This url is owned @wind on sparkler and no one else. i do not need my password reset ever! matt knows my email.
in use, do not reclaim.

back to directory

jaspers wip dni/byf ^_^ !!!
before i finish heres my basic dnis just for info

ONLY exceptions are made if i interact first or if we are already friends. i usually do not interact with people on my dni tho (obviously)

Okegom fans, Dsmp fans (yall r weird)
rude/mean for no good reason without
have ever sent a anon hate to ANYONE over a url. GET A LIFEEEE
Overly possesive or controlling over who i talk to....again gwt a life pls

BYF wip
im a big fat hater. Usually not openly tho unless we close but if you see me openly hanging on something you like, try not to take it personally..
i say slurs i can reclaim, and i do use the word retard (i do have a intellectual disability diagnosed)
i make fat jokes because i am fat myself but if that makes y uncomfy feel free to tell me to stop

Pub: 16 May 2022 01:34 UTC
Edit: 31 Jan 2025 18:32 UTC
Views: 363