8/12/24 updated I (Don't) Wani Forgive That Gator, moved Purple Game to standalone, replaced most Mediafire links with Catbox or Mega
8/14/24 added Christmas Visit, updated Butterflies.
8/15/24 added Chapter Select Titles
8/16/24 updated I Don't Wani Forgive That Gator
8/17/24 updated Drama of VVURMs, added Fin Game, updated I Don't Wani Forgive That Gator
8/18/24 added AI mod
8/19/24 changed Cooking with Fire's defines for compatibility and moved it to Wani, added descriptions to Snootjam 2's mods.
8/20/24 added Rebirth and Recovery.
8/21/24 updated Silent Feelings Demo, made Reed Route an actual mod instead of just a loose .rpy, removed Naser route and Naomi mod from Snoot section as they were already in the standalone section, fixed some mods that weren't in alphabetical order.
8/22/24 updated Rebirth and Recovery, removed More Choices as the link was dead.
8/24/24 added table of contents, added languages to all mods, and added translations from the Spanish Wani server.
8/28/24 added Spanish translation for The Death of a Feeling.
8/29/24 added Spanish trans for Dino in the Dark, The T-Word, and Tiny Dancer
8/30/24 added Boner in the Dark
8/31/24 added like a dozen Spanish translations, too lazy to list them here
9/1/24 updated Nuggets de Amor
9/2/24 fixed Second Chances using the wrong link, added numbers for which jam each jam mod came from
9/6/24 added (Shitty) Snoot Game Background Replacement Mod
9/11/24 added Trust Your Colors
9/12/24 added Devlog, fixed Trust Your Colors being labelled as Spanish only (I'll add a better description after I play it), fixed Montezuma's Revenge having a mildly fucked up link
9/13/24 added Snoot Zero, made [DEMO] tags consistent, added workshop links to Wani mods that had them.
9/14/24 updated Rebirth and Recovery, updated Devlog
9/17/24 added What Are The Odds That All MY Classmates Are Emotionally Distant Indie Game Scalie Girls?
10/3/24 moved the changelog to here, was previously at the bottom of the main list
10/4/24 updated Little Gator, updated the spanish modjam mods' links as Snootbooru moved them, all the mods on this list should also be available there now
10/5/24 added Russian Dub, updated Devlog
10/8/24 added Who Drank The Purple Stuff, updated Rebirth and Recovery, updated the Devlog Android link
10/9/24 updated Who Drank The Purple Stuff's description
10/11/24 added Hold Onto Mi, removed changelog section
10/13/24 updated Hold Onto Mi, added note about v11 compat, updated Chapter Select description
10/20/24 added the mod that makes the number one big boy image into olivia's tits
10/21/24 added Snootjam 3's mods. I'll add descriptions when I play them.
10/22/24 updated A Skinnie's Friendly Hand, added descriptions to A Skinnie's Friendly Hand, Blue Day, Bump in the Night, Lost in Art, and Snoot Terror. I'll do the rest when I play them.
10/23/24 added Who will dry my tears when the world falls apart's English patch. Added descriptions to Snoothouse, Snootypasta, Snooty Doo, Staring Down the Barrel, Blaire Snoot Project, Tokurun, A Bad Experience, and THOSH.
10/25/24 Finished updating most mods to V11, merged into main list. Added Spanish version of Hold Onto Mi.
10/27/24 added The Volcadera Night Terror
10/28/24 updated Devlog, updated Who Drank the Purple Stuff
10/31/24 updated Silent Feelings Demo's v11 version, Staring Down the Barrel's non v11 version (will do a v11 version of the next release if the original author doesn't), and The Blaire Snoot Project's v11 version
11/1/24 added The Volcaldera Haunting
11/3/24 added When Worlds Collide
11/13/24 added Acid Reflux
11/14/24 updated Acid Reflux and Scottish Encounter, finally fixed and updated Liberation Zone's V11 version
11/15/24 added Snoot Game Encore demo, Encore BGs
11/16/25 updated Devlog
11/17/24 added Foot Game, updated Devlog android
11/19/24 added SIXTY STRAIGHT HOURS!
11/22/24 updated Wani Red Pen
11/28/24 updated Who Drank the Purple Stuff
11/29/24 updated Puppet Pals v11 to stop a non-fatal error in the modloader. Updated Snooty Doo v11 to stop it from overwriting the default textbox.
12/1/24 added Garden of Rosa Ending 4
12/4/24 updated Moe Job v11, folder was named improperly, leading to missing asset errors
12/5/24 updated Hold onto Mi
12/6/24 added Hello Snoot High
12/8/24 updated Hello Snoot High
12/14/24 added Skinnie Game 0, updated Puppet Pals
12/23/24 Added spicjam 2's mods: Meteoric Friday Rampage, More Than Meets the Eye, Recuerdos de Navidad. Added Greene's Bad Feather Christmas.
12/25/24 updated Wani Red Pen and The Long Awaited Kiss
1/3/25 updated Devlog
1/13/25 updated Rebirth and Recovery's outdated description
2/7/25 added Gotta Save That Para! (damn it's been over a month since a new mod released)
2/10/25 updated Who Drank The Purple Stuff?, added 2 в 1: Пачка Дури
2/11/25 added Fangame Tutorial and Anon Drops Something On His Foot. Replaced 2 в 1: Пачка Дури's Mediafire link with Catbox.
2/13/25 added Methlivia
2/14/25 added Snootjam 4's mods: Liberation of Spirits, Another Snoot Fanfic, A Fresh Start, Chasing Tail, Anonymous Sender, Scaly Serenade, Under Better Circumstances and Tokurun 2. Added descriptions to LoS, UBC, AFS, and SS more will come as I play them
2/15/25 Updated A Fresh Start. Added descriptions to Tokurun 2, Anonymous Sender, Another Snoot Fanfic, and Chasing Tail.
2/20/25 added I Wani Build That Gator and Oorah.
2/21/25 updated Devlog
2/23/25 added Hold Onto Mi Russian Dub
2/24/25 added Teeny Weeny Lunara Mod
2/26/25 updated Devlog android
2/28/25 added Dungeons and Wani
3/3/25 updated Snoot Game Encore
3/5/25 updated I Wani Build That Gator
3/10/25 updated Wani Red Pen
3/12/25 updated I Wani Build That Gator
3/15/25 added added Libation of Spirits [Alt.]
3/18/25 added SnootTrek