together and finally managed to complete the exhibition the day before the culture festival. It was tough work, but the Adjutant also felt what it was like to be young. Besides, he was getting deeper and deeper into Acacia's world -
Lyfe - Wednesday Girl002PF1 On December 30, 2057, Lyfe saw The Snow in a hospital room in Yggdrasil Enterprises while rehabilitating after experiencing The First Descent.
Lyfe - Wednesday Girl002PF2 Lyfe experienced her past in her dreams for nine days and nine nights. When she woke up, she would...
Lyfe - Wednesday Girl002PF3 On Wednesday, January 9, 2058, Lyfe became a Manifestation and would replace Odin.
Lyfe - Wild Hunt Girl002aPF1 The Adjutant learned from Lyfe her experience of sustaining a heavy injury when she first joined Heimdall Force and went to the battlefield for the first time, and decided to go through the files to see the reasons behind such a mishap.
Lyfe - Wild Hunt Girl002aPF2 The squad did not have enough ammunition in this battle, and they became surrounded by the Changed. Obsessed with revenge, Lyfe donned the special Frost exosuit "Wild Hunt" and tried to break out of the blockade time and time again, not stopping even when she had exhausted her strength...
Lyfe - Wild Hunt Girl002aPF3 The Adjutant learned from Caroline that Wild Hunt can soothe Lyfe's Theotropic Nerve pain through low temperatures, but an exosuit personally coded by Tau surely has more functions than that of a portable freezer...
Lyfe Girl002RM1 The Adjutant chose not to pursue Hela on the mission and was questioned by Lyfe over this decision when the mission ended. Lyfe left after an argument, and the Adjutant decided to only take Security Department operatives with him for the next mission.
Lyfe Girl002RM2 During the mission, the Adjutant went back to where Hela escaped and went missing. The Heimdall Force was unable to act due to the restrictions imposed by the company, and Lyfe decided to storm Gate Seven by force.
Lyfe Girl002RM3 Lyfe learned of the rough location where the Adjutant disappeared after contacting Fritia and Fenny, yet she encountered large numbers of enemies there. She could only fight alone as she tried to suppress being Flooded.
Lyfe Girl002RM4 Lyfe finally found the Adjutant, who was buried under the rubble, but she was also Flooded at the same time and became controlled by Odin's will. At the end, Lyfe collapsed from exhaustion.
Lyfe Girl002RM5 Having returned to the company, Lyfe and the Adjutant forgave each other. The Adjutant argued with Tau and managed to excuse Lyfe from punishment due to her actions, and Lyfe also understood why the Adjutant decided to retreat.
Nita - Hands Girl003PF1 Nita made a bet with the Adjutant, and the one who lost would treat the other to a meal. As expected, she won by cheating.
Nita - Hands Girl003PF2 The Adjutant treated Nita to a meal, but she rushed off after receiving a mysterious message. What made Nita give up on a free lunch?
Nita - Hands Girl003PF3 Nita rushed into the Containment Zone for that broker girl she had been looking after. However, it was too late. Or rather, she never stood a chance to start with...
Nita Girl003RM1 Unable to sleep, the Adjutant wandered around the Base and ran into Nita, who was having a late-night snack. After learning that the Adjutant was having trouble sleeping, Nita invited him for a little workout session in her room. At the same time, Nita showed the Adjutant the results of her exercise routine.
Nita Girl003RM2 When delivering a package to Nita, the Adjutant found her in the middle of a quarrel with a girl from an orphanage, as Nita urged the girl to stay away from guns. The Adjutant invited Nita to grab some food with him, over which Nita lamented to the Adjutant how she wished that the kids did not have to pick up guns for survival, but there was little she could do about it.
Nita Girl003RM3 On their way to the Military shelter to deliver supplies, the Adjutant and Nita discovered significant cracks on a nearby bridge. Ignoring the Adjutant's orders, Nita rushed forward to deal with the problem and put herself in danger. Afterward, Nita worried that the Adjutant was upset about this incident, but he really just wanted her to have more faith in him.
Nita Girl003RM4 To make Nita feel better, the Adjutant told her that she won second prize in a company raffle and that part of the prize was a trip for two. However, on the day their trip was supposed to begin, the Adjutant received an urgent mission from Director Tau. He took Nita with him as he flew to different places for the mission, until they came upon the alley that Nita had once hidden in...
Nita Girl003RM5 On their return to the Base, Nita learned that the Adjutant had put together this whole plan for her. Deeply touched by his sincerity, Nita decided to tell the Adjutant about her true feelings...
Fritia - Little Sunshine Girl004PF1 Fritia had always been concerned about her low stamina. As the Adjutant suggested, she started to take evening runs to increase her stamina.
Fritia - Little Sunshine Girl004PF2 During operations, it became clear that Fritia still had a problem with low stamina. The Adjutant suggested they return to base, but Fritia wanted to keep going to see whether her training had paid off.
Fritia - Little Sunshine Girl004PF3 Though Fritia was already trying very hard with her stamina training, the results remained a disappointment. Perhaps this has something to do with her Deiwos, Prometheus...
Fritia - Hush Girl004aPF1 Fritia's single-person ray weapon project was rejected by the internal development committee. After the Adjutant gave her some pointers, she developed a new idea and believed she can definitely produce a perfect design that will pass the process.
Fritia - Hush Girl004aPF2 Fritia pulled an all-nighter to finish making the new exosuit. After some testing, the Adjutant discovered the exosuit has a fatal flaw, yet Fritia had known this already...
Fritia - Hush Girl004aPF3 This exosuit exhibited overwhelming power during combat testing but was doubted by the committee due to its weight. The Adjutant decided to help Fritia after learning of her beliefs -
Fritia Girl004RM1 Fritia discovered that the Adjutant had been tired for many nights, and promised to make him an AI health monitoring program to relieve him of exhaustion.
Fritia Girl004RM2 After trialing the program for half a month, the Adjutant had enough of the strict timetable imposed and went to see Fritia, only for her to tell him that the data he provided was all about work. Therefore, Fritia decided to spend an off day with the Adjutant to collect more comprehensive data.
Fritia Girl004RM3 Fritia's plan was not passed as it generated extra costs. Feeling down, Fritia talked about her AI software "Ember" with the Adjutant -
Fritia Girl004RM4 Fritia once got into trouble because Ember created a bad incident, but her plans of adding humane designs into it were refuted by the company due to it being unable to fit with the company's profits. To encourage Fritia, the Adjutant volunteered for her to make him an AI life and entertainment system.
Fritia Girl004RM5 Fritia brought the Adjutant to the observation deck. Not only were there stars in the night sky, but there were also the goals that Fritia wanted to reach. However, now she will no longer be obsessed with her lofty aims, but will also pay attention to the people and things close to her - such as the Adjutant.
Marian - Queen of Pain Girl005PF1 Marian made tea for the Adjutant and asked how she could better get along with Tau, but this wasn't the time or place to talk about it. The two decided to hold a tea party at the canteen during their next day off to analyze this issue.
Marian - Queen of Pain Girl005PF2 The Adjutant witnessed Marian's elegance and meticulousness. Healed by the tea, the Adjutant was only able to teach half of his tricks of dealing with Tau before they were interrupted by an urgent mission.
Marian - Queen of Pain Girl005PF3 Marian received plenty of wounds in the battle but didn't seek out treatment. The Adjutant realized Marian was deliberately seeking injuries...
Marian - Swift Girl005aPF1 A Titan contamination occurred when Marian wore the new exosuit "Swift" for its debut. Marian was talking fast and her face was flushed, acting completely unlike her usual self. What exactly did she just experience?
Marian - Swift Girl005aPF2 Fritia didn't understand why Marian had to try so hard just to showcase a product for her own family, and the Adjutant wanted to know the reason as well. However, all Marian would say was that she felt great when she was forced to wear Swift, and mentioned nothing about her own performance.
Marian - Swift Girl005aPF3 Marian attracted Titans to a Ferris wheel about to topple over and dashed down from the top like a swift sparrow with no concern for her own safety... Marian finally talked about her true thoughts when the Adjutant went to visit her...
Marian Girl005RM1 Marian was injured, so the Adjutant went to the medical bay to help take care of her and change her bandages. This became an unforeseen opportunity for the two to become closer...
Marian Girl005RM2 To thank the Adjutant for helping take care of her, Marian wanted to make a special treat for him. When the Adjutant arrived, Marian was in the middle of making a cake. She grabbed the Adjutant's hand and gave him a rather intimate lesson in cake baking...
Marian Girl005RM3 The Adjutant went onto the roof and found Marian watching the meteor shower. Noticing that she was cold, he draped his coat over her. A sudden gust of wind blew his coat away, and Marian would've jumped off the roof after it if the Adjutant hadn't been quick to grab her. He made her promise to try harder not to hurt herself...
Marian Girl005RM4 The Adjutant was appointed as the evaluator for weapons procurement and attended a munitions fair, where he found Marian serving as a Cathode Technologies model and presenter. Marian helped the Adjutant try on some new equipment, grabbing his hand as she showed him how to use it.
Marian Girl005RM5 The Adjutant discovered that Marian was avoiding him, so he invited her to the meeting room under the context of a mission. Unable to avoid the Adjutant this time, Marian confessed that she couldn't help but hurt herself because she was jealous and wanted the Adjutant's attention all to herself. However, as this would make her break her previous promise to the Adjutant, she was at a loss of what to do. The Adjutant encouraged Marian to follow her heart, promising to pay attention to her.
Haru - The Ace Girl006PF1 The Adjutant received the mission to maintain Haru's bionic prosthetic limb and analyze its data, and thus got to know what happened to Haru in the three years while the Adjutant was away.
Haru - The Ace Girl006PF2 The Adjutant arranged for a combat trial to test the adjusted bionic prosthetic limb. Haru's augmented bionic prosthetic gave her incredible power.
Haru - The Ace Girl006PF3 The Adjutant and Haru headed to the Commercial Streets to celebrate the success of the combat trial, and she showed a rare moment of shyness when faced with the unfamiliar cosmetics section. In the end, the gifts that the two decided to give to each other were...
Haru - Absconditus Girl006aPF1 While training with the Absconditus gear, Haru was suddenly Flooded due to Will Anderson's sudden appearance in the database. Thankfully, the Adjutant used an injection bullet on her in the nick of time. Even though the effects of Flooding dissipated, Haru began to feel severe phantom pain in her arm.
Haru - Absconditus Girl006aPF2 The Adjutant believed that Haru needed more time to rest and adjust to the trauma she experienced at the Fifth Research Institute. Tau disagreed but suggested that Haru could choose for herself. Haru was adamant that she join the mission, even if it meant death.
Haru - Absconditus Girl006aPF3 Haru experienced Flooding again during the mission. She saw her father in her mind, asking her what honor meant to her. Haru recalled memories she shared with the Adjutant and her other teammates and recovered on her own. Later, she admitted to the Adjutant that she had lost control and agreed to take some time off.
Haru - Absconditus Girl006aPF4 The Adjutant finally gave the dog tag back to Haru. She thanked him, saying that she was honored to fight alongside him. Somehow, Haru had changed...
Haru Girl006RM1 After sitting at his desk for an extended period, the Adjutant went to the training room to exercise. Haru, noticing that the Adjutant's back and joints were stiff, recommended he try yoga to relieve his aches and feel rejuvenated.
Haru Girl006RM2 After trying his hand at yoga, the Adjutant discovered he wasn't flexible enough for it. To distract Haru from discussing it any further, he brought up baking and suggested she give it a try.
Haru Girl006RM3 Haru purchased a cake and invited the Adjutant to try it with her. Haru, who rarely eats desserts, provided a very professional evaluation of the cake, leaving the Adjutant speechless.
Haru Girl006RM4 The Adjutant continued practicing yoga with Haru's help, but still couldn't overcome his lack of flexibility. Hoping to even things out, the Adjutant proposed that he and Haru have a cake-baking competition.
Haru Girl006RM5 Haru lost to the Adjutant in the baking showdown due to a rigid adherence to her rehearsed baking process. However, Haru, who is usually so serious, was finally able to let loose and have fun during the baking competition...
Cherno - Those Two Girl007PF1 When the Adjutant and Cherno were out conducting a mission, they met an Emissary of the Adventists. This terrified Cherno so much that she called Meursault on the phone for help.
Cherno - Those Two Girl007PF2 The company once deliberately sent Cherno to combat missions in order to observe Meursault. However, she -
Cherno - Those Two Girl007PF3 Cherno defended the Adjutant when she called Meursault. The Adjutant also wished to meet Meursault, and thus the truth of "Meursault" was revealed.
Cherno - Enigma Girl007aPF1 After absorbing the consciousness of Meursault, the Adjutant discovered that she was in his memories. To try to retrieve her, the Adjutant used the anchoring device developed by Fritia.
Cherno - Enigma Girl007aPF2 In his memory of first meeting Cherno, the Adjutant saw Meursault. After touching Meursault in the memory, he realized that it was not possible to retrieve her with the anchoring device. Because the Meursault he saw was not real.
Cherno - Enigma Girl007aPF3 The Adjutant proposed to separate shards of memories that had been surveyed with the anchoring device. Doing so would gradually narrow down the scope in which the real Meursault could possibly exist. However, with each failed attempt, the memories became more and more blurry...
Cherno - Enigma Girl007aPF4 In a long-forgotten memory, the Adjutant, who was then a Security Department supervisor, rescued Cherno from an Adventist hideout. The moment they touched each other, the Adjutant was overwhelmed by countless memories.
Cherno Girl007RM1 Cherno asked the Adjutant to help find what Meursault had lost. Despite his confusion, the Adjutant still followed Cherno to The Towers, only to have people recognize her as a former Emissary.
Cherno Girl007RM2 Having failed to discover the lost items, Cherno switched to her alter ego Meursault out of guilt and anxiety. Overwhelmingly protective, Meursault was not welcoming of the Adjutant. The Adjutant decided to look into Cherno's medical records to find a way to deal with Meursault.
Cherno Girl007RM3 Cherno was afraid that the Adjutant would dislike her due to Meursault's attitude towards him, and wanted to offer him sweets as an apology. The Adjutant planned to comfort her, but messed up and could only give her a hug in the end...
Cherno Girl007RM4 The Adjutant arrived at The Towers again with Cherno, and it turned out the item Meursault lost was... How would the Adjutant deal with Meursault when she reappeared?
Cherno Girl007RM5 It turned out Meursault never asked Cherno to find anything and it was all a lie. The Adjutant pointed out that Cherno was using Meursault as an excuse to escape, only to have Meursault show up again. However, this time she acknowledged the Adjutant's concern for Cherno.
Fenny - Lionheart Girl008PF1 The Adjutant ran into Fenny picking a dress in a high-end clothes shop and was invited by her as her dance partner. However, the Adjutant needed to undergo special training for this.
Fenny - Lionheart Girl008PF2 The Adjutant's dancing skills dazzled Fenny after just one week of training. However, an urgent mission interrupted their plans. Can they still make it to the ball...?
Fenny - Lionheart Girl008PF3 Fenny finished off the combat with amazing gusto and attended the ball with a foot injury. The two of them still managed to become the most dazzling couple at the ball.
Fenny - Coronet Girl008aPF1 Fenny really loved the design of the new tactical gear, especially that little crown. She wanted to show off this new gear in the form of Valkyrie Games. Out of concern for her safety, the Adjutant planned to participate in the test with her.
Fenny - Coronet Girl008aPF2 The test dictated that participants must manipulate the switches at the two ends of the field within a set time, and yet the Adjutant was surrounded by an electromagnetic barrier. Fenny's decision was -
Fenny - Coronet Girl008aPF3 Fenny finished the test with her injuries and put up her best side before the camera. The crown must not fall, and Fenny couldn't care less if it came with a few thorns.
Fenny Girl008RM1 Fenny keenly detected that the Adjutant was in a low mood and actively comforted him. In contrast, the Adjutant realized Fenny was forcing herself to put up a performance despite her empathy, and decided to pay more attention to her.
Fenny Girl008RM2 The Adjutant invited Fenny to a top-end restaurant, and she didn't hold back on the ordering. However, she gifted the Adjutant with an exquisite photo album and paid the bill herself.
Fenny Girl008RM3 The Adjutant was troubled over this photo album and went to find Fenny again, where she took out an identical album. For some reason, every photo in it was just of her...
Fenny Girl008RM4 Fenny believed that everyone would eventually leave her and that no one's care and companionship would last. The Adjutant wanted to comfort her without encroaching upon her pain and decided to talk to her again. It turned out the person Fenny cared for the most was none other than the Adjutant.
Fenny Girl008RM5 The Adjutant started to pay more attention to Fenny and give her more encouragement, deliberately creating chance meetings to talk to her. However, he realized this was getting too much. As they sat down together on a bench, they finally talked to each other about what they really thought.
Yao - Quiet Quitter Girl010PF1 Yao will never start work early or do overtime, even if she has to carry out missions. Haru regarded this as a lack of pride in the work. This time, the Titan's sudden appearance meant Yao could not finish work on time...
Yao - Quiet Quitter Girl010PF2 The Titan's appearance caused the ground to collapse. The Adjutant and Yao dropped into an underground area full of Changed, and the two were forced to run for their lives. The two grew closer as they fought together on their way out, and the Adjutant learned why Yao joined the Heimdall Force.
Yao - Quiet Quitter Girl010PF3 The Adjutant and Yao entered an abandoned subway station. The good news was that Yao found a way to the ground. The bad news was the road to the exit was full of the Changed...
Yao - Quiet Quitter Girl010PF4 The Adjutant and Yao finally successfully returned above ground, and Yao immediately switched from her professional mode to off-work mode. The hard drive they brought back from the subway station contained surveillance footage of the subway from bygone days, and the lives recorded in that was what Yao longed for...
Yao - Winter Solstice Girl010aPF1 Yao entrusted a plant that has yet to bloom to the Adjutant, but she went missing while executing a mission. The Adjutant and Fritia took on the mission to find Yao.
Yao - Winter Solstice Girl010aPF2 Using the communication left behind by Yao before she disappeared and combined with intel from the military, Fritia found where Yao lost contact. The Adjutant and Fritia snuck into this warehouse controlled by the Adventists...
Yao - Winter Solstice Girl010aPF3 The Adjutant found Yao and learned that this warehouse was where the Adventists performed their Titan Pyre. Yao's old friend planned to meet their "final end" at this place. With the Adjutant's encouragement, Yao decided to don Winter Solstice and end all of this.
Yao - Winter Solstice Girl010aPF4 Yao personally witnessed her old friend turn into a Depleted Titagen. Then, she'd destroyed the entire flower bed. When the Adjutant met with Yao on the balcony one week later, that barren pot was actually full of new budding leaves...
Yao Girl010RM1 Yao and the Adjutant were assigned to the Administration Department together in accordance with the company's new transfer initiative. Yao's dream of working in an office as a wage slave was finally realized, leaving her extremely pleased with the placement.
Yao Girl010RM2 Yao, the Adjutant, and Tara hung out after work. During their conversation, Yao began to see the gap between them and ordinary people, like Tara. The Adjutant viewed Yao's mindset as an important contribution to easing the seriousness of the battlefield.
Yao Girl010RM3 Yao and the Adjutant took notice that the head of the Administration Department was harsh on Tara. Even so, Yao told the Adjutant she had no intention of helping her. She believed that Tara could handle it on her own. After all, you can only rely on yourself in the workplace — just like on the battlefield.
Yao Girl010RM4 A large protest took place in front of the doors to Yggdrasil. With the deliberate guidance of some "caring individuals," the peaceful protest eventually erupted into violence, with Tara caught in the middle. Thanks to the Adjutant's exceptional command skills and Yao's capabilities as a sniper, Tara was saved.
Yao Girl010RM5 On the final day of the transfer initiative, Tara handled her workplace crisis by herself, and the violent incident was resolved. After work, Yao and the Adjutant had dinner together, and Yao explained the meaning behind her name to the Adjutant.
Enya - Big Sis Girl011PF1 When Enya heard that some parents had left their families to join the Adventists, she volunteered to take the mission to bring them back with zero casualties. The Adjutant was concerned that Enya might be too merciful on the battlefield...
Enya - Big Sis Girl011PF2 After a strategy meeting, the Adjutant and Enya entered the Contaminated Sections to bring these misguided parents back by disrupting the Adventists' ceremony and blowing up the location.
Enya - Big Sis Girl011PF3 Enya forcibly restrained the parents who became Adventists, then patiently explained the errors of their ways to them. This showed she wasn't being a hypocrite but genuinely held on to her dream...
Enya - Exuvia Girl011aPF1 To help the Yggdrasil engineers better develop and adapt her new tactical exosuit, Enya was performing intense adaptive training exercises. However, the Adjutant sensed that, deep down, she had other concerns.
Enya - Exuvia Girl011aPF2 To help Enya ease her mind, the Adjutant brought her to the gaming room. Enya was enlightened while playing games.
Enya - Exuvia Girl011aPF3 During an urgent mission, Enya showed up just in time and helped the Adjutant resolve the crisis. She managed to protect the Adjutant in the way she had always wanted to. Under the purple flowers waving in the wind, Enya revealed to the Adjutant all that she was.
Enya Girl011RM1 The Adjutant attended a special meet-and-greet at the behest of Enya, where he was welcomed warmly by the kids. While playing a game, some sparks flew between him and Enya...
Enya Girl011RM2 The Adjutant ran into Enya while completing some work in the old district one afternoon. During their chat, he heard her childhood story about the abandoned Ferris wheel...
Enya Girl011RM3 So that Enya wouldn't have any regrets, the Adjutant personally lit up the Ferris wheel the day before it was scheduled to be torn down... Under the radiant lights, Enya finally gained closure for her past and also expressed her feelings to the Adjutant.
Enya Girl011RM4 One pleasant afternoon, the Adjutant and Enya were enjoying some new treats in a cat café, where the Adjutant suddenly became very interested in a hairless cat that Enya was holding...
Enya Girl011RM5 On the night of the completion of the temporary orphanage construction, Enya brought the Adjutant back to the old Ferris wheel and told him the good news that it would be renovated. Under the moon, the two made an agreement to return there after the renovation was complete, with Enya seeming to make up her mind about something as well...
Mauxir - Meow Girl012PF1 The Adjutant found Mauxir measuring a contaminated card. In fact, it was an exhibit souvenir card with "love" as its theme. The two of them decided to find this information exhibition center together.
Mauxir - Meow Girl012PF2 Mauxir found a handwritten love letter in the exhibition center and was amazed at this traditional way of expressing emotions. She then discovered an urban love story...
Mauxir - Meow Girl012PF3 The Adjutant felt this romance story was cheesy and full of cringe elements, but Mauxir just couldn't understand...
Mauxir - Meow Girl012PF4 Mauxir used fighting to examine her point, and the Adjutant suffered an injury from trying to protect Mauxir in battle. Mauxir realized this matches the behavior of the protagonist in the story. Did this mean the Adjutant and she were also...
Mauxir - Shadow Ka Girl012aPF1 The Adjutant had received various complaints of Mauxir's stubbornness in the field, so he decided to have a chat with her about it. The Adjutant encouraged Mauxir to interact with others more and form bonds, but she thought that she and humans could never fully understand each other.
Mauxir - Shadow Ka Girl012aPF2 A surprise attack occurred during the meeting to conclude a new contract between Yggdrasil Enterprises and Ramses Group. The Adjutant and Mauxir went to save the hostages, with Mauxir trying out her new Shadow Ka tactical exosuit. They weren't on the island for long before the Adjutant realized that the "Mauxir" together with him was actually...
Mauxir - Shadow Ka Girl012aPF3 The real Mauxir was taking action on the other side of the island, where the desperate criminals detonated a bomb that caused the building to collapse. Mauxir lost a lot of blood and was Flooded, during which time she recalled her near death experience and lonely isolation as a child. As the Adjutant shouted to her, Mauxir was finally able to resist Anubis to regain consciousness and control.
Mauxir - Shadow Ka Girl012aPF4 Mauxir was undergoing some medical treatment on Yallu Island, but upon the Adjutant's visit, he discovered that the real Mauxir had once again escaped... He went to the Ruins Area and found her, showing her that he could think like she did. This inspired Mauxir to try to understand humans once more.
Mauxir Girl012RM1 The Adjutant saw Mauxir pick out the chili peppers from her food and learned that she can't taste spicy flavors because she can't feel pain. Although Mauxir didn't seem to really care about her loss of feeling, the Adjutant decided to pay extra attention to her.
Mauxir Girl012RM2 The Adjutant saw Mauxir strangely talking to a formation of Depleted Titagen. Worried that she was overstressed, he planned to have a good heart-to-heart chat with her, but...
Mauxir Girl012RM3 Mauxir's inability to feel pain has given her a life significantly different from other people, as well as a unique perspective for research. While observing an incomplete formation of Depleted Titagen, she discovered a possible way to prevent disintegration. Thus, she sought to collect more related samples.
Mauxir Girl012RM4 After completing their mission to attack the Adventist meeting point, the Adjutant, Mauxir, and Fenny got lost in the sewers. The Adjutant's rational analysis and decision-making while navigating this smelly situation earned him major points in Mauxir's book.
Mauxir Girl012RM5 During a mission to retrieve sealed data, the building where the data was stored suddenly collapsed. Just as a massive slab of debris was about to crush the Adjutant, Mauxir sacrificed herself to save him and was seriously injured. The reason for her decision was...
Siris - The Goldfish Girl013PF1 The Adjutant and Siris helped the military to settle the refugees evacuated from the new Contaminated Sections. There was a little girl named Nina who was alone and panicking among the refugees, and the Adjutant and Siris brought the girl back to the base.
Siris - The Goldfish Girl013PF2 Nina had witnessed her parents turning into the Changed and being killed by the military, and Siris decided to help Nina recover from this trauma. She planned to head to Nina's home and find happy memories for the girl.
Siris - The Goldfish Girl013PF3 The Adjutant and Siris took great risks to find a photo of Nina's family. Siris became Flooded and was only saved because the Adjutant had the new type of injections on him. Nina finally burst into tears when she took hold of the photo...
Siris - Ksana Girl013aPF1 Siris recalled some hazy memories about her mother. She asked the Adjutant to accompany her to conduct the Ksana exosuit's first field test near her old home, an outing she could also use as an opportunity to fetch a recording pen containing her memories.
Siris - Ksana Girl013aPF2 Siris and the Adjutant arrived at her old home, where she recalled more and more fragments of memories about her mother. Just when she finally found the recording pen, the Tree in Containment Zone Aleph launched an attack on them. While they were escaping, Siris seemingly heard her mother's voice...
Siris - Ksana Girl013aPF3 As if in a dream, Siris heard her mother's words of kindness. In fact, she had already learned how to hold on to her memories and not forget — the secret was love. When she opened her eyes, the person she loved was right in front of her...
Siris Girl013RM1 When bringing Siris fresh clothes from the dry cleaner, the Adjutant found that Siris has the habit of storing audio recordings and photos in her personal terminal to keep memories. The terminal's directory also contained a folder named "sealed."
Siris Girl013RM2 While Siris was sorting the photos and recordings from her missions, the Adjutant witnessed her dragging a file named Leila - a file belonging to a former Heimdall Force member - into the "sealed" folder with an expression of frustration.
Siris Girl013RM3 The Adjutant decided to help Siris to recover her memories of Leila. He found Caroline, who had known Leila. However, other people could only supply an idea of Leila from their own perspective. Those were not Siris' memory. Caroline suggested the two look for clues in her personal locker that Leila left before she quit the job.
Siris Girl013RM4 Siris felt guilty for having completely forgotten about Leila, which led her to be concerned she will one day forget about the Adjutant... With the Adjutant's encouragement, she finally opened the locker and retrieved a recording pen.
Siris Girl013RM5 Together with the Adjutant, Siris gathered her courage and turned on the recording pen. She was finally relieved when she heard Leila's recording. To thank the Adjutant, Siris added the tags "special" and "important" to the file named "Adjutant"...
Chenxing - The Observer Girl014PF1 Having just arrived at Heimdall Force a little while ago, Ji Chenxing was not trusted by Fenny and the others. She was directly appointed by the board of trustees to join this combined drill, and her mission was...
Chenxing - The Observer Girl014PF2 The Adjutant and Ji Chenxing were sent into two squads. During the mission, they received the unbelievable news that Lyfe and Fenny had lost their abilities as Manifestations and could no longer act. Communication channels were also disrupted at that very moment, making it impossible to locate them...
Chenxing - The Observer Girl014PF3 Working together, the Adjutant and Ji Chenxing finally found Lyfe and Fenny. When the drill ended, the Adjutant was unable to believe the explanation the higher-ups gave for this incident. What could possibly make Manifestations lose their power? And what did Ji Chenxing have to do with it?
Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud Girl014aPF1 The Adjutant received a surprise invitation. Someone as cold and mysterious as Ji Chenxing was inviting him to visit her home?
Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud Girl014aPF2 Chenxing regarded this mansion and her family as shackles. She only returned to fetch something her mother left, and this "something" was in the library. She must pass the three trials her mother left for her in order to obtain this item...
Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud Girl014aPF3 Wearing "Ethereal Cloud," Chenxing passed the two trials of "Heaven" and "Earth" only to find out that the final trial of "Humanity" was none other than against herself. Facing her heart at long last, Chenxing passed the trials, and the item her mother left behind was...
Chenxing Girl014RM1 Chenxing discovered there was a "ghost" inside the base. Therefore, she formed a night patrol squad with the Adjutant to catch this ghost. She hacked into the base's surveillance system for that purpose...
Chenxing Girl014RM2 The night patrol squad started their rounds. Chenxing detected a sound at the bar and rushed over with the Adjutant, only to find it was Nita secretly having a snack at night -
Chenxing Girl014RM3 Chenxing invited the Adjutant to meet her in her room. She pointed out the key clues she discovered and promised she will definitely find the ghost in two days. The other operatives had different opinions of this.
Chenxing Girl014RM4 Someone claimed to see the ghost in the observation deck. The Adjutant and Chenxing visited the deck at night, only to see it was Fenny practicing her dance. The operation failed again, yet Chenxing did not stop -
Chenxing Girl014RM5 Caroline discovered the surveillance system was hacked while Chenxing disappeared. Some doubted Chenxing and some chose to trust Chenxing, and it was Caroline who finally uncovered the truth regarding the ghost -
Katya - Blue Bolt Girl015PF1 In the confined bunker room, the Adjutant chatted casually with the heavily injured Katya, bringing up what happened after the Fifth Research Institute incident.
Katya - Blue Bolt Girl015PF2 Katya recounted how she returned home after escaping the Containment Zone, briefly contemplating a peaceful life but ultimately choosing to become a mercenary in Yehrus.
Katya - Blue Bolt Girl015PF3 Upon arriving in Yehrus, Katya received a mission from Millwood. In a twist of fate, she discovered that Omega was the true employer behind it, and decided to seek revenge. Learning about what Katya had been through, the Adjutant realized that they shared a common goal. To retrieve Eatchel, Katya promised to live on.
Katya Girl015RM1 While resting in the base, the Adjutant was drawn by the sound of an electric guitar. He followed the music to Katya's door, but she seemed reluctant to admit she was the one playing...
Katya Girl015RM2 After obtaining permission for Katya to go out, the Adjutant went with her to the Commercial Streets to buy a new guitar — both to accompany and supervise. But as Katya tried to pay, she discovered that her account had been frozen. Fortunately, the Adjutant extended a helping hand.
Katya Girl015RM3 A few days later, Katya dragged the Adjutant back to her room to listen to her play guitar. Afterward, she finally confided in the Adjutant the reason for her love of rock music and a past never shared with anyone else...
Katya Girl015RM4 After the second out-of-office request for Katya was rejected, the Adjutant went to find her to explain the situation. However, she instead took the Adjutant hostage in her room, seemingly hoping to use his life as leverage for an opportunity to leave — yet, behind the crisis was a plan they had discussed.
Katya Girl015RM5 In the abandoned garden, Katya revealed the true purpose of this outing — to retrieve a guitar pick she had used in the past and give it to the Adjutant as a gift... The two ended up staying out past the allotted time, and decided to stay out even a little longer before heading back.
Eatchel - The Cub Girl016PF1 As the Yehrus crisis finally came to an end, the Heimdall Force withdrew to their camp on the snowfield. Eatchel had dreams of her childhood memories and expressed her desire to find the music box left in Mameli Village before heading to Yggdrasil. The squad planned to help her, but suddenly, a blizzard alert sounded...
Eatchel - The Cub Girl016PF2 A fierce blizzard blocked the road to Mameli Village, leaving the group no choice but to give up their plan. However, as Eatchel was greatly distressed by the music box, she went alone to destroy it. Worried about Eatchel, the Adjutant, Lyfe, and Tess set out to find her.
Eatchel - The Cub Girl016PF3 As it turned out, Eatchel had been lying to herself that the music box had been a curse that took away her family, and hence needed to be destroyed. But deep in her heart, she was well aware that the source of the misfortune was the Gustav blood running through her veins. The Adjutant found Eatchel in a wooden cabin, comforted her, and invited her to join the Heimdall Force.
Eatchel Girl016RM1 While having her physical data recorded during Yggdrasil's onboarding process, Eatchel was highly uncooperative and even injured the doctor. Caroline urgently called in the Adjutant to help. The Adjutant understood that Eatchel's earlier experience as a test subject had made her fearful, so he personally conducted the remaining checks on Eatchel and conveyed to her the importance of her physical well-being.
Eatchel Girl016RM2 To help Eatchel harness her powers, the company commenced her training under the supervision of the Adjutant. During a session, Eatchel unexpectedly lost control and destroyed all the accompanying drones, disregarding her own safety and even failing to evade attacks. The Adjutant comforted Eatchel and emphasized that the training was meant to teach her self-defense and prevent injury. The Adjutant hoped Eatchel could live an ordinary life without needing to fight and encouraged her to rely more on him.
Eatchel Girl016RM3 The company arranged some educational classes for Eatchel, but her poor learning ability drove several teachers away, leaving the Adjutant as her only instructor. Eatchel's frustration led to her refusal to attend classes. The Adjutant had Eatchel sit on his lap and chatted with her, learning that she didn't want to attend class because she was afraid of disappointing him due to his stern demeanor. The Adjutant reassured Eatchel, explaining that he was only frustrated with himself for not teaching well. This made Eatchel feel better, and she decided to continue with the classes.
Eatchel Girl016RM4 Eatchel did well in her midterm exam, prompting the Adjutant to fulfill the promised reward, which she eagerly hoped would be a small pet. The Adjutant presented Eatchel with a tiny gecko, which brought her great joy as she vowed to take good care of it. However, a week later, the little gecko died, leaving Eatchel in tears. After careful consideration, the Adjutant decided to truthfully explain the situation to Eatchel and also taught her how to face death correctly.
Eatchel Girl016RM5 Eatchel seemed to have something bothering her for a few days, even losing her appetite. When the Adjutant asked what was up, she revealed that after watching a movie, she became uncertain about the difference between "like" and "love" and turned to the Adjutant for an answer. The Adjutant explained the distinction between these two emotions to Eatchel, who then understood the emotions the Adjutant harbored for her and her own feelings toward the Adjutant.
Tess - The Magician Girl017PF1 Tess was very resistant when she underwent the first round of cerebral nerve checks at Yggdrasil, forcing the tests to be stopped halfway through and leaving the medical bay.
Tess - The Magician Girl017PF2 Tess arrived at Tau's office, where the two discussed why she was chosen to become a Manifestation. However, Tess didn't get the answer she was looking for.
Tess - The Magician Girl017PF3 Tess ran across someone in need of help. While she hesitated about whether or not to act, a passing-by Lyfe went to help first. Tess tried to figure out what Lyfe was doing, but accidentally revealed her own identity.
Tess - The Magician Girl017PF4 An emboldened Tess returned to the medical bay and began the checks again. During the tests, she thought of her short time together with (You) and realized what she really wanted.
Tess Girl017RM1 In Tess' new files, the Adjutant found a photo of Tess with a lonely-looking expression. As the Adjutant's attention was focused on this, he ran into Tess as she returned to her room...
Tess Girl017RM2 The concerned Adjutant went to check on Tess, who hadn't been leaving her room. As she was worrying about a magic performance she was going to do for the children, the Adjutant was without a doubt there to save her.
Tess Girl017RM3 While the Adjutant was asleep, Tess squished up to wake him up and asked him to help her build a stage for her performance. After completing all the preparations, Tess began performing for the children. Her smile reminded the Adjutant of that photo...
Tess Girl017RM4 The Adjutant was knocked over by Tess as she flew across the hall. After asking her, the Adjutant learned that she was chasing her stage partner, Mr. Richard. Tess begged the Adjutant to help her, and he decided to oblige.
Tess Girl017RM5 The day came on which the Adjutant had promised to go see Tess' magic performance, but he was stuck in a monthly meeting. When he remembered his promise, the Adjutant made an out-of-character, impulsive decision. However, would he be able to make it to her show on time?

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Pub: 27 Apr 2024 20:51 UTC
Edit: 31 May 2024 04:44 UTC
Views: 754