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Agender a gender identity generally defined as in which one lacks a gender or has very little experience of a gender

Aboy a gender identity which describes an agender individual who prefers being perceived as a boy/man or masculine

Voidthing is a gender identity in which one's gender is connected to being a void/void-aligned/a void entity/etc and a thing; a voidthing

Transneunullmasc being transmasc, transneu and transnull at the same time, or fluid between them

Boyflux a subset of genderflux where one's manhood/masculinity fluctuates in intensity

Uhsureboy gender that’s male, masculine, or boy-like in the sense that if someone were to ask you “are you a boy?” You’d reply with “uh sure” as in not really but close enough. You’re gender is either too complicated to explain past binary terms or you just don’t feel like outing yourself

Mascbypunk a gender connected to being a masculine non binary individual, but but rejecting society's definition of being a masculine non binary individual and being oneself, even if it's not typical

Depregender a neurogender where ones gender is influenced or affected by ones depression

Pub: 07 Dec 2024 00:37 UTC
Edit: 08 Jan 2025 01:13 UTC
Views: 26