✧˖°࿐ ABOUT ME + DNI / BYF !! ꒱

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꒰ I. ꒱ STARS, HIDE YOUR FIRES : apollo ... ?

hello! 'm a super passionate silly sweet little guy but also awkward nerd :3 aspiring astrophysicist & video game developer/designer! and author, musician, lawyer, etc. aha... i Adore stem but also vv much am an art person & humanitarian <3 my special ♥︎s are literature, music, fantasy, games, + stars !!! also final fantasy. and the divine comedy + paradise lost. Yeah.

dearly beloveds <3 : artemis (twin & moon), raine, nini, yori, rohat, cal, zira, mari, chloe, lye, robin, zen, casey, allen, anika, josh, sigrid, sam, kara, nina, yana, alex, gab, school + online + ffxiv friends, etc. (incomplete!)

꒰ II. ꒱ LET NOT LIGHT SEE : important stuff !?

this is messy sorry i'm fixing this . been a while LOL. nyway i just block freely tbh + just don't be an ass / weirdo but the gist is

  • i'm a minor !!! don't be weird. tho i am turning 18 soon BUT still don't be weird
  • m fine w interacting w any age! just so long as we both know Bounderies
  • proshippers go away + generally anyone who is pro-harassment, into online discourse too much, and participates in cancel-culture
  • please respect others sexuality/pronouns/identity <3 including my aroace beloveds
  • nsfw accts feel free to interact ig within reason, just don't be weird ?? for dark content wtvr accts just generally just don't be weird too and i expect u know the line between Stuff (?) but anyway i don't want ppl who actually romanticize/defend topics like rape, incest, pedophilia, etc. in whatsoever way :]
  • free palestine btw :)) zionists get tf Out.
  • separate bullet for this bcs this is esp important to me but i'm a twin and for the love of any gods out there dni the fuck away if you consume twincest content in any matter, even if it's "just fiction". ty <3 like i like when things are "twisted" sometimes i love literature i love media (& media literacy) but in any way at all i just hate twincest in particular sorry not sorry
  • basically if you're respectful, not genuinely chronically online (in a bad way), not a bigot, and don't get too involved in online discourse, cancel culture, or harassment feel free to interact <3

꒰ III. ꒱ MY DARK & DEEP DESIRES : main likes !!!

uh. tba LOL <3 sorry guys can u tell i'm Taking Inspo from arti's rentry haha

ALSO current obsessions. er. will fix but:

  • resident evil (specifically . Everything rlly LOL shoutout to leon s. kennedy & re village tho)!
  • lovecraftian cosmic horror stuff. Bloodborne <333 fromsoftware really. i loveu malenia. and lady maria. and ranni and
  • generally horror actually which is funny bcs i'm a scaredy cat coward Er silent hill slay :))
  • FINAL FANTASY !!!!! AND ALSO MY OCS. ORIGINAL & FANDOM-SPECIFIC. please talk to me abt ff
  • dmc but specifically the music of dmc and also forever & always how cool dante is.
  • w ff bcs it's specifically. tactics, 14, 13, 12 ,9, 5, 6 rn. ignoring 16 bcs i Will get overwhelmed... aha.....
  • reading "on the origin of species" atm ^_^ & rereading pjo and uh also lotr. Soon. and also the phantom of the opera
  • as for xiv specific obsessions atm (yeah this is a thing) uhh stuff to do with the ancients. specifically anything w azem and emet and hyth and venat and hermes. but also wol and G'raha <3 i miss ffxiv always & forever
  • fave band atm is probably cup of joe! i love u 'patutunguhan'. but also hozier. which is funny bcs i still haven't listened to 'too sweet' (i'm scared) despite looking forward to it pre-release and being there On release..... hozier i am terrified.
  • also stoats... one of my fav animals ever :3 saw a tumblr post and Damn i love them frfr
  • if you play ffxiv or are interested in it (esp if bcs of me/artemis) i will love you forever btw. truth
  • new list for the end of may :3 RAGGGHHH DRAGON AGE !!! specifically inquisition bcs i'm playing it rn but Wow origins and 2 ily.
  • spiritfarer... this game is ruining my peace and quiet /j i have cried numerous times and am Not yet close to being done :)) Haha.
  • ougghhhh ffxiv always but esp i'm giddy bcs imm going to eorzea cafe and rlly excited for dawntrail. i will Cry! also ffxvi bcs there's a collab for the cafe aaaagggghhhhhhhh!!!!
  • "good luck, babe!" godbless chappel roan. ty to my friend raine for this song.
Pub: 17 Aug 2022 18:04 UTC
Edit: 28 May 2024 13:55 UTC
Views: 531