Tier 1 = most important
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4 = not important, but useful later-on for health

29/12 "dangers" category updated

Some will be nonsense, because I have to recall somehow but context! Plus don't know what is realistic in your situation...

Italics text = I was talking about it with you already, or less important

Can help you research things you don't have time for! Or try virtual assistants on reddit, if you need someone to take care of something for you!

Some Philosophy:

  • stoicism!!!
  • flow: https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/reach-a-flow-state/ prominent scientist on flow - csikszentmihalyi
  • it was found than to success it is need focus and low stress, but stress is good, if it is in optimum there is zone between too much and too low
  • i think one should try to improve naturally, take it slow and enjoy yourself, rushing doesn't work

What to avoid:======================================================================================

  • manufacturers try to hide information about products, never trust anything, they are guilty until proven innocent! Third party tests from credible institutions are needed!


  • many diets are scientifically unsubstantiated, i would look for health advice e.g. on hardvard.edu
  • dietician is educated doctor which helps to create healthy diet, nutritionists are all scam!

Update 28/12 - sorry for the mess

  • existential psychotherapy is better than normal, probably someone more empathetic and knowledgeable, or call Mensa they might connect you to former Mensa psychologist!
  • for recharge go to nature, try grounding https://www.healthline.com/health/grounding , connect to with other ppl, buy a pet (careful cats can have parasites which lower intelligence)

Emotional Exhaustion tips:

  • maybe you are afraid of letting go your old self, you worked so hard to get to this new version of future self and now that you are becoming it: you are scared to let your old self go?
  • you have fall into love with your suffering and accept all sides of life (like nirvana)
  • this is kinda brilliant: did you ever notice having a feeling like being angry, or anxious about something and then you experienced second feeling about feeling? Examples: Like saying: I Am terrible person I shouldn't think that (which is more of a thought, i Am terrible at examples :D), maybe like feeling shame because you were mistaken about something. Or you could feel anxious and then start having fear of that emotion! If so then you are having emotions about emotions and it can quickly spirral out of control!
  • I FOUND THIS EXCELLENT ON EMOTIONAL PROCESSING and activating "parasympathetic system" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOoFuiLeaPg This guy is also gifted and excellent psychologist!


  • clothes should be changed more often than many ppl think(wonder about effects of some cloth on skin), also we should use 3 towels for different body parts
  • household too much clean can also be dangerous, as it harms our immunity, but we should be careful about getting bacterial infections at the same time
  • these water bottles like for bike can be also unhealthy!


  • you could have your genom sequenced (careful about privacy!!!) and i am not even sure now, if you can discern gene expression from that. But if you can try to follow advice how to activate good genes, they are constantly activated/suppressed like on switchboard based how we live!
  • eating too hot food damages DNA, one could use also laser thermometer :D to measure food temp, but it measures on the surface, so one would have to slice it first, also as i said somewhere before: healthy eating habbits and eating in calm/silence are important

03/01: EMOTIONAL PROCESSING (backlog of important songs)




- gas stoves are very unhealthy and leaking methane even when turned off, also pm (particulate matter) are more unhealthy than previously thought and cause cancer, because new study found that they revive death cells in the body! https://www.vox.com/2022/1/27/22902490/gas-stoves-methane-climate-pollution-health-off

  • supplements are usually very unhealthy: trust only these which were tested by credible third-party labs, even regulations are not enough. Fish contain PCBs, lead and heavy metals! Omega 3 supplements are better, how ever it is complicated how much to take. ANY DIET CHANGES SHOULD BE CONSULTED WITH DOCTOR!
  • food from supermarkets is unhealthy AF! Vegetables and fruits should be bought from farmers which have BIO certifications (careful BIO doesn't always mean healthy, even apples have natural poison). It is laborious one needs to check certificates for each farm, I don't know even when to find this info yet and it can differ per crop... There are apps which can easily track composition of foods, but they are superficial, manufacturers don't have even list all substances! It is needed to look to third party tests!
  • Careful about mineral waters only 250-500ml depending on mineral content should be drinked a day, they are high with sodium note: (most ppl have too much of this, but some don't also)
  • Also house cleaning agents are unhealthy AF, one has to look for homemade, or natural solutions!
  • Use dust mask when doing house chores like 3m 6200 with dust filter, pms (particulate matter) revive death cells and cause cancer, not to mention effects on lungs.
    (personal story: i wanted to walk in CNBR gear on the streets with air from mountains :D ik i have dumb ideas, but i see so much to iprove and coudln't do these things because society slows me so much and was depressed because of that! I was ashamed that i would feel uncomfortable and i couldn't also walk like that on street obviously (and that felt terrible, that i was ashamed also and cared and couldn't do anything about, i asked myself like why do i care, because i never cared about other ppl what they think of me, but i had strong emotions i couldn't handle and it felt like being raped by my own emotions and so humiliating when other ppl got reaction out of me etc.), but i had this idea, as i know how bad air pollution is and was depressed that i can't do anything about it)
  • Learn what is FASCIA (it can be teared with intense training if you are not used to it and can have long term implications) fyziotherapist engage in this, it happened to me after 3 years not walking!

Tier 4:

  • meat is carcinogenous in any rate, but has important Vitamins! It is tough to become vegan!


Tier 1:

  • cosmetics are full of chemicals !!! this site for quickly reading about chemicals contained inside: https://incidecoder.com/


  • USDA has database of all foods, they are tested in lab, but still number of vitamins can differ e.g. based on meat and no food is ever same, or water content before and after test etc. https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/ If you click on branded foods, these are which you can buy in supermarket!
  • there should also be database on additives in foods (these should be avoided at all costs, except maybe like these which are found in nature, or max synthetically extracted, better none tho)
  • this for how long food lasts before you have to throw it away: https://www.foodsafety.gov/keep-food-safe/foodkeeper-app

I would recommend to eat these, but some may have side-effects! It is best to consult doctor, but pharmacist can also answer questions about that...

  • caviar
  • quinoa

Healthy foods:

  • blueberries before bed
  • bread is healthier than white bread rolls

Heathy eating habbits:

  • American Heart Association claims we should eat 33% of out calories in the morning
  • 2-3 hours before sleep not eating
  • lentils should be eaten 3 times per week and are most healthy
  • we should eat 256g of fruits and 356 vegetables daily
  • Mediterranean diet (healthy diet)
  • food timings (there is not enough research yet) https://bigthink.com/health/eating-rhythms-mental-health/
  • most healthy is to drink only water
  • one should eat in silence and focus on texture and recognize where food some from and focus on sounds of it for better taste and it in calm


  • you can go to doctor on blood tests, they will tell you if you have enough nutrients, or insufficiencies
  • there are also tests for Omega 3 levels etc.
  • you can send like your hair to lab and they will make personal RDA for different nutrients for you (recommended daily intake, it is not supposed to be taken literally per day, because it is impossible to met many times, it was developed by army for rationing etc. it merely serves as target for 98% healthy population)
  • there is also a patch which can monitor your blood glucose


  • Omega 6 to 3 ratio should be 1:1- 4:1, we have too much Omega 6 in our diet and low amounts of Omega 3! Americans have this ratio even 17:1! Also Omega 9 should be in some ratio to both, didn't figure it out yet


  • this is complicated sometimes eating this in certain order blocks absorption of some substances, or if we miss some Vitamins, other don't absord as well


  • best to eat slowly starches as they don't cause sugar spike in your blood, unless you want to do that when you need energy

Tier 1:

I asked [email protected] didn't got answer :/


  • iodine (we don't have enough of this, unless we have access to fresh seafood), it should be get from enriched salt with iodine. Also it can be got from seaweed, they contain a lot of minerals, but sometimes too much sodium. Or they can be contaminated with heavy metals. They contain also too much iodine sometimes over safe limit and there is no way to tell, so most have to be cooked! This one - Wakame doesn't! and you can put it into water for 10 mins and it has like decent 42ug of iodine per gram!
  • magnesium is good for sleep and overall healthy - mineral water should be drank only 250, there is one type which can be drank 500ml, because it is rich for sodium, most ppl have too much of this but some not enough


  • cooking vaporizes vitamins from foods, vegetables should be cooked on vapor pot, or in microwave i read it destroys vitamins less


Tier 1:

  • glazed plates and cups (especially these with paintings) can contain lead and cadmium (some small limit is allowed by regulations), i saw manufacturers which made them from glass and had certificates for it
  • food packaging from plastics is unhealthy! (same as food containers, careful about glasses they can break in freezer should be filled like from half only)

Air quality:


  • You can visit sleep center to get most out of your sleep!
  • food high in histamine after 6pm interfere sleep (histamine is also from stress), or green tea is stimulant
  • the darker room the better for creation of melatonine
  • best to sleep on back and have good mattress on your body fit

Scientifically healthiest song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYnA9wWFHLI&t=15318s - probably should be got from highest quality source and played on best headphones! Or try Mozart! There are benefits from listening to music periodically like 30 min etc.

Tier 4:

  • having shoes insides increases dust pollution inside and also lead can supposedly get into house -> best to leave them outside

Tier 1:

  • HIGHLY RECOMMEND: red light therapy!!! It has host of uses (not all are yet scientifically proven), it helps with sleep, or tissue regeneration and energy, it gives energy directly to mitochondria of a cell! It is complicated, honest reviews and warning against marketing tricks on gembared.com
  • I heard hypnosis is really great! Can be done before bed couple minutes!

Tier 4 Misc:

  • most ppl don't know how to wash hands properly, or when
    -98% americans don't know how to prepare chicken, there are mechanical thermometers to measure it
  • heard coffee with green tea are healthy

Before i forgot RANDOM CURRENTLY:

  • grounding https://www.healthline.com/health/grounding
  • fluoride in water
  • water filtering
  • checking concentration of substances in water (can be viewed on some water bureau)
  • 40 mins in the morning on sun helps to create at night melatonine and better sleep and to wake up wast
  • optimal weight (BMI) and bone and muscle mass and fat
  • microbiome
  • headphones have high bacteria concentration (should do breaks after hour like 5-15 dunno) and that stick to eat is uheanthyl!
  • electric teeth brushes are better at removing bacteria (it damages even cognition) and flossing should be done. Cleaning teeth/flossing should be done 1-2 after eating acidic food, it otherwise damages enamel! You should use calcium fluoride toothpaste and you shouldn't rinse mouth with water immediately after flossing but wait least least 15, better 30 minutes.
  • flux (computer program) for diminishing blue light before sleep, or there are blue glasses


  • biofeedback
  • BCI to monitor brain waves like finding when you are in flow etc. (it could be useful to many things)
  • cronometer.com diet planning web app with extensive food databases from USDA etc.
  • walking with barefoot is good for feet strengthening and health on lawn or similar surface
  • bras can be uhealthy mb. i read it in book about environmental dangers uironically :D
  • breath of fire for digestion, 4/7/8 breathing for sleep, there is also some militeary technique how to fall asleep in minute (lol i always couldn't sleep in car and planes and it took me so long, magic :D ?)
Pub: 27 Dec 2022 03:58 UTC
Edit: 03 Jan 2023 19:05 UTC
Views: 377