pink divider

" i saw my fortune scrawled out

up against the wall, in a crowded marketplace,

in a town i can't recall, "


strawberry border TYLER strawberry border 2

pink divider he / him , 13 ex host , persecutor angel tiger kin , autistic , INFP rest of the sys

pink divider BOUNDARIES pink 1 please don't insult me, even jokingly pink 2 don't criticize my art or writing unless i ask pink 3 we are bodily 17, but i prefer to be treated as a 13 year old please pink divider
squirtle evolutions i love POKEMON!!! not so much into the storylines as the creatures themselves though srry
pink bird I ALSO REALLY REALLY LOVE BIRDS. big big fan of ornithology
sleepy cat tigers :) felines in general obviously but really love tigers. i am one. my fursona is also one his name is honey... i just really love big cats

Pub: 04 Sep 2023 18:54 UTC
Edit: 06 Sep 2023 01:19 UTC
Views: 469