credit to @npdidols on tumblr

@ tora's lovemail page !

chat i updated it. are we proud

☆〜(ゝ。∂)camden ─ 11.25.23 , /r HAIII!!!! i'm so happy to be ur girlfriend i love love LOVE everything about you!
every day i talk to u (which is every day) automatically becomes the best day of
the week beccaysee i just. love u more than anything ur litreally like?? most of
the things i think about at school. or even otherwise I JUST LOVE U A LOT AND
UR THE BESTEST!!!!! :3 ur the mafu to my kana the rui to my kasa the miku to
my rin i couldnt ask for anyone else im literally so in love with you!! thank you so
much for everything .. also. here is this . sorry

☆〜(ゝ。∂)ryu ─ 11.??.23 , /p ur the best friend anyone could ask for!! so so funny and caring and silly and we
share so many interests!! the (platonic) rui to my tsukasa the shiho to my shizuku.
you comfort me even when i don't deserve it. i interact with you the most and i can't
imagine a world without YOUR silliness in it!! such a goofy goober .. ruikasa shippers
for the win am i right. anyways umm i know we dont talk as much anymore but again
im so glad we're friends !

☆〜(ゝ。∂)eleanor ─ 8.14.23 , /p you're literally so based, forever the optimist to my pessimist. you let me ramble about
vocaloid even when ur clearly busy .. you let me rant even when ur clearly hurting .. and
you know soooo many history facts. our resident mcgovernista forever!! you always include
me in the conversations .. you're hilarious and have the funniest copypastas and reaction
images dude .. failure girls (/ref) for the win. hubert humphrey would be proud of you.

☆〜(ゝ。∂)kyloh ─ 10.??.23 , /p AHHHHHHH theres so much i have to say .. one small lovemail page cant encompass how
much i love you (/p) you're hilarious you're silly you open my eyes about so much i didn't know
before YOU'RE the one who helped me come to terms that i might be a system. (which i am.) uou
introduced me to the hellhole that tumblr is you taught me about neopronouns and xenogenders
and how i have npd symptoms and so much. so so so much. your debate points are AWESOME
you let me rant about anime and im forever in your debt dude .. we have so much history with
each other in just a couple of months whaaat. i'm sad we're not friends anymore but ... we all
have to move on at some point, right? anyways, thank you for everything, best of luck in life !!

☆〜(ゝ。∂)elior ─ 10.??.23 , /p YOU'RE THE SILLIEST GOOBER EVER. you fucking gen alpha top G skibidi child whatever the hell
you are (/affectionate) scrolling through your profile INSTANTLY brightens my mood bro ur hilarious
.. you have never gotten angry at me (at least. outwardly) and you're good at debate!! you're honest
too. i like that about you. /pos like dude talking to you brightens my mood even if you don't know it.
and you're not shy about being urself. very outspoken. loud. in a good way. ur amazing dude.

☆〜(ゝ。∂)intry ─ ??.??.23 , /p WE ARE SUCH GOOD FRIENDS AND I LOVE YOU FOREVER. im so happy we met. uyou rant to me
about your hyperfixations and i rant about mine and we both send each other the stupidest memes.
you invite me to EVERY server you make (even when i tell u im socially awkward...) and introduce me
to your friends and make me feel needed .. ur so good at complimenting people you always ask me
how i'm doing and ur so kind and friendly and you make me feel. very warm. accepted. thank you.

☆〜(ゝ。∂)juan ─ ??.??.22 , /p SILLIEST 14 YR OLD I KNOW. LITERAL FETUS. yet we're still best friends bro i would never trade
you for ANYONE else in a heartbeat. one of two irl friends. twink material. we talk about everything
and everyone under the sun thank you for putting up with me. moderator of all my servers and you
follow along with every idea i have even if its fucking stupid. also ur so good at editing what .. BTW
our roleplay in the summer was fucking HILARIOUS we should do that again sometime.

☆〜(ゝ。∂)cassiel ─ ??.??.23 , /p UR SO MATURE such a silly little guy!!! you actually kinda got me into mafumafu stuff .. t4t
mafukana REAL ourple fans stick together. ur so cool as well and always kind and good at
explaining things omg om omg... your rentry layouts are always so pretty !!! very levelheaded.
idk the first word i think of when i think of uou is "aesthetic" ITS SO CRINGE BUT

☆〜(ゝ。∂)aaron ─ ??.??.?? , /p wahhh we dojt talk as much anymore .. how we met on fucking SCRATCH. the coding site. will
forever remain a mystery to me. but you always send me the funniest memes. even when we argue
you'll just. send me an "im sorry" meme. which always makes me laugh. we've been friends for so
long i cant even remember when dude ... km sorry i dont talk to u as much ^_^;;

☆〜(ゝ。∂)finley ─ ??.??.22 , /p FIINNNNLEYYYY you silly billy i love you so so so much we share EVERY SINGLE interest yoy're
quite literally twin ?!?!?! maretu fans fucking unite ALSO you look out for me alllll the time!! the rui
to my emu chehehehe .. thank you for looking for me when i went missing on tspace. i appreciate
it. and km sorry i can be kinda harsh towards you .. yikes i'm sorry we dont talk as much anymore :(

☆〜(ゝ。∂)alex ─ 1.??.24 , /p dude we havent been friends for long .. but im glad we are! you're so mature whaaat .. you're
easy to talk to and project sekai fans unite am i right. also ur art is AMAZING dude keep practicing.
you're understanding and funny and caring and very chill to hang out with. youre also very kind and
thoughtful/respectful which i always appreciate :3

☆〜(ゝ。∂)seoul ─ ??.??.23 , /p brolita. brotein shake. brotato chip. brotein bar. brorack brobama. broski. han brolo. so on and
so forth. you're funny. so silly. very easy to talk to. you always cheer me uppp .. you make me so
happy with your silly antics you also looked out for me when i went missing. thank you os so much
.. ur drawing is AMAZING and you're understanding. and ur spelling mistakes are funny bro ur like.
the comic relief friend. its so easy to share the little moments with you /vvvpos

I LOVE YOU! I LOVE U I LOVE YOU you're basically my twin. you let me ramble and vent wven
when you have no clue what im talking about ur so patient with me you watch all the videos
i send you and you always have positive criticism!! you help me calm down dude im 4ever in
your debt i owe you so much .. you do so much for me and i donnt deserve u honestly. thank
you for everything dude

☆〜(ゝ。∂)ray ─ ??.??.23 , /p SO COOL AND SO MATURE WHAAAT. helped me out with my parents so muchhh and you
listened to pinochhiop on my request and ur so smart and funny and sensible and you let me
talk about my hyperfixations and be silly. the coolest ever .. i know we dont talk much anymore
but im glad i got a chance to know you man . even if you dont eat soul food.

☆〜(ゝ。∂)aero ─ 2.??.24 , /p ur random popping up in debate is so funny omh .. len is STILL hotter no matter WHAT you say
though. ur the silliest everrrrrr and the gakupo line stickers is perfect timing tbh .. keep staying the #1
owatarou jinsei kisser man. ALSO black people stick together. tell zukasa anf rui kamishikaro i said

☆〜(ゝ。∂)acht ─ ??.??.23 , /p you always react and reply to my status updates you're so nice to me you reply in my secret
share you help me out so much in just a short time. the silliest court jester ever i hope we become
even better friends :3 thabk you so much for doing qotd and moderating amiko for me you're
seriously the goat ....

☆〜(ゝ。∂)altair ─ ??.??.?? , /p thank u for being my friend!! so funny so mature and you talking about LoR is the coolest thing
everrrrr .. you're so sweet and honest and you're smart too .. and one day i swear i WILL date netzach
in AND send screenshots to prove it (/j) thats a joke... thanks for getting me into limbus compant
adn stuff as well and for listening to me in debate

☆〜(ゝ。∂)scott ─ 12.5.23 , /p scott! scottie! scotts! scotland! scootaloo! ur quite literally the most chill person ever ?! like i swear
nothing fazes you ?! you used to scare me at first haha ,, but now we're friends! (through kyloh) you
taught me all about system roles and your debate points are so based and youre really good at
listening to people :D

☆〜(ゝ。∂)rannie ─ 12.??.23 , /p RAN! RANNIE RANNIE I LOV U SMMMM .. so pretty and funny and you always know exactly
what to say to make the situation not awkward anymore. uou're never online .. sigh .. but when
you are it makes me giggle you're literally a walking clown! /pos /affectionate

☆〜(ゝ。∂)neptune ─ 1.??.24 , /p honestly .. i feel bad cuz i never text you first. km sorry dude .. :sob: ur so caring you worry too
much you overprotective big brother (/affectionate) you're funny too and super smart an wayyyy
more mature than me and akito FANBOY!!!

☆〜(ゝ。∂)pixie ─ 3.??.24 , /p GOOFY GOOBERRR good in debate and so hyper!! vflower enthusiast and your status updates
always cheer me up ur so silly .. i know we dont talk a lot but id like to change thta :3 really funny
and always makes me smile

☆〜(ゝ。∂)datte ─ 5.??.23 , /p UR SO COOL OMG .. ur neopronoun hoard is SICKKKK emoji pronouns are so based /vpos and
you might be a youngster (/ref) but u have more sense than i wver will and thats saying a lot :sob:
when u rant about ur bf it literally makes me die inside because it reminds me of me with my gf
its literally so cute gahhh .. ur the silliest clown ever wouldnt have it any other way!

☆〜(ゝ。∂)ruzan ─ 3.??.23 , /p TORADORA FAN TORADORA FAN ur the platonic mizu to my kana and you always listen to me
no matter what happens even if im clearly in the wrong. ur tumblr account is so aesthetic everything
you do is aesthetic and pretty. EVEN YOUR VERY SIMPLE AND NOT VERY DECORATED RENTRY???
(/lighthearted) teach me ur ways senpai ....

☆〜(ゝ。∂)eden ─ 7.??.23 , /p FIRST PERSON I TRADED URL WITH YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY thnk you for /kangeledinternet btw yay
anyways ur priv twitter is so fucking goofy :sob: its like ur going crazyyy but its okay cuz so is mine!
and we match bios yayyyy i love goodbye sengen and chimera <33

☆〜(ゝ。∂)hoa ─ ??.??.23 , /p you're so chaotic and funny and your art is so cute yayaya and YOUR SHOW??? dude i know i was
dry about it at first but its literalky so cool??? dude you have so many good ideas. nd ur kind and ur
music taste is top tier (source: i said so). also. tell marie i said hiiiiiiii ... have a good summer ill miss

☆〜(ゝ。∂)keelie ─ ??.??.22 , /p okay ik we've had our differences and we havent always gotten along but im glad we did in the long
run!! youre funny and smart and although we dont talk much anymore you always listen to my playlists
and support me through everything and you helped me with my parents .. you're a really good person.

☆〜(ゝ。∂)dismas ─ 1.??.24 , /p gyat. i was in ohio before i met you. i rizzed too much and that's an issue but i'm grimace shake ..... you're
so funny (/pos) and you always send me the best memes. you're a very. down to earth person. if that even
makes sense ??? ehhh whatever. thank you for always listening to me even when i make 0 sense. youre
seriously so sigma....

☆〜(ゝ。∂)ciel ─ 5.??.24 , /p haiiii ciel.... i know we dont interact very much but im very very happy to have met you. your twt (even
though its mostly mesmerizerposting) is really entertaining. you're very very VERY funny. and youve taught
me about tcoaal and how really. its not as horrible as people make it out to be. your discord profiles are
always so prettyyyyy. #oomfiesforlife

☆〜(ゝ。∂)idia ─ 2.??.24 , /p HIII!!! i met you through ryu. i havent talked to you much 1-1 but youre very funny!! really kind too. you
sort of remind me of that one friend whos kind of done with everyones shit... but is still staying around to
keep an eye on them, in a way? anyways, i really hope you can rejoin amiko soon!! we miss you :( and take
care of ryu for me, okay? thank you. you're a good person.

☆〜(ゝ。∂)bee ─ 10.??.23 , /p im sorry i didnt like you at first vro :sob::sob::sob: but youre actually very friendly. and patient. REALLY patient.
i really liked bee and puppycat, thank you for telling me all about it... im kind of behind on the series though...
WHOOOPPSSSS. and youre not judgy. but you dont sugarcoat stuff either. you always listen and give your exact
opinion on stuff. which i think is seriously really cool of you. IM SORRY I MISSED YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! i love hyou so
much thanks for everything

Pub: 18 Jan 2024 13:59 UTC
Edit: 30 May 2024 17:23 UTC
Views: 971