tartarsaucex0 on insta
special interests
SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS <333 && south park
style (stan x kyle), sea life, lost media, sharks, orcas & cartoons

scott pilgrim
but im a cheerleader

other fandoms
fbacc, block 13, moral orel, inside job, tawog, madoka magica, mlp, toh, tgamm, amphibia, i am not okay with this,
horrid henry, the lorax, spooky month, bluey, whatever happened to robot jones, mickey mouse, ducktales, cuphead,
ren & stimpy, the fairly odd parents, catdog, courage the cowardly dog, ed, edd n eddy and pearl (2022) x3

go back . dni :3 . byf!

Pub: 06 May 2023 15:42 UTC
Edit: 03 Jan 2024 03:35 UTC
Views: 4359