LOG 002
SUBJECT did not do well with the tattoo and has been sat away from the door to it's holding cell. It seems to have taken a liking to the provivded camera; at static's request. SUBJECTS condition has not altered much around it, it seems to be doing well besides the afformentioned tattooing. Storage for the SUBJECT has been decided, it will be awaiting transport tommorrow.
LOG 003
Something seems wrong, the subject has seemingly been able to access more content than it should with the camera it has. Brutal things are being depicted on the camera, but it's just been in the storage room. It doesn't make sense. It has no way to film these things. Monitoring will continue. The transporting has been successful, Static doesn't wish to do any experiments with him; just keep him contained in the unit. Honestly, it seems like a stupid idea if you ask me. This thing is capable of ripping the world to shreds if it knew how to harness its ability. Maybe I'll run my own testing to see what I find. I have access to its unit. No one watches the camera in it's storage area besides from me anyway.