spider gang


BruhManeGod Solsa Plague Blvd Afourteen MKULTRA Fl.vco Christ Dillinger Cxrpse Blckk Troy The Editor Cubensis Eddison Wendigo Teenage Disaster Lil D***ie


Spider Gang is a rap collective created mid 2018 by lil da**ie and former member STONEMAN.

Genres: Experimental Trap, Emo Rock, Rap, Hip Hop, trap metal, etc

Other names: The Faggots, The Spiders, The Arachnids, The Gang, and The Goonies

"so i was like really high on shrooms one time and the gods told me to make my followers label us as spiders"
Pub: 03 Apr 2023 04:09 UTC
Views: 285