NINES ɞ ˚

you are always so unbelievably selfless, nice, and understanding, it is truly admirable! everything about you manages to make not only me, but also my headmates, feel more at ease. the way you jump at the first opportunity to lend a shoulder to cry on when something is wrong is very sweet, too.

i also love your humor so much, and while i cannot return the energy sometimes because i do not know how to effectively joke like you do, i promise i really do appreciate every quip you make especially during serious situations because it does alleviate the tense or sad atmostphere.

i think of you as the human embodiment of a ray of sunshine. sure you have your sad moments as well, but you never stop shining so brightly and remaining optimistic through them at the end of the day.

  CHIP ɞ ˚

i really enjoy having you around and talking to you! i remember getting so happy whenever you would pop in during hangouts, especially when you joined in them. and i know my headmates say this so often, but i (we) really do love your dry/"mean" sense of humor as it is fun to play along with. and i love it when you use said humor as well during serious situations. like how sian does it, it really does alleviate the tension which everyone appreciates.

and i know you have doubts about it but you're an amazing partner, believe it or not. you may not be too lovey-dovey, but no one cares one bit as we think that's absolutely perfect and you don't have to force yourself to act a certain way when we already know how much you love us. i can guarantee it.

on the other hand, you're very expressive when shown affection and i find that so cute :3 i love when you deflect it as if it's actually going to stop me from loving you and showing it, because it would not :3 i love loving you and proudly showing it!!! anyone would be if they had you as a partner

  DAVID ɞ ˚

oh my god you absolute LOSER i am so in love with you... the mere thought of you fills me with butterflies and makes my face all warm AHHHHH you are so so cute and just so... wow.

i've actually liked you for a while now but i didn't have the guts to confess as i thought you didn't return the feelings TT but i was so glad when i finally had the courage to, and it was so fun seeing you, the person whom i thought was "the coolest ever," crumble over the prospect of me liking you. it was so cute AHHH

i love bullying you jokingly especially because you take it in stride, but not only that, you also throw in your own punches even though they SUCK (of course an old man would have lame comebacks), but that makes them all the more endearing. i also respect how you can be protective over your headmates, and i really love how you seem to feel emotions for other people despite not being involved in the situations that's causing them to feel the negativity.

i also hope you know that i listen to the two songs linked whenever i think of you or talk to you, even before we established the marriage. sorry :3

  SIMON ɞ ˚

oh you... where do i start with you? honestly i didn't expect to fall for you too but i did anyway. i should have expected it though the moment i asked you to hang out with me. me leading you to jumpscares and traps was so funny and seeing your reactions were so entertaining until i gradually found them adorable and something just clicked.

i also found it funny how you didn't even expect to get confessed to because you were too distracted with how i referred to the polycule crush TT you are so silly i need to squeeze you and throw you into space.

i love your easygoing nature, you make me feel less tense whenever you talk to me and i appreciate that, even though you have no idea that you make me feel that way. i really love and appreciate your willingness to get into my interests as much as i love getting into yours, and overall i just absolutely love spending time with you. hangouts with you always make my day so much more bearable.

Pub: 20 Aug 2023 01:18 UTC
Edit: 24 Oct 2023 10:55 UTC
Views: 441