you had an absolute shit day
you just want to collapse and cry
brace yourself to fake it as you open the door to your home
"hey Kronii, Fauna I'm home"
you call out trying to sound as normal as possible
"welcome home anon, Fauna will be a minute she's-"
your girlfriend Kronii walks in greeting you but stops in her tracks when she looks at you
she saw right through you
she puts her hand on the side of your face making you look at her
"do you want to talk about it?"
you shake your head no you don't want to think right now
Kronii starts guiding you to the sofa
Fauna, your other girlfriend that you share with Kronii, walks in wearing her favorite apron she must've been cooking dinner
she glances at you and shares a look with Kronii
Kronii makes you sit down in the middle seat taking a seat next to you
Fauna walks up, leans down and gives you a kiss on the forehead
"dinner will be done soon I'll bring it in here for you"
she smiles and heads back to the kitchen
Kronii just sits next to you pressing up against you
before long Fauna comes in balancing three bowls with shocking ease
she sets one down in front of Kronii and then one in front of you
she sets her own bowl on the coffee table in front of the still empty seat
she sits herself down on your other side getting right up against you like Kronii had
you pick up the bowl in front of you seems Fauna made vegetable soup tonight
Kronii clearly wasn't a fan but forced herself to eat it after a glare from Fauna
you slowly eat trying to focus on the cute girls next to you instead of your problems
finally finished you set your bowl down
normally Fauna would be quick to start cleaning but not today
she leaves her own bowl and pushes you into your seat from her side
Kronii does the same
they're both basically laying on top of you
"I know you probably had a hard time, but it's ok you can spend time with us"
Kronii gives you a smile squeezing you a bit tighter
"we love you a lot anon just let yourself relax"
Fauna whispers softly
the duo keep encouraging and comforting you
just being close to them makes you feel a bit better
after a while Fauna and Kronii both let out yawns
you feel tired too but don't want to separate from the two for long enough to go to bed
it seems Fauna figured as much
she slides to the far side of the couch fully as she pulls your head down to her lap
Kronii positions herself to use you as her bed hugging you tightly
Fauna starts gently stroking your hair
she leans down and gives you a kiss from above
Kronii shimmies up to kiss you as well
she then settles back down to laying on your chest
"good night anon~ we love youuuu~"
with the love in their voices as they said goodnight you finally smile for yourself
you squeeze Kronii a bit tighter and close your eyes enjoying the feeling of Fauna playing with your hair

Pub: 25 Feb 2022 09:48 UTC
Views: 223