hello. we are graveyardshift collectively though we go by "nightshade" and an array of other names.
we do not have a gender because we are undead. simple as that.
do not refer to us as anything other than the names and pronouns we have stated before.
we do not usually like speaking to strangers, unless you are the host you wont see much of anyone else.
do not ask anyone to front if the alter does not know you.
we are highly mentally unstable and sometimes tend to do harm thinking it was for a good cause, any harm we may cause is not personal. (we'll apologize as we see fit)
some of our alters you may need to exercise caution with.
We have BPD and have a hard time managing it, please do not define us by our actions. we are not horrible people, we just live in unfortunate circumstances.
Please do not use the word "poor" around us. (in any context)
We make kys/kms jokes
We say slurs we can reclaim.
Please tell us if we make you upset, we will not be mad at you.

triggers: car accidents/crashes, hospitals, syringes, venting + trauma dumping w/o permission

Pub: 25 Sep 2023 23:47 UTC
Edit: 12 Nov 2023 00:26 UTC
Views: 89