VAAA VASVAS VAVIE mmy loveee my everything my perfect boy my baby my favorite my little kakaturd
you are so so perfect i love you so much you mean the world to me. you leave me breathless, every day is a better day when you're in it and i genuinely cannot express how much i adore you, my little vava, i adore you. i grow to be more and more in love with you every tomorrow despite loving you to the max, you mean literally everything to me <3 you're my world, my universe, my heart, my husband, my treasure, my love. i can't and won't ever get enough of you. i've loved you since we were children, i've loved you since we've been together, since i found myself struggling and having to run away, since i took a flight and started living every day with you. i am never going to change my mind about you, about this. it's always going to be you and me no matter what, us against the world, us together forever throughout everything. every shared kiss, every walk through the rain, every unprepared wake up, every mutter and giggle while we dream, i know more and more that we were meant to be together. i am so in love with you, i love you. you're a dream, you're everything to me. i would know you in every life, in every new death, i would find you no matter what. we will always be together, i will always love you, that i am most sure of.

and despite every hardship we've had to go through, we've survived together. we've been through practically every little thing together. we've seen each other at our most vulnerable, helpless, weak. you've raised me and i've raised you, i love you more than family. our lips have touched, our tears have intermingled, i've seen you at every nook and my heart has fallen for your touch, you smell of home, you taste of love. i've heard your voice to sleep, with your lullabies and your stories. you've bathed me, you've showered with me, we've slept on multiple of the same beds, we've gone on car rides and laughed to party rock anthem and katy perry. we've cried to cigarettes after sex, you shared my first concert with hozier (my favorite artist) and fulfilled my wish. i remember arriving on christmas eve and seeing you and breaking down in tears after telling myself i wouldn't have, i remember not believing it and still clinging onto you as if you'd disappear any minute. and then we shared our first kiss on christmas, the best gift i could receive, i don't think i have ever shared better experiences. you are my person, my home, my love.

i do not deserve you, i am the luckiest man alive. there is nothing to me without you, if my name is ever uttered past my death i want yours to follow. i've promised to be with you forever, and no matter what, i will keep my promise. nothing will come between me loving you, following you, regardless of the circumstances. i will find you each time, as long as it takes, i promise. it will always be this, us, together, forever. i love you.

Pub: 16 Mar 2024 12:49 UTC
Edit: 19 Mar 2024 17:55 UTC
Views: 139