Adding stremio addon for catalogue

Read this before installing

The Stremio extension is still experimental. Don't expect a stremio like experience. You can add sources in cs3 using this method, but it'll be only for catalogue. So, when you will try to play the eps, it will show No link found.

Don't forget to install the latest pre-release before starting the process.

for video guide of this process click here.


Installing Stremio

  1. Navigate to the repo page and install the English repo
  2. Open Cloudstream, go to Settings > Extensions > English Repository > slide across to Others and Install the Stremio plugin

Getting Stremio addon

  1. Go back into your web browser and navigate to Stremio addon list.
  2. Find a stremio addon of your choice, click copy link. Remove the manifest.json from the end of the url and copy

Adding the addon

  1. Go back into Cloudstream, go to Settings > General > Clone site > Stremio example
  2. For the cloning process
    1. In MyCoolSite type a name for your stremio addon,
    2. In type the url you previously copied from step 4 and paste it **
    3. In Language code type "en".
  3. Click Apply and restart Cloudstream.
  4. Once Cloudstream has restarted, click None (The button to change provider), click Other at the bottom, and your addon should appear.

Video and markdown guide by jpts#5224

Have more queries?

You can ping jpts#5224 or duckling#8204 for more help.

Duckling note: Ping jpts first as he is free all the time and can write guide for a source that doesn't even work. Duckling is a very busy person. Don't bother him. /s

Pub: 05 Oct 2022 06:56 UTC
Edit: 04 Nov 2022 05:02 UTC
Views: 8246