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stop shaking im a toy


feel free to ask for my socials :3 idm!! pda me freely!!! unless stated otherwise only friend req if weve had a conversation b4 feel free to take inspo on my rentries, art, edits, wtv:3 (not heavy though.) flirt w me jokingly feel free to make ocs w me tag me freely :3 I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! shipping ocs so if u wanna do so idm :3 dont vent to me wo asking, istg,,, esp when i feel jolly petnames, nicknames, wtv is a okay!!! love it :9 yes youre allowed to be down bad for my ocs, jst dont sexualize them,... im fine w silly oc comparing but dont compare them to medias i dni,, DONT COMPARE MY WAY ON DRAWING CHARACTERS TO OTHER CHARACTERS PLS ITS HOW I REMEBER THEM GRAAAHH i dont mind if u wanna request me to draw, edit, or write something!!!! feel free to

𝐈 𝐈𝐈 ext 𝐈𝐕

click on the numbers

Pub: 01 Feb 2024 21:38 UTC
Edit: 15 May 2024 13:46 UTC
Views: 383