if i do something wrong, feel free to call me out.

  1. please don't dox me, i am a minor and i live with others, and they don't deserve to be at risk because of something i did.
  2. please don't dm me "wake up" out of nowhere, this is 1. extremely cryptic, and 2. sets off a derealization attack. if you need me to respond, you can just tell me to respond to a conflict.
  3. keep in mind that i have a life outside of twitter so it could take me a bit to respond. i will always try to reply asap, though.
  4. if i sound like i'm trying to manipulate people, i'm sorry. i don't want to manipulate/ guilt trip people into believing me.
  5. don't attack anyone who's either defending me or being nicer in their criticism towards me- they don't deserve it. it's my fault and i don't want you to hurt others because of me.
  6. i try my best to be reasonable when i do something wrong, but feel free to call me out if i am not handling something right
  7. feel free to insult me- you don't have to like me, i did do something wrong, after all
  8. if you're going to unfollow me, please sb/ hb so i don't accidentally interact and make you uncomfortable again.
  9. DON'T MISGENDER ME. my pronouns are right there!! if you don't know how to, GOOGLE IT.

back to rules

Pub: 24 May 2022 12:45 UTC
Edit: 23 Dec 2023 21:24 UTC
Views: 645