★ v5.2 CN Supply Schedule and Off-rates★

This is a compilation of supplies available in CN server during patch 5.2
A reminder that Global/SEA does not follow CN supplies 100% (around 80% similar maybe?)


[EXPANSION: Mobius - Infinite Ouroboros]

Duration: 4 weeks

A-rank: Raven UP, Umbral Rose, Kriegs, Valkyrie Bladestrike

[Focus Supply A / Equipment Expansion]

UPrate: Ouroboros Shadow cross, Linnaeus stigma
Duration: Focus: 1 week, Exp: 4 weeks

WEAPON: Ouroboros Shadow (UP), Key of Castigation, Key of Reason, Acheron, Starlance Prime, Skadi, Dark Star

STIGMA: Linnaeus (UP), Shuijing, Irene, Shattered Swords, Avogadro

[Raven Equipment Supply]

UPrate: Shadow Plume bow, Aslaug stigma
Duration: 3 weeks

Rates: Same as Focus
No wishing well
Guarantees NEW UP gear within 30 pulls.
Bonus: For every 10 pulls, get 5 Focus Supply Card, up to 80th pulls (Total 40 Focus Supply cards)

WEAPON: Shadow Plume (UP), Keys of the Void, Nue, Vikrant, Sleeping Beauty, Zither, Nuada

STIGMA: Aslaug (UP) , Allan Poe, Leeuwenhoek, Ana, Holmes

[Klein ELF Supply]

  • Duration: 1 week
  • Will return in week 4 for one week long


What's EXPA Select?

EXPA Select is an expansion where you can choose one of the three available S-rank for the supply

  • You can switch S-rank for the supply but there's a limit
  • EXPA Select and normal Expansion share guarantee counter
  • Same drop rate and cost as normal expansion

What's FOCA Select?

FOCA Select is an equipment supply. You have 5 sets of weapon+stigma.

  • You choose one set as UP-rate and the rest become off-rates
  • You can switch UPrate but there's a limit
  • Has 60 pull guarantee for weapon
  • Same drop rate and cost as normal Focus


[Haxxor Equipment Supply]

UPrate: Crusher Bunny 19C, Fenghuang Down, Turgenev
Duration: 2 weeks
Crusher guaranteed in 50 pulls
4* droprate increased from 12.396% > 15.353%
UP weapon 4.99%, UP stigma 3.838%
No wishing well

WEAPON: Crusher Bunny 19C (UP), Fenghuang Down (UP), Talwar, Zither, Blood Dance, Nebulous Duality, Undine, Eos Gloria

STIGMA: Turgenev (UP), Margrave, Dirac, Shuijing, Irene


[Focused Supply]

FOCUS A UPrate: Keys of the Void, Sirin Ascendant
FOCUS B UPrate: Hekate, Kafka

WEAPON: Keys of the Void, IceEpi, Key of Reason, Swan Lake, Hekate, Nebulous Duality, Undine

STIGMA: Sirin Ascendant, Kafka, Allan Poe, Goemon, Columbus


[Focused Supply]

FOCUS A UPrate: Whisper of the Past, Elysia
FOCUS B UPrate: Hler, Dante

WEAPON: Nue, Sleeping Beauty, Blood Embrace, Hler, Starlance, Whisper

STIGMA: Elysia, Dante, Beethoven, Benares, Avogadro


[Focused Supply]

FOCUS A UPrate: Skadi, Ana
FOCUS B UPrate: Eos, Leeuwenhoek

WEAPON: Arias, Blood Dance, Pledge of Sakura, Nuada, Skadi, Eos Gloria

STIGMA: Ana, Leeuwenhoek, Gustav, Margrave, Dickens

Firepower Supply

  • Duration: 4 weeks

Pub: 21 Sep 2021 10:10 UTC
Edit: 27 Oct 2021 10:26 UTC
Views: 35080