dante & lestat brothers of all time divider pixel I LOVE MY LITTLE BROTHER pixel
Annoying Each Other since ??/??/2018

It's weird to think that, during our teen years,
we really hated each other. Over the time we
have known each other, friend has turned to
family. You're my family, in every way that
has ever mattered - not blood, but through
love, through the care you've shown to me.
You're the most passionate person I've ever
met, even if you try to hide it, and your love
for what you love & what you do is really
inspiring, even if I don't always understand.
You always have given me the space to be
my own person, without any worries about
the outside world. We can trust each other
to be genuine, and your honesty has helped
me to become who I really want to be. No
matter how big you get, you'll always be my
baby brother.
divider WE ARE... Dante & Vergil﹒ Denji & Power﹒ Kaeya & Diluc﹒
Vash & Knives﹒ Hawke & Carver﹒ Dean & Sam﹒
Tanjiro & Nezuko﹒ Akira & Futaba﹒ Cain & Abel﹒

Pub: 20 Aug 2023 10:34 UTC
Edit: 27 Aug 2023 10:16 UTC
Views: 293