"...Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..."

Dav hummed a jolly tune to himself as he carefully watched over the cast iron pot on the makeshift stove. The winter season had arrived in Capim Town quicker than anyone expected this year, but by no means was this an unwelcome surprise. As all of those in the Clover Guild began partaking in their own quirky methods of celebration for the incoming festivities, the good tidings that would result from the holiday jamboree were in no short supply.

"...Jack Frost nipping at your nose..."

It would also prove to be an especially white Christmas this year. Foot upon foot of snow had appeared overnight thanks to a blizzard that happened to pass through, spreading its joy in its own way. But the frigid weather outside was no match for Dav's construction skills. The home he had assembled with his friends, especially Beau and Mako, was as locked down as a mid-war fort behind enemy lines. But instead of defending against droves of raving savages, it stood as a bulwark against the cold air and ice outside.

"...Yuletide carols being sung by a choir..."

Dav had plenty of time to get adjusted to his new form, that of a Blaziken. As a result, he had grown much more adept in his fire-conjuring abilities, which would assist in lighting the wood-fueled hearth that so graciously warmed the house it dwelled within. And just as the embers danced along the logs in the hearth, another small fire would serve as a heat source for the incoming confection that was being baked.

"...And folks dressed up like—"

Dav's merry humming was suddenly interrupted by the loud sound of a door flying open and then slamming back shut again. In walked in a Munchlax, totally engulfed in winter attire from his head to his toes.
"Hey, Dav! I'm back with the goods!"

"Ah, welcome back, Mako! Were you able to get everything?" Dav said, projecting his voice throughout the house.

"Yeah, luckily Beast and Ronnie had plenty of fresh fruit left over." Mako replied in an equally loud volume.

"Awesome! Come throw them in the pot; it should be the perfect temperature now." Dav said.

Mako waddled out of his massive winter coat and several pairs of scarves, all masterfully woven by none other than Capim Town's esteemed tailor, Ariados. As he carefully hung his garb up on a nearby post serving as a makeshift coatrack, he lugged a big sack over towards the kitchen area of their home.

"I take it you didn't have to fool Ronnie into coughing up the supplies, huh?" Dav asked.

"I'll tell you what; if Ronnie still couldn't distinguish me and Beast after all this time, some missing supplies would be the least of his problems. He would have to be more concerned about the missing parts of his brain," Mako said with a guffaw.

The two shared a heartfelt belly laugh as Mako emptied the sack of fresh fruits and berries into the boiling pot.

"Nevertheless, it certainly helped to pick a thing or two about cooking up from that pair," Mako said.
"And if you don't believe me, wait until this glaze is finished. It's just about one of the best things I've ever tasted here."

"I'm just as excited to try it as you are, believe me," Dav said. Stepping away from the stove to make room for Mako, he looked off to the side as a new thought came to mind.
"You didn't happen to find Beau while you were out there, did you?"

"Nope. He must still be looking for a tree," Mako replied.


Out in the winter wonderland was Beau, diligently wading through piles of snow while avoiding the ones that were even taller than him. Taller than him at least, while he was on all fours. Mastering the ability to move in an agile way on all fours proved to be much easier for Beau than he ever thought, and he found himself picking up the motions incredibly quickly. However, the snow and occasional lick of ice did prove to be a bit of a challenge at times for his level of mobility.

Beau shook himself about, brushing off several flakes of snow that had amassed on his back during his trek outside. As he fidgeted around to try and warm himself up a bit further, he began to see something out in the distance.

"Hm... is that..."
As he suddenly found himself overcome with a cat-like curiosity, he took a massive leap towards the unknown, accidentally landing paws first into a deceptively large pile of snow. He sunk rapidly into the pile, getting a face full of snow in the process.

"Ah! P'tew!"
Spitting a large wad of snow out of his mouth and shaking himself free again, he began to move closer and closer towards the object that had begun to catch his attention. Moving closer and closer to his destination, he went from an excited run to a cautious crawl, right up until he was face to face with his prize.

"Jackpot!" Beau cried aloud.

What had lain before him was now perfectly clear, despite the still-raging blizzard that surrounded him and his prize. It was none other than the leafy, slightly spiky shade of dark green, the proud and stoic flora that would never give up itself, the everlasting symbol of the winter holidays.

The perfect Christmas tree.

Except there was one problem, Beau quickly realized. It was deeply rooted within the cold, hard soil.

"Hm... of all the times to be an Espeon... I really could've been better suited for this if I had some sharp blades... or claws..." Beau sighed.
Restlessly circling the plant to get a better look at it, he also began to run circles in his mind on how he would get the tree back to his anxiously waiting friends.
"How can I get this back to the house? Should I keep looking for another tree, maybe one that would be a bit easier to uproot? Or perhaps one that had already fallen on the ground prior? Should I go back to the guild and enlist the help of someone to help me cut it down? Oh, or maybe I could just hit it really hard and hope it snaps down... think, Beau, think!"

Almost immediately after his self-directed command, his eyes began to roll back, and the gem placed on his forehead began to glow a steady purple.
"Hmm... HAAH!"

With a sharp cry, the earth began to shake, and in an instant, the previously ingrained plant now floated diligently in the air, cloaked in a purple haze of mystical psychic energy. As it hovered in the air, all of the snow that had cloaked it began to fall into the crater below, carefully covering up any proof that it had once occupied that space.

"...or I can do that. Right, that makes sense," Beau chuckled aloud.
"Well, might as well get back home now... just have to keep my focus, especially in this bitter cold weather..."


"I'm home!!!" Beau cried out as the door to his home flung open once again.
It gave another loud thud as it slammed shut, indicating it would continue its job of protecting Team Crusader from the storm outside, much like a guard stationed in their sentry post.

"Beau! Better late than never!" Dav said with a wide grin.

"We were starting to get worried that we'd have to send the guild out after you!" Mako said, throwing up his arms.

As Beau ran over to Dav and Mako, stationed diligently by the fireplace, they all shared in a warm group hug.

"Did you find a good tree?" Mako said.

"I certainly did! In fact, it's right outside!" Beau beamed.

"Great to hear! Do you need help getting it in the corner of the room?" Dav asked.

"Definitely. In fact, I'm not sure if it'll even fit through the door!" Beau exclaimed.

The three leapt up from their positions and eagerly scrambled towards the door. With the vigor displayed in their mad dash, one could've figured they were as excited as children on Christmas morning. As they began to squeeze through the door, Mako began lagging behind as he began equipping his winter attire once more.

"C'mon, Mako, we're only going to be outside for a few minutes. You don't have to get all wrapped up again," Beau chuckled.

"Are you crazy? You saw how bad that blizzard is; I don't intend to become a popsicle." Mako growled.
"Besides, you have thick fur, and Dav has feathers, in addition to being a walking heat lamp!"

"Ah, you'll be fine, you big baby. Just huddle near me." Dav chuckled.

Before Mako could protest further, he was escorted outside by his exceedingly excited comrades. Walking out into the wild white weather, the visibility had gotten even worse than before, and the three could hardly see in front of them.

"It's over here, c'mon!" Beau said, attempting to guide his comrades along.

"I can't see a thing!" Mako cried.

"Me neither; this storm is certainly something," Dav said, brushing snow off his face.

Feeling around with their hands, talons, and paws, they eventually found the tree in the sea of white. Cautiously grabbing the tree and hoisting it up one by one, the three balanced the weight of the tree amongst each other.

"Alright, lift with your legs," Dav said.
"On three... one... two..."

"THREE!" they all cried as they began to lift and shuffle back into the house.

With the door still flung open, they cautiously wedged through the entryway, dusting themselves off and brushing the snow out of their eyes. As vision was regained, they carefully began walking towards the corner of the living room that would host the tree.

Except there was one problem.


"...wait... that's it?" Mako exclaimed, losing his grip on the tree.

Beau paused to catch his breath, leaving Dav alone in holding the tree. But for Dav, holding the tree proved to be no struggle at all.

"...uh... did part of it break off outside?" Dav said blankly.
Dav readjusted his grip on the tree, now cradling it as if it were a newly hatched Pokemon. It was hardly heavier than one as well.

Beau shot back a blank look at the tree, which, upon further inspection, was quite petite indeed.
"I don't think so. Uhm, it certainly looked a lot bigger outside."

Mako framed his hands together in front of his eyes, making a small opening between them.
"Yeah, it's definitely pretty small. Is that even a tree? It looks more like a shrub."

"Well, the region here isn't exactly teeming with pine trees, I suppose." Beau sighed.
"Sorry, guys. We probably should've bought one from the market instead..."

Dav and Mako exchanged an awkward glance with one another.

"Hey, I mean, it's still a plant with branches and prickly leaves," Dav said.

"Exactly. It may be small, but heck, it'll do just fine," Mako said, patting Beau on the back.

Beau's frown dissolved back into a smile.
"Ah, thanks, guys. You're right; even though it may be a bit small, it's still a perfect tree for us."
"Anyway, we should probably start decorating it, right?"

"Definitely. I got some decorations and knick-knacks commissioned for us; let me go get them! They're in my bedroom!"
Mako cheered, running off with glee.

"By the way, Beau, the food's ready now. Are you as curious to see how Mako's cooking has improved as I am?" Dav asked.

"I certainly am," Beau smiled.
"And don't worry; since you two handled the ingredients and the preparation, you can leave the cleanup to me."


The room was silent, aside from the happy sighs of the members of Team Crusader. The feast had proved to be quite marvelous indeed—various dishes, such as honey-baked bread with a maple glaze, a hearty salad filled with mint and other various spices, noodles dyed with various berry juices to resemble the vivid red and green colors of Christmas, and of course, the exuberant dessert: cherries gelato with chestnut and cranberry sauce. Dav was sluggishly working away rekindling the fireplace and hauling a fresh batch of logs on the pile, as Beau leisurely levitated several plates and pots in and out of a soapy bath of water to wash them. Mako lay with his back on the ground and his belly out, about to fall into a food coma.

"You guys... I think this is the most full I've ever been. Including my days as a human," Mako sighed dreamily.

"Everything was incredible, Mako. You really outdid yourself," Beau called over to the prone Mako.

"Hear, hear. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought that you and Beast were related!" Dav chuckled.

"Ah... hahaha..." Mako let out a labored laugh as he tried to roll over on his side.

"Don't fall asleep yet; we still have to decorate the tree," Beau said.

But it was too late; Mako had already begun to snore.

"Heh... if you wanted him to help, you probably shouldn't have let him finish your leftovers," Dav said.

In that instant, Dav let out a great yawn, accompanied by a massive stretch.
"I'm going to head up to bed. We can always decorate tomorrow; we've still got some time until the big day."

"Are you going to bring Mako up with you?" Beau asked.

"Definitely not. I can hardly lift him normally—I'm not going to try when he's got at least five extra pounds of food with him too." Dav yawned.
"Don't stay up too late, Beau. We've got to be at the guild bright and early tomorrow; I hear there's going to be a big party for Christmas Eve."

"Right. I'll be fine, thanks, Dav." Beau said.

After exchanging waves, Dav let out one last great yawn and promptly waddled down the hall to the bedroom.


As Beau continued to diligently tidy up after the meal, making sure to make as little noise as possible so as to not wake up Dav or Mako, he regularly found his attention drifting to the tree in the corner. After the last of the dishes was done, he sauntered over towards the sleeping Mako. Taking one look at him and deciding that even with his psychic powers he'd likely be too heavy to lift, he chuckled, grabbed a blanket off a nearby piece of furniture, and gently draped it over the snoozing Mako.

A big crate sat next to the tree in the corner of the room, still sealed. Beau found his curiosity once again getting the best of him. After double-checking to make sure both Mako and Dav were fast asleep, he tiptoed over to the crate and slowly took off the lid to peer at the contents inside. What lay within were several baubles, knickknacks, and mementos. Without knowing what to inspect first, Beau instinctively reached within the box and pulled out the first thing his paws could grab.

The first object was a small ball of yarn and felt, resembling a bowl with noodles in it. Upon deciphering what the object was supposed to be, Beau began to fall into a sort of trance, as his memories once again had begun to flash before his eyes. Only there was something different about them this time—the images weren't like the ones from his usual bouts with his past. His previous flashbacks had been very muddy, filled with dancing silhouettes and vaguely familiar voices in a tint of sepia—memories back when he was in the human world, often accompanied by Mako and Dav. But these memories, no, they were totally different—full color, distant, yet familiar, and most importantly, didn't feature anything human.


“What is your solace? What within you helps keep your demons at bay?”

The voice was gruff but familiar; his other senses had begun to play along as well; he could smell the fresh scent of broth, spices, and steamed vegetables. His ears would pick up sounds of side conversations and clinking glasses, much like the soundscape of a bustling tavern. And his paws could scarcely feel out the touch of soft, treated lumber, free of any imperfections. It had almost felt like he was reliving the entire experience all over again.

"Is it a tough question?” the gruff voice said.

“It’s a good question, though; it’s a tough one… I feel like I haven’t figured that out myself yet," spoke Mako's voice.

“Yeah… I feel like I can’t come up with a satisfactory answer. I feel like I’ve yet to find that solace you have.” replied Dav's voice.

An awkward pause followed behind the three voices. The silence spoke louder than their words, and Beau swore in that moment that he could feel Pokémon staring back at him, waiting for a reply.
"I..." Beau said aloud, breaking the silence.
He could feel a great wave of tension leave his body, inviting him to speak further.
"I might have an answer."

Right on cue, the gruff voice replied back to him in a volume that only he could hear.
"And that would be?"


Beau suddenly felt a great wave of relief wash over him once more, rippling through every sense in his body. Feeling a bit dizzied in his trance, he gradually lowered himself onto the ground to take a few deep breaths before carefully rising back up and reaching back into the crate. The next object he would pull out was a small wooden mallet. He cradled it carefully in his paws, looking around the room as he felt it. The mallet was none other than one of the tools used to construct the abode he was now inside. It felt deceptively warm to the touch, as if it was alive. As he let go of the grasp he held on the mallet with his paws, he shuffled the small tool into the air with his psychic abilities, gently hovering it slightly above the ground.

"I was a carpenter, a builder. Before this."

Dav's voice echoed throughout the recesses of Beau's mind. His voice was tender, vulnerable, sad. Beau couldn't help but feel sorrow well up within him as well.

"I worked with my father. My real father. We built together, houses, for others," echoed Dav's voice.
The same sense of melancholy from before had intensified with these new words. It shook Beau heavily, so heavily that he briefly stepped out of his trance. His eyes shot around the room again, and he felt himself slowly walking along the hall that led to the bedroom that Dav had been occupying.

But just as Beau thought he had come back down to reality, he could still hear Dav's voice in the back of his mind. It was quieter and even more vulnerable than before.
"You... you think he would be proud of me?" Dav's voice said, choking back tears.

"Dav..." Beau said aloud.
"Yes. Yes, he would."

A sudden jolt of energy ran throughout Beau's body. He stopped in his tracks, unable to move further. He spun around the room, panicked, not sure if he was still buried in his own thoughts or not.

“You did a good job, dude.”

Beau stopped his twisting about, focusing directly on Mako, who was still lying prone on the floor. Beau could've sworn that Mako had just said something, but upon perking up his ears to listen more carefully, Beau heard nothing further from Mako, except content snoring.

"Haha..." Beau exhaled.
Tiptoeing back to the crate, he decided to try his luck once more. What would the next memento be? With shaky paws, Beau once again reached into the crate and pulled something out. What he would pull out this time was none other than a glassy apple. It looked as appetizing as the real thing, but Beau knew well and good that taking a bite out of this would be a fool's errand. It was a bit slippery too and proved a bit of a struggle to balance within his grasp. It seemed it was going to be another great time to leverage his psychic levitation powers over his paws.

“Come on dude, you’ve almost got it!”

The determined voice of Dav sang throughout his ears once more, ricocheting into his skull. It felt good to hear Dav in a more hopeful tone. So good in fact that Beau was able to find the perfect balance for holding the ornamental apple between his paws. As he firmly grasped it out of the pile and lowered it back onto the floor outside the box, he couldn't help but chuckle at how proud he was of himself.

"Hell yeah!" Dav's voice exclaimed.

"Good work, man," sang out Mako's voice.

With the voices of his two comrades cheering him on, he couldn't help but do a modest bow, as well as take an opportunity to stretch himself out. His gesture excited the voices of his two great friends even further, as they began to applaud verbally even further. But the sounds of excitement started to get a bit too loud for Beau, and he awkwardly wiggled back into a stoic posture.

"You... you good man?" asked Mako's voice.

Looking back at Mako once more, Beau was dumbfounded to see him still totally comatose.

"I... yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Beau sighed happily.


Hours would pass as Beau weaved in and out of other dreams brought on by the mementos. The longer he looked through the box, the more voices would call out to him. He would hear many voices he didn't recognize, but also a satisfying amount of ones he did. Those among the recognizable voices tended to be ones that belonged to other various Clover Guild members, such as Kiyo's, Cassie's, Lliam's, and KFC's. After reliving enough excitement for the night, he lifted the lid back over the crate and sealed it shut, containing all the memos that he had parsed through back inside. Coming back to reality at last, he noticed a singular wet spot had been at the floor where he had been carefully placing the mementos on the floor. But before he could bend down and inspect further, Beau felt his eyes failing him once more. His vision was totally blurry, and he attributed it to still being in some sort of lucid dream brought on by the knickknacks.

But no, he was totally set back in reality. His vision, he had realized after a moment of pondering, was clouded with tears of happiness, appreciation, and pure joy. And upon realizing the cause for his poor vision, he hobbled over to the crate, gently slid it next to the tree, and curled up on the ground below, sitting snuggly by the barely raging fire in the hearth. Still fixated on his own emotions, he would lie silently weeping tears until he felt two nice and cozy bodies plop down right next to him.


"I thought we were going to open that tomorrow," Dav chuckled.

Beau lifted his head from the floor, turned around ever so slightly, and saw both Dav and Mako, the real ones, who both had great big smiles on their faces.

"You know what they say about cats and curiosity..." Mako said, still smiling a great toothy grin.

"Dav! Mako! Oh, I didn't wake you two, did I?" Beau yelped.

"Not at all," Mako said.

Beau took a moment to look outside. It was then he also realized the blizzard had stopped, probably hours ago, and it was no longer nightfall. Dusk had begun, and the sky had slightly lit up with signs of life. Granted, it was still quite dark out, but nowhere near as dark as it had been an hour ago.

"You must've been up all night," Dav said.

"Ah, yeah, I guess so..." Beau said, sheepishly.

After taking a brief moment to survey his barely awake friends, he flashed a great big smile right back at them, before the three unanimously focused their attention back at the tree and crate of decorations.

"It's not that bad of a tree, honestly." Mako said.

"It has a rugged beauty to it," Dav said.

"Things have been anything but traditional since we first arrived here, in this world. And I think this tree is a perfect symbol of that." Beau said, still smiling.

"Agreed," Mako and Dav said in unison, returning smiles all around.

"And I'm sure it'll look even better when we finish decorating it," Beau said.

"It's still a bit dark out, and we've got time before we have to be at the guild—what say we sleep in a bit longer? Especially you, Beau." Dav said.

"I'm down. A little more sleep will do me well before I tap into those leftovers for breakfast," Mako said.

"Y'know, Mako, when you got brought to this world, I think your stomach got left behind," Dav chuckled.

"Nah, it just became a black hole," Mako cheered.

The three let out one last laugh, closed their eyes, and relaxed into their humble huddle.

Home Clover Guild

Edit Report
Pub: 25 Dec 2024 06:00 UTC
Edit: 29 Dec 2024 18:45 UTC
Views: 145