The Ford Page
Lovemail solely dedicated to the brightest star in my sky, the love of my life, etc.
As we all seem to know my love language is making little sites, so this is for you. I made this during one of those times where it just hits me, how much I genuinely adore you. I've never felt this way about another being before. I've never cared about anything the way I care about you. It's soul crushing, it's all encompassing and it's beautiful. Like everything about you. Also, HOW did I manage to pull you? You are literally this gorgeous beautiful knockout 10/10 stunning insert every positive adjective here.
01 , 02 , Our Song
Us: Angel/Devil , Did you just romance cuthulu , First love , Happily Married (Yes we married now get over it) ,
I can't express how damn lovely you are. Especially with your words. Your voice and the way you talk, it's what love sounds like to me. In my eyes, you are love. You are the most important person in the entire world and you deserve the stars. Forget that. You are the stars. I love you so, so fucking much. <333333
"You are the knife I turn inside myself; that is love. That, my dear, is love." -Franz Kafka (Yes I finally read him just for you)
Also , I made you a playlist <3
FORD!! Happy 8 years. I love you so much oh my god oh my god <3333333333333 I can't believe it's been so long. It's always been you and me, hasn't it? I'm yours, utterly and completely. I bought you Journal 3, because I know how much you missed something from your source. I made sure it shipped today. I hope you enjoy it.
fordposting again.... the wife ever... im so happy you feel comfortable with yourself and ill accept you no matter what :3