welcome to the sphinxes experience

sphinxes logo sphinxes is a yukoner music composer who uses beepbox to produce jingles this is a website for download links, tracklists, blog posts, and much much more! so go enjoy and explore the sphinxes rentry, go home

table of contents

entries are sorted from newest to oldest

sphinxes' discography

may ep album cover

may (extended play)

released in may 1st 2023 (05/01/2023), the 2nd release in sphinxes' discography made in beepbox and digitron during april 2022 to may 2023

1. sweden
listen: https://ztxa.bandcamp.com/track/sweden
download: https://tinyurl.com/2trawkek

2. bossbat
listen: https://ztxa.bandcamp.com/track/bossbat (thru bandcamp)
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listentobossbat (thru beepbox)
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/y7qmqjwa
download: https://tinyurl.com/ykwjyt2f

3. styrene
listen: https://ztxa.bandcamp.com/track/styrene
download: https://tinyurl.com/4pve8mk8

4. raingen
listen: https://ztxa.bandcamp.com/track/raingen (thru bandcamp)
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listentoraingen (thru beepbox)
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/276wvqa2
download: https://tinyurl.com/yjvhsz2b

april ep album cover

april (extended play)

released in april 1st 2022 (04/01/2022), the 1st release in sphinxes' discography made in beepbox during february 27th to march 1st of 2022

1. ringtone
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listentoringtone
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/y9deqzu8
download: https://tinyurl.com/2s3fbbmw

2. blocky
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listentoblocky
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/y7g6l2r7
download: https://tinyurl.com/mvvr5vcc

3. dopamine (formerly named "rhythm")
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listentodopamine
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/ydd94825
download: https://tinyurl.com/2p82m5fs

4. cloud generation (formerly named "james dean's heaven")
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listentocloudgeneration
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/ycfnscxs
download: https://tinyurl.com/yx3ftm2t

4 project

4 (four) is a music project by sphinxes, using patterns with the shape of a 4 or anything related to the number four

4444 ep album cover

4444 (extended play)

released in april 30th 2022 (04/30/2022), the 4th release in 4’s discography
made in beepbox during april 24th to april 30th

1. 4444a
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento4444a
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/28u3ockt
download: https://tinyurl.com/9mep9u82

2. 4444b
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento4444b
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/2dchowgc
download: https://tinyurl.com/3bfxrr5h

3. 4444c
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento4444c
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/2yx65q7h
download: https://tinyurl.com/5ed5p9mw

4. 4444d
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento4444d
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/2cac4odj
download: https://tinyurl.com/ynva2c2d

444 ep album cover

444 (extended play)

released in april 24th 2022 (04/24/2022), the 3rd release in 4’s discography
made in beepbox during april 14th to april 24th

1. 444a
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento444a
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/y3dntwqg
download: https://tinyurl.com/ak82ftef

2. 444b
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento444b
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/y4h8jujd
download: https://tinyurl.com/ypjmbwr7

3. 444c
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento444c
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/y58zsosf
download: https://tinyurl.com/24pywzzy

4. 444d
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento444d
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/y43my8ae
download: https://tinyurl.com/bdf5fmz6

44 ep album cover

44 (extended play)

released in april 14th 2022 (04/14/2022), the 2nd release in 4's discography
made in beepbox during april 5th to april 11th

1. 44a
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento44a
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/ycnmg9za
download: https://tinyurl.com/yc673cd5

2. 44b
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento44b
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/yafcrcx2
download: https://tinyurl.com/yhb2uc33

3. 44c
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento44c
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/y7lmyd4a
download: https://tinyurl.com/4rs3ese4

4. 44d
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento44d
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/y8hz7chv
download: https://tinyurl.com/2p8pyfyb

4 ep album cover

4 (extended play)

released in april 4th 2022 (04/04/2022), the 1st release in 4's discography and 2nd release in sphinxes' composition history made in beepbox during april 3rd to april 4th

1. 4a
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento4a
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/yc86wl5q
download: https://tinyurl.com/375uatcn

2. 4b
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento4b
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/ybl4gtzb
download: https://tinyurl.com/4my4zayw

3. 4c
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento4c
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/y832en9j
download: https://tinyurl.com/bdeka2y6

4. 4d
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento4d
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/yagbkqut
download: https://tinyurl.com/2sfk3bpp


420tf EP album cover

420 trolling face (extended play)

released in april 20th 2022 (04/20/2022), the bonus release in 4's discography
made in beepbox during april 10th to april 11th

1. 400
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento400
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/yays4uy4
download: https://tinyurl.com/3yj9ddjd

2. plus
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listentoplus
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/ycxnvttz
download: https://tinyurl.com/2p94ts3x

3. 20
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento20
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/ydbuel8d
download: https://tinyurl.com/2p8ddtm8

4. equals
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listentoequals
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/y9u9vntb
download: https://tinyurl.com/2fkp7att

5. 420
listen: https://tinyurl.com/listento420
beepbox: https://tinyurl.com/yd5jstnp
download: https://tinyurl.com/mt6xzxf2

miscellaneous downloads

this download section here contains the graphics package, but there will be some other things coming soon!

sphinxes' graphics package

— sphinxes poster
with the website mention: https://tinyurl.com/sphinxes-poster
without the website mention: https://tinyurl.com/sphinxesposternomention

— april ep album cover
cover art link: https://tinyurl.com/aprilepcover
original art link: https://tinyurl.com/ogaprilepcover

— 4 ep album cover
cover art link: https://tinyurl.com/4epcover
original art link: https://tinyurl.com/og4epcover
warped art link: https://tinyurl.com/4epcoverwarped

— other graphics
sphinxes logo link: https://tinyurl.com/sphinxeslogo
sphinxes qr code link: https://tinyurl.com/sphinxesqr
sgp graphic link: https://tinyurl.com/sphinxesgp
smd graphic link: https://tinyurl.com/sphinxesmd

blog posts

these are the blog posts from sphinxes

new stuff on the site now

from sphinxes, 12:00 pm, 06/08/2024 hi guy its the guy running this rentry and this music alias, zettavevo aka sphinxes, i made a few changes and updates on this site and through almost all of my rentries, so here is a brief summary of what i did in this one, i will provide a whole list of Things i did over on my rambling rentry coming soon

change 1: i added the 4444 ep onto the 4 project part of the rentry
the 4444 ep was exclusive to the bandcamp release of the 4 album since i needed to do that later, now that later is here and the ep is now on the site
it now includes beepbox song player links, downloads, and the links themselves if you want to remix (assuming)

change 2: i added the may ep on the rentry now
its been a year since i released may ep onto bandcamp and bandlab, and the reason why i didn't put it on this rentry was because 2 tracks were made in a synth app i used there, so the consistency would be a bit off considering all of the listen links go to the bb song player
so now today i figured it out and i put the may ep on the rentry, Great Job!

change 3: formatting changes
i just got rid of some of the seperators, and also i added this blog post into the site, awesome!

thats it theres no tldr enjoy life b

4/4 anniversary of 4 + more

from sphinxes, 4:44 pm, 08/08/2022 hello, its me, the sphinx. today i would like to announce that its the 4 months and 4 day anniversary of the original 4 ep, and for that reason i would like to write this blog post because of this, so here is a list on things i want to announce:

1. the new sphinxes logo
starting from the latest sphinxes news, i had finally updated the sphinxes logo
because of rentry's new update to make every rentry in dark mode (i like that feature btw)
the old sphinxes logo looks out of place there like i didn't put enough work to the site
so now the sphinxes logo is cool and epic

2. the entire four quadrology is now on bandcamp, bandlab and audiomack
yes it's true! the 4 discography is not rentry exclusive anymore!
the 4 EPs are now combined to make four (the album), now you could find them on those platforms
heres the hyperlink for the bandcamp release, and also for the bandlab and audiomack ones

3. the april EP is on bandcamp, bandlab and audiomack
same thing for the four thing, i put them on those platforms also
heres a hyperlink for the bandcamp one i don't feel like putting them all here

4. 4444 EP is here
the last EP from the 4 musical project is real!
for the bandcamp, bandlab and audiomack releases, i made the ep in a non-forced rush
i'll put the 4444 EP in the rentry once i am done writing this

5. site changes
and for the last thing i will say here is that there are some changes in the rentry, and don't worry i'll put it in pointform
— table of contents added
— cleaned up the front page
— the source markdown is on github

ok thats it of what i want to say i will see you next time, bye bye

3 more eps are coming soon!

from sphinxes, 11:08 pm, 04/04/2022

hi guys! did you enjoy the 4 ep? i think you did, because i planned 3 more new EPs for my 4 project!
during april (the 4th month), i will release an EP during 14th, the 24th and the 31st of april!
in may 1st, i will release a compilation album with all of the tracks for this years fourathon!

here are the new titles for the pre-born EPs:
april 14th: 44 EP
april 24th: 444 EP
april 31st: 4444 EP (true four)
may 1st: fourathon 2022 album

like as before, each EP will consist with 4 tracks.
i have already done 44a for the next EP that's coming up, so be prepared for that if your reading this before april 14th!

tldr — i planned 3 new EPs during april for our current fourathon

new ep announcement!

from sphinxes, 1:04 am, 04/04/2022

hey guys its me the boss california, anyway i released an ep called "april" composing of jingles i made during the transition through winter to spring (febuary to march). so, today i would like to announce that in april 4th, 2022 in 4:44 pm mst, i would release my new ep called "4" (it's actually the 4 emoji but rentry doesn't allow any emojis so thats what i have).

yup, that's right! 4 will come in 4/4/2022 in 4:44! what a miracle!! its going to consist with 4 tracks (4a, 4b, 4c, 4d). then your last thought about this was "what's the price for 4 ep?", is it $400? maybe $40? ehh just $4 dollars, but it's not any of these options, the extended play is free! for personal and commercial use! (credit/contact me when you want to use my work for a commercial project).

i already had done 4a and 4b in this night then i'm going to finish the ep up with 4c and 4d, so be prepared for the inevitable coming of the 4 ep! at 4:44 pm 04/04/2022.
the most distorted album cover of all time

from sphinxes, 2022
tldr: a new ep with 4 tracks called 4 will release in 04/04/2022 in 4:44 pm mst

Pub: 01 Apr 2022 19:56 UTC
Edit: 07 Jan 2025 05:15 UTC
Views: 746