hey satan! yes, tom? i was just wondering, am i gonna get laid tonight? well no, your not, tom!

the tom, mark and travis show (the enema strikes back!)

dude jesse sev red star he/it minor aroaceflux poly bisexual guy green swirl autistic blue guitar white + disabled + plural

byi 4 leaf clover im bad at starting convos , i need tone tags ,
my spins and hyperfixations are very strong , i infodump often , i may reply slowly ,
servers > dms , i make kys/kms jokes occasionally , i may say reclaimable slurs

dni scratch basic criteria , 'cancel culture' people , people
who only talk about politics , i block freely/occasionally soft block

colorful stars

media/interests blue star team fortress 2 , the postal franchise ,
breaking bad , homestuck , beastars , collecting cds and stuffed animals ,
blink-182 , deftones , mitski , goreshit , lapfox , +

links bleeding heart spotify , roblox , pinterest

Pub: 11 Apr 2023 04:40 UTC
Edit: 11 Apr 2023 04:56 UTC
Views: 83