hi welcome to lusilandia this is my little diary tread lightly because im a little slow in the head and mental. this isnt and wont be organized because idgaf
i like when people who shit talk me offer for my urls and they think i dont know and just have no way of finding that oit its actually rly Funny i think ..### # ### ##### but like unless you wanna highball me then a trade is a trade waddle into my inbox i still respond of course because im just an angel and nice and stuff and i lpve entertaining my fans
anyways i saw ptv live last night it was Amazinfggghhhfgjgggg theyre such great performers Rly amazing. seeing some of my favorite songs by them live rly was an experience I keep forgetting theyre real liek i just saw tony jaime and vic inthe flesh they were in the same building as me vhaaatttttt
i had umm cavetown and late night drive home or whatever as my openers i didnt see late night drive home perform because i was being a fatass and munching on some chickies and petes But it ok!cavetown was actually decent even though i dont like their msuic WAYTOO FUCKINF HEAVY ON THE BASS THOUGH OMFGanyway
Im hapy. Yay. Ok goodnight
ONE MOTNH AGO WAS the 1 year of me and my gf going to disney
karma is such a little bitch but its actually not bad when it happens to people who deserve it Licks paws god i love my life i loveMyself 🎀 and my GIRLFRIEND! nothing has happened so i dont rly know what else to put on this. Yeah
its hard being such a kind girl in such a mean world
nothing rly happened today besides me getting to stay gome from school because i have a hormone imbalance and my period cramps hurt so bad that i couldnt get out of bed and medicine wouldnt work I never wanna hear a man complain again thxxxx
heres my oitfit of the day even though i went nowhere i just like dressing up. featuring me and my girlfriends son
shirt and shorts from the thrift but tje shirt is affliction because im a pasty white affliction demon i have another affliction shirt its like blue with crosses on it but i left ot at my girlfrisnds house #longdistance #rip #hixurogiveitbackthankyou
my torso lowkey looks rly long but it ok
yeah literally nothing happened so i have nothing to really say Bye
been Pondering My Orb lately... i think agter i buy my gf presents i will buy a lolita coord wirh my monwy. I want a hime lolita coord SOOOOO Bad. i need to present as a pretty princess
i do have a lot of pink girly clothes but i kinda lean more towards like. Emo clothes surprisingly (the image i put on here is a BAD example of that bare with me i didnt have any accessories on) umm i qwant to dress like a frilly pink ribbon princess but i also want to dress like a wrist slitter emo faguette sooo i get the best of both worlds Yes i am a wrist slitter shakes butt dont get madat me its funny
its like 8 am and im On my way! to school so idk ill write more later. Might be able to see my gf the 26th to the like 1st by rhe way im so EXCITED Okay bye
Oh wiw its been a HOTTTT FATTTT MINUTE hi guys merry christmas happy new year Um idk what to rly say i was just coming on here to show what my girlfriend bought for me...
She is so cute i am so so happy i have the best girlfriend ever in all of the lands
i also got a lot of cute stuff like a new monitor and computer and stuff for christmas But i didnt organize everything yet so once i will i will put nice cute photos on here. Byyereyyeee
Hi happy new year.. i turn 15 in like 26 days im Uhhhh no opinion to be honest
Anyway. lusi news. i bought. SOMETHING girly its not lolita (thoufh i WAS considering getting this rly cute my melody lolita dress. Didnt make it into the final 2 decisions though) but im still super excited for it
it is so cuteeeee its a dearmylove skirt and marie is my favorite disney character So im very super happy U^w^U i cant wiat to see how it looks on me it will be so cute i love beign a pink ribbon princess.....my gf is my prince... i swear on my life........ butchfemme final boss is US! i love my handsome cutie girlfriend i miss him a Lot actually he sleeping i think sighh..siiiooiiigghfhhhhhh
anyway what wlse cna i talk about ummm. I dont know. Ya. Bye
i think i am goung through one of the worst social burnouts ive experienced in a WHILE but it ok because i have cutd clothes
^ fits like a glove So im super duper happy. i didnt doubt that it would fit becausr im an xs/s i am a petite young lady But this is my first time ever buying a piece of clothing from a japanese brand so i didnt rly know what to expect. its super cute tho i wore it to go roller skating w/ a friend on friday and got some compliments im gonna buy a proper blouse for it with my birthday money ouhh im gonna be 15 soon thats scary
and this is just something i put together when i was bored cus i love playing dress up..... i cant wait for spring/summer so i can wear stuff like this all the time againnnn ͏。°(°¯᷄◠¯᷅°)°。 all my cute clothes are spring/summer clothes i rly need to go thrifting again sometime soon to find more fall and winter stuff
i dont TYPICALLY dress like this but dressing like a doll is very fun to do so i try to alternate between my two preferred styles of clothing every once in awhile
but yeah on the topic of burnout Ohhhhhjhhhh boy
i kind of sorta want to trade /doll but i feel like the big flood of offers just made my burnout 20x worse so now i have like 3 people i have to respond ro that i just. Um. cant. get to right now
sowwy if youre one of those people um i dont mean anything bad with it im not an ignorer well thjs sort of is ignoring but i just need breathers very often Ok? sorry
ive mainly just been talking to my girlfriend thats kind of the only reason why i go online on discord so often
heres another topic... i made my first actual rentry in like. ummmmmm. a week i thibkkkkkkk maybe sorta probably idk its been days though i know that fo shore
i like it..../....... its simple but i dont rly care for overcomplex rentries (and i never have) soo
for reference heres two rentries i made may 5th 2023 + may 7th 2023... among many others..........
Ohhhhhhh early 2023 ava you would have loved rentry text colors and metadata feature.... yeah i feel like ive always sticked with the more simplistic side of rentry making (..even though back then there wasnt rly much you could do to make it complex wirhout it being ugly)
also heres a confession i always thought the default cookie cutter rentrypin style was fucking hideous and i still do. Because why is there 5 dividers stacked onto each other in the same black and pink grainy overlay. Please. and by the way im talking about the like summer to december 2023 aspdangel cookie cutter style. some could argue with this and say that my rentries are hideous too but i dont really care Honestly. Everyone is subjected to their own opinions the internet is a very diverse world and my personal opinion is that i think its ugly and an eyesore..........and nobody even likes saint anymore anyways so
oh by rhe way. other purchases.... i bought my wife es plushie arent i so nice And irresponsible with my money But nice
idk i dont think its irresponsible i love making him happy But it was like kinda expensive ummm.
also i bought an lps for MYSELF! Joy joy JOY! i bought #518
my two favorite dog breeds (aside from pitbulls) and they match :^)
Ok bye i am off to play roblox witj my dtupid fucking girlfriend that i loveHoney get me anotjer beer
good moening. Today i found out lunar new year is on my birthday this year. Do i get a cookie. ujmmmm when i say today i mean like literally 5 minutes prior to writing this
nothing much to really say here right now im on my way to schooly school school
my gf is gonna draw me something big for my birrhday Yaaayyyy yaaayyyuyyyyayayayy.............weve been together since i was 13 not even half way to 14 and now im turning 15 thats craaaaazy wow lusi its almost like thats how time works
good Ummm. urmmmmm. night???? evening?????? it is 11:45 pm. First entry since the tiktok ban im seething Anyways at least the evidence of me being a cringe dsmp 11 year old is gone from umm the americans reach
i REALLYYYYY need to start making rentries again ive been slacking so hard.. i wanted to redecorate /doll but honestly im a little tired of owning it i just dont care for the whats the word ummmm PUBLICITY that comes with it liek the thought of so many people in one day refreshing and checking my personal webpage is just eeeuuugghhh
and i migjt be trading it anyway so its pretty much on hold right nowwwwww just for right now um i think yeah idk But i do want to trade it
it feels so weird seeing URLs i claimed that i swore id never trade away being passed through the rentrycord trading community LOLOLOL i saw that /bow has a new owner and i was like. Wow. /tiny has had a few new owners even though i gave it to my gf so TECHNICALLY it was his but i claimed it and hust gave it to him after a couple momths. /dog doesnt have a new owner fortunately IDK IT JUST FEELS BITTERSWEET i lowkey miss my old urls but i feel like i cared for /doll more and it gave me the opportunity to get even better urls so whatever
ummm im not sure what else to rly say
Hellow. 5 more days until im no longer stuck with the 14 year old curse
crazy... MY GIRLFRIEND GOT ME GIFTS And hes drawing me something imsoooooooooo eexccciiityeyyeeddddddddddd i loved my last gift a lot And i sleep with it sometimes So im excite. i lov him he is very Sweet to meeeeeeeeemememe Princess and her knight really. Truly
anyway i dont have much else to say im onnthe way to school zzzz and i forgot my hand sanitizer which im a littke sad about but it Ok
Hallo. happy first of the motnh. im also 15 now thats cool
Anyways im here for a reason. so.....what did lusi splurge on today? Lets jump right into it!
well FIRST OFF startign with the less expensive thing i bought this mezzo piano shirt for like $25 in total
no i did not edit this i just chose a random picture from the listing dontplay with me
And ...secobd.. and last actually until i get all my birthday money i only got $200 from my parents so far i need money from my relatives too Then ill splurge again.. cus i dont wanna spend it all at once. anyways um i got this liz lisa top i have a skirt that will go rly cutely with it it was like $40 somerhing in total l i think
very excited i love clothes and i love cute clothes even MORE! im currently trying to find like hmm some typa polka dot skirt for the mezzo piano top. Might go to the thrift store and look there first tho
okay its almost 1 am and my dads taking me for lunch today i have to sleep Bye
Hi its literally 12:26 am as of writing this IJUST SNEEZED SO LOUD I PROBABLY WOKE MY PARENTS UP ummmmmmmmm lunch was good i went with my dad and brother we got barbeque
im gonna write more when i wake up imsnoozing off beuh
(didnt write more when i woke up)
Sowwy guys
im sick i have fever
anyways immon here to update on my clothes HAUL!
the most important thing to me is uh these though
no theyre not both for me I got the white one for my gf for valentines day so we can match imSO EXCITED itll be so cuye when we see each other in the summer
theyre both NWT and barely worn if even worn at all so Yay!
i love buying cute clothes im so joy
yes i rate my sellers neither of the packages arrived to me yet Ok.
Hallo. my lizlisa dress came in. And my mezzo piano top and my lizlisa top but i didnt take any pictures with those yet
im rly bad at posing Ok im sorry my only point witj these pictyres was to show what the dress looks like. but i lab it a loootttt its new with tags and even came with the replacement buttons bag and i got it for only $67 beuh shipping was even FREE! the only thing is that on the pocket flaps (i say flaps cus theyre Uh. not real pockets) one of the pearls is missing but its barely noticeable like whatsoever so i dont even care
Okay im tired thats all i wanted to say Bye bye
hi guys im in my free period so with the new sprites coming out here are my milgram t3 expectations
note that im only doing this for characters ive actually taken deep dives into. if theres chatactets unlisted its on purpose. Cus i dont gaf about them or what happens to them
haruka - dead bruh. he has no "coming soon" over his sprite on the verdicts page like everyone else and his sprite isnt even fullt released. with what we can see right now it looks like hes in a suit. funeral suit maybe???? cant predict a verdict if its very likely he died Lol. would like to congratulate everybody who voted him innocent in t1 for being half of the cause of his fate
yuno - Very clearly alive and very clearly gonna come out 100% innocent. unless they drpp some crazy ass plot twist which seems unlikely cus All the girl did was have an abortion not rly sure what they could do with that i have no idea whatll happen with her honestly shes looking the most sane out of all of them i fuck with the hair cut HEAVYYT she looks so adorable ill miss the long hair tho
fuuta + amane - judging by how their sprites are and what they have on (cloak + accessory with the same symbols) along with amanes background im gonna take a guess and say that theres some weird cult stuff going on Tbbhhh. im saying this by going off the sprites only with very limited knowledge i just think for now until we get more details its safe to say that thats whats gonna go down. not really sure about an over all verdict.. .
mahiru - my mother Unfortunatrly shes now my late mother cus shes ALSO most likelt dead. going along with what i said about haruka and seeing the veil on her im gonna say that shes also gonna be in some sort of funeral attire. rly sad to see her go cus shes my all time favorite and ive always connected with her the most But borderlines can never win (ive actually never won a day in my life so its ok)
muu - i hage no idea about her either. she does have a veil over her head like mahiru does so there could possibly be some sort of plot twist and she could end up dying too IMNOT VERY SURE...... i think if she has the veil and nobody else does besides someone who is very likely to end up dead then. It means something. but idk. also no idea on a verdict
im tired. Bye bye
i wore my lizlisa dress for spirit week I like it a lotp
Happy valentines day and short n sweet deluxe dayBro busy woman is soooooooooioo good ifs my favorite song drom her ever
not sure what to really say. Happy valentines day to my GIRLFRIEIIEIDDNNDD yay yayyy she really likes the dress i got her So im super duper uper happy. i love making her happy and spoiling her cus she makes me super duper happyyyyyyyy
i have a half day ar school today Joy