Balance in nature

[07:56] Malvesta smiles. "Origin hmm? I suppose she has the same origin as the other primordials. Split from the constant Amier as the others."

She chuckles a bit before continuing. "Though I suppose that's not what you meant. No, Aschea is the mother of balance, and the Teraphim. A race that as far as my research has shown, is now extinct. People born of her magnificence, born with hearts made of crystal. Her path was one of penance. For she fell from grace by laying with a fallen angel. Giving birth to the twin gods Eos and Achlys."

She holds up her hands, conjuring a crystal filled with light and one filled with darkness.

"For her transgressions, the primordial fled from mount Pavonis, seeking a path of penance and solitude. Only to return to the world of the living when a coven of witches threatened to destroy the land of Myllenoris. She took her first steps upon the land once more. Purifying the land and giving a rebirth to the fallen that died in battle against the coven. Creating the Teraphim race."

The crystals vanish, turning to dust in her hands.

"And her light is suffused with our Moon. The silver radiance of it a sign of her grace and love. For she was also, though lesser known to the masses, one of the gods who helped create our father spirit. Camazots."

She pauses briefly, for questions.

[08:02] Phoenix's gaze would rest on the batkin as she spoke, her figure only somewhat visible int he darkness of the cavern's. With all that was said the missing pieces of the puzzle from her journey began to be filled in. "Her followers do you know how they were wiped out?"

The face of the prisoner flashing before the priestesses eyes. Having never heard the term Teraphim before she would take that as a small mental note for later. "I can see why she spoke to me then, saying my faith would be judged."

The comment flashing back to when the Weaver had questioned the Altan girl on her faith of Athelios. Multiple questions formed in the back of her mind.
(Phoenix Altan)


[08:13] "The Teraphim? I cannot say I know, unfortunately. Something I hope to find out one day. For if they were born from death, maybe they could be born again. Or perhaps they hold the spent life of the Mother in their bodies."

She hums with her own thoughts.

"One of the saddest things I learned of when we left our caves, was of the death of the Emerald. But her life was a holy and beautiful one. Lived in penance, with a final act of redemption at it's end. It is the reason I support Zohloh and Lazuli. They live a mirrored life to our Emerald."

[08:17] At the mention of her sister's name she would grow a bit silent. "Mhm.. They have not had it easy, not one bit. But.. Zoh was always the best big sister when I was growing up."

An inkling of what had befallen Aschea's people would perk up in her head. "Have you spoken to Irina about our trip?"

Curious as if her and Malvesta had spoken more on the matter.
(Phoenix Altan)

08:33] Malvesta presses her hand to the chest of the woman. Pulsing mana through her body. The echoing mana bouncing off the crystals and into her fingertips. A smile comes to her face as she feels the familiar presence of her goddess inside the Altan.

"Ahh. This is indeed the blessing of Aschea."

A few moments of silence later, and Malvesta releases her.

"It would appear, that following the tenants of the Emerald sparks a positive reaction, while opposing her views will give something much more negative. So, I would recommend finding balance. In nature of course. The Emerald taught us to find beauty in all things. To take what we need, and give away what we do not."

She nods, looking over the woman. "A very holy life to live."

[08:43] A small shiver was sent down the spine of the Altan as the woman's hand pressed against her back. The mana in the shards slightly resonating as they were sensed in her body. "Balance... I see, that would explain the emotion's I felt while fighting the occultist and the undead."

A flashback to her battle with the duo, the raw emotion's of pure bliss she had felt pumping through her body as she fought. The act of letting her holy energy clash with the evil magic's of those two. "I feel that will not be to much of a problem for me, being a priestess of Athelios and all."

The girl having no desire or need to abandon her deity after all, though a curious question rested on her tongue. "Do you feel, if I live my life this way I will still be able to bathe in the life stream one day?"

Curiosity taking the girl now, hope of a new path opening up before her for a way for her to make her body healthy rather then relying completely on Rina and the power's she had received from the weaver.
(Phoenix Altan)

Pub: 17 Jun 2023 04:42 UTC
Views: 100