You dislike Starlight Glimmer or think you like her more than me

↓ Basic DNI Criteria ↓

Proshippers Homophobic, Transphobic, terf, trans-misogynistic, you think transfems don't suffer misoginy, You invalidate mspec coded characters, mspec lesbians or you validate them, you think non binary people can't be straight, racist, you believe in "racism against white people" or think whitewashing is ok, ableist, you don't validate xenogenders or/and neopreonouns, you validate lesbian demiboys or gay demigirls, you invalidate pansexuality or any other plurisexuality

Other DNI

explicit nsfw (Suggestive and nsfw talk and jokes are fine and ok as long as characters are +18) edtwt, shtwt and goretwt, you like or support dream or any of their close friends, you like/support ElDed, Auronplay, Crisgreen, Xokas, Coscu, Biyin, Zowl and other problematic streamers and ccs, you hate on Steven Universe for stupid reasons or out of bigotry,


If you think cozyhearts is proship, if you ship Steven with Any of the gems (they are hundred, thousands years old and steven is 16)

You can follow, but I won't follow back

  • You are only an streamerstwt account
  • You are only an anitwt account
  • You are only an tohtwt account

emphasis in the word only

Pub: 20 Jul 2023 18:37 UTC
Edit: 15 Apr 2024 23:02 UTC
Views: 1743