this rentry informational is for accessability and anyone that wants to cut to the chase! there aren't any symbols or images, and all information has been compiled into one page for ease.

hello, my name is beca! i also go by other names, kei and kyo mainly. i use she/he/star pronouns. i'm 17 years old, and i'm a pangender lesbian. i also identify with xenogenders but there are way too many to fit on here. just ask if you're curious!

all following information below is anything to hear before you interact with me and any extra information!

i am multi-fandom, meaning i could be interacting with a source you have negative associations with. apart from friends and close kin spaces, i'm rarely interacting with fandoms. let me know your boundaries and feel free to ask about my interests!

i support what's considered radical inclusivity (lesboys, fagdykes, etc). queer identities are complicated and i won't ever dictate what you feel are comfortable labels as long as you're not hurting anyone (including yourself!) however, i do not tolerate transmed, transabled, transracial or anything else of that sort in particular.

i don't have any specific requirements for interaction. i don't join spaces where i need to state the bare minimum. i judge individually!

i like giving advice and listening to others! let me know beforehand if you're coming to me about something but other than that, go right ahead!

i'm very much open to being friends! but i tend to not reach out, even if we are consistently interacting. it takes a while for me to acclimate to spaces and people, due to my mental health issues.

tell me your boundaries and if i'm crossing a line at all with you! i can be blunt with what i think and that can come off rude or unwanted at times. if you don't clarify something fully, that's your problem, sorry not sorry! no tone tags; i will ask if i need clarification on anything as well.

that's everything! thanks for reading! click here to go back!

Pub: 15 Aug 2024 20:17 UTC
Edit: 09 Sep 2024 14:28 UTC
Views: 173