(Future Fragments) This sucks, but we've got to push it to sometime within Summer 2022

I'm gonna just get right to the point; after seeing how much we've got left to do, as well as an extra unplanned issue, we're gonna have to delay things until sometime during Summer 2022. If you're angry or upset, we understand, we're pissed off at ourselves more than anyone.

However, we don't want to put out an incomplete game, so out of respect to those who've backed the game and who deserve nothing less than full quality from us / the game, the game'll be done when it's done; we don't want to deliver an incomplete game.

So, that all said, here's the main two reasons that are on us / our fault and why we have to delay things to sometime in Summer 2022:

  1. Frouge (our programmer) recently experienced a lot of burnout trying to get the True Final Boss to be fun/flow well, and so after a lot of figuring out what we could cut, we cut a lot of the boss fight's "fat" to make it far more fun for players as well as cut back on the amount of work he had left to get done.
    • The "slimmer" boss fight has been a LOT more fun to play, IMO.
  2. In the history of the game's development, I've gotten sick about twice total. Unfortunately, in the past two or so months, I managed to get a bad streak of sicknesses, including a sternum injury AND a 2+ weeks long case of Prostatitis; I'll let you google what that entails.
    • I was able to continue work on "easier things" like backer reward fulfillment and polishing various things around the game, but for the period, I didn't get to write much due to being in too much pain / mostly bed-ridden per doctor's orders.
      • So, I'm behind on cutscene writing as a result, and that's entirely on me for not taking better care of myself.

(We'll also still need up to 2 weeks potentially for Steam clearance once the full game's submitted, so we've got to factor that in, too.)

Outside of the True Final Boss Fight and cutscene writing, everything else has been going pretty well and we've been making steady progress in finishing the rest of the game off since the last delay post, so none of that stuff's suffered much as a result of the above issues.

And, by cutting down on the boss fight significantly, as well as a number of other things we had planned for the game (nothing sex-related or story-related, don't worry), I think we've reduced development time significantly enough that we can still get it out in Summer 2022.

And, per our post from earlier, we're not giving concrete release dates anymore, so while I personally feel we'll be done by Summer 2022, if you don't want to be let down, I would rather just say expect it before 2023, because there's no possible way we're going to go out that far.

I will say though, that even with all the delays and issues, the actual quality and density of content made for this game by the team is something I'm really proud of. When it comes out, I'm confident it will have been worth the wait.

We'll still be doing weekly progress updates on https://twitter.com/HentaiWriter and https://discord.gg/puXrfSm, and we're going to continue to do our best to get the game out to you ASAP. Once we've got only bugtesting left, we'll be able to give a more concrete release date.

If you've got any questions or concerns, feel free to write to us on those places, too.

Thanks again for those sticking by us, and the same goes out to those who've stuck by us for any amount of time, too.
We're still working hard on this every day and we'll get this game out no matter what the cost; I can, at the very lease, promise you that.

Pub: 13 Apr 2022 03:24 UTC
Edit: 15 Apr 2022 14:11 UTC
Views: 1905