you're mine, you, you belong to me, you, i will never free you, you're here with me to stay
img gif you're mine, you, you are mine completely, love me strong or sweetly, i need you night and day

my pronouny !!

BYF gif
adult, autistic please use tone tags if asked!! if i upset anyone please dm me i appreciate it
sb to unf, i block freely just a silly guy

DNI gif
basic dni criteria proship
UsUk & spamano shippers, edtwt shtwt,

i block freely

NOTE gif
sensitive to rapid flashing lights and trypophobia please tag
i am an irl of many character's !

they are something i use to cope and i would appreciate it if you see me speaking as if im a character to not reality check me
feel free 2 ask & i most likely wont mind talkin' abt it — !


Pub: 04 May 2023 03:26 UTC
Edit: 28 Oct 2023 03:17 UTC
Views: 228