If this were twitter i'd already have posted a blank poll with a single period as the options
Mark? MARK. He's wired in. I'm sorry? He's wired in. Is he? Yes. [EDUARDO picks up MARK's laptop over his head and smashes it down on the desk, breaking it into pieces.] How 'bout now, are you still wired in? …Call security. You issued over 24-million new shares of stock. You were told that if new investors came along-- How much were your shares diluted? How much were his?! You signed the papers. You set me up. You're gonna blame me because you were the business head of the company and you made a bad business deal with your own company?! It's gonna be like I'm not part of Facebook. It's not gonna be like you're not part of Facebook, you're not part of Facebook. My name's on the masthead. Check again. This is because I froze the account? You think we were gonna let you parade around in your ridiculous suits pretending you were running this company? SORRY, MY PRADA'S AT THE CLEANERS ALONG WITH MY HOODIE AND MY FUCK-YOU FLIP-FLOPS, YOU PRETENTIOUS DOUCHEBAG. Oooh, security is here. You'll be leaving now. I'm not signing those papers. We'll get your signature. Tell me this isn't about me getting into the Phoenix. You-- You did it. I always knew you did it. You planted the story about the chicken. What the fuck is he talking about? I didn't. You had me accused of animal cruelty. Seriously, what the fuck is up with the chicken? And I'll bet you just hated that they identified me as a co-founder of Facebook -- which I am! You better lawyer-up, asshole, 'cause I'm not comin' for my 30 percent, I'm comin' after everything. Get him outta here. I'm going. Hang on. [SEAN hands EDUARDO a folded check.] There's your $19,000. I wouldn't cash it, though, I drew it on the account you froze. [EDUARDO looks at SEAN then suddenly and quickly cocks his fist back to punch him in the face. SEAN flinches as EDUARDO holds his punch and lets out a small laugh.] I like standing next to you, Sean. It makes me look so tough.
I fucking love markuardo so much i am crazy!!!!!
sorry my prada’s at the cleaners. good luck with your… video game. im 6’5 220 and there’s two of me. i need you i’m here for you no i need the algorithm. eduardo didnt come out. u dick. i didnt know whether to dress for the party or the business meeting so i kind of dressed for both. lets gut the friggin nerd. drop the “the.” i like standing next to you sean it makes me look so tough. youre gonna go through life thinking girls don’t like you because youre a nerd and i want you to know from the bottom of my heart that won’t be true it’ll be because youre an asshole. remember the algorithm on the window at kirkland. what was your latest preneur. creation myths need a devil. you really dont need a forensics team to get to the bottom of this if you guys were the inventors of facebook you would’ve invented facebook. you better lawyer up asshole because im not coming back for thirty percent im coming back for everything. don’t fish eat other fish the marlins and the trout. i want… i need you out here dont tell him i said that. he’s not a god then what is he he’s 25 minutes late. i’m ceo, bitch. we lived on farms and then we lived in cities and now we’re going to live on the internet. i was drunk and angry and stupid and blogging. the water under the golden gate is freezing cold. i was your only friend you had one friend. point zero three percent.
No. Just no. This is not okay. An entire fandom is compromised because you just couldn’t sit back and let our mild humiliation pass. Now, it is tenfold. You haven’t proven that we are educated people and proud of who we are, because, for the most part, though educated, we aren’t proud of what we do, that’s why we hide behind sceennames and do all of our shrill, screamy fangirly ranting deep within the shadows of what most people refer to as the weird corner of the internet (tumblr and livejournal share a block with 4chan, don’tcha know), where adults caution their kids not to go. And not only did you go, ‘hey look at us freaks, please objectify us in a future article’, you drew them a fucking map. They have keywords to search now, more fics will be locked or deleted and you should know that you are fully responsible for the collapse of fandom that will inevitably ensue. I hope you’re proud of your fandom and your accomplishments when 3/4 hates you for outing them without their consent. This isn’t cool. At all.