Meekah's Lovemail!!
idk if this is necessary but...
MY GIRLFRIEND!!!! we met in feb 2023 and started dating in july 2024. at first she was a great friend, always being there for me when i was at my worst, but when we started dating i felt like i was ascending she is THE BEST GF EVER. I take back everything i said about u she cares about me so much and i wouldnt trade her for the world, every voice call, gaming sesh, and everything baout her feels wonderful, nearly euphoric to me. i love her sosososoos much she is the BEST PERSOn in the WOrld.... stellakah forever
DREW FLAMBONI!! vro.. i saw him for the first time when rr released that swimsuit poster and... we connected. instantly I knew i was going to love him and his dorky self ahahaahjkrlpgrjtr43m,, he is so CUTE. i love him hes so goofy and delusional.. the galactic hamster overlords are controlling the- NO THEY ARE NOT BLUD ur so sillyyyy
ill write some more later