hound's awesome sturgeon rentry

i love sturgeons! so much! so i've decided to put down all of my thoughts about them onto a cute little website. i hope you enjoy reading.
my main rentry

i think sturgeons are some of the prettiest fish in the entire ocean (and all of the rivers!) a lot of people are weirded out by the way that their mouths look but i think their mouths are perfect the way they are. they have adorable little whiskers and cool spikes on their backs as well as the cutest snouts ever. i don't see how anyone, in good faith, could see a sturgeon and not be able to look past their mouth.

(so pretty!)

it makes me incredibly sad that most if not all species of sturgeon are endangered, when i grow up i want to become an ichthyologist and help with sturgeon preservation in any way that i can. these fish deserve to prosper. caviar looks gross by the way

i wish there were more photos of sturgeons in their natural habitat, if you look up sturgeon most of the images you'll see is sturgeons being held up by some guy. or bleeding (those make me really upset). i understand that they're huge fish so people want to catch them but i don't think injuring a sturgeon is worth a cool picture to show your friends.

Pub: 21 Apr 2023 16:16 UTC
Edit: 23 May 2023 17:59 UTC
Views: 38