I have the password to this rentry saved and will NOT lose it. I don't need it changed or reset, anyone in emails pretending to be me is NOT me. this rentry is owned by /meekah aka /drewflamboni. this url intentionally is simple and has text only as it has information about myself. this is genuine content that took WAY more than 30 seconds to code and write, please do not attempt to reclaim.

bow divider

Rainbow Bow Rainbow Heart Meekah's Lovemail!! Heart Diary Pink Stars

idk if this is necessary but...

MY GIRLFRIEND!!!! we met in feb 2023 and started dating in july 2024. at first she was a great friend, always being there for me when i was at my worst, but when we started dating i felt like i was ascending she is THE BEST GF EVER.rhinestone heart she cares about me so much and i wouldnt trade her for the world, every voice call, gaming sesh, and everything baout her feels wonderful, nearly euphoric to me. i love her sosososoos much she is the BEST PERSOn in the WOrld.... stellakah forever pansexual hearts I take back everything i said about u

pink candy swirl divider

DREW FLAMBONI!! vro.. i saw him for the first time when rr released that swimsuit poster and... we connected. instantly shocked bear I knew i was going to love him and his dorky self ahahaahjkrlpgrjtr43m,, he is so CUTE. i love him hes so goofy and delusional.. the galactic hamster overlords are controlling the- NO THEY ARE NOT BLUD ur so sillyyyy yellow and green stars ill write some more later

pink candy swirl divider

back floating hearts

Pub: 19 Oct 2020 20:34 UTC
Edit: 27 Feb 2025 20:15 UTC
Views: 846
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